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Nervous System Regulation & Your Daily Life

Written by: Heidi Hadley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Heidi Hadley

At the start of a new year, people have many well-intentioned plans to improve on their previous year. It is fantastic to see people wanting to grow and evolve. However, by this time in January, many have fallen off the wagon, so to speak, and back to their old habits. Many people fall off the wagon and back to old habits due to their approach. Their Ego will dictate that these practices must change, often to ‘see’ results. Yet deep inside, within their mindset, they haven’t addressed what drives them.

persons having head ache

When we apply the Total Somatics approach to health and well-being, we focus on embodied actions and behaviours, as opposed to the Ego. This is a mindful approach. Instead of focusing on a superficial approach, we shift our attention to how we sense and feel from within. The more we start to feel healthier, move better, think clearly, breathe deeper, notice the fluctuations within the nervous system throughout the day, and practice embodiment techniques/movements to regulate, recalibrate, and recuperate, then all other areas of life start to fall into place. We develop a mindset shift towards a healthier lifestyle, starting from the inside, out.

When we focus on regulating our internal environment or how we manage our mind and body, we can truly take control of our well-being. Challenges will always face us. However, if we are embodied and have techniques and skills to take care of our emotional, mental, physical, and energetic health, we have a greater capacity to ride the storms in life.

Regulate your nervous system

Many people have a word or a focus for the year instead of New Year’s resolutions. If you are new to this concept, could I suggest shifting your focus to this? Creating a word or theme allows you to embrace your life with less pressure on you to stick to a rigid goal.

Could your word this year be, Regulate? Let me explain why I suggest this.

Your mind and body are incredible. Every day, your body is working towards homeostasis or a state of balance. The pressures and demands in life have an impact on your body, both positive and negative. However, your body is always working towards homeostasis and making you feel better.

Man balancing

Within Total Somatics, I teach the importance of Nervous System Regulation. When you can

practice techniques and movements to regulate your Nervous System, it has a positive effect on your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic health. In a recent podcast, I discussed the connection

between nervous system regulation and nature, something we all have access to. To watch my podcast and images shared within the episode, click here.

photo of green forest

According to the Collins Dictionary, Regulate is defined, as ‘to control, direct or govern a rule, principle or system.’ This definition fits wonderfully with how intelligent our entire system is. Our mind and body are governed by principles, systems, and processes. When we have skills, knowledge, and techniques to regulate our nervous system, we can lovingly and in a nurturing manner, govern and direct it back to homeostasis. As a New Year gift to you, I would like to share a resource that will help you lovingly govern or direct your nervous system back into a balanced state with breathing and eye movement techniques.

To access your free resource (audio), click here.


Notice how you feel from within after you have practiced the audio. Continue to practice the audio because you will build greater capacity and resilience within your nervous system. When you have greater capacity and resilience within your nervous system, your nervous system has a greater amount of flexibility. Greater flexibility within your nervous system allows you to experience different emotions and challenges. This in turn provides a greater bandwidth for your nervous system to sense and feel these different emotions and sensations.

As you move forward and embrace 2024, with all its highs and lows to come, keep your free resource nearby and allow it to help regulate your nervous system, creating lasting changes felt from within.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Heidi Hadley Brainz Magazine

Heidi Hadley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Heidi Hadley is a Certified Clinical Somatic Educator & Somatic Movement teacher. She started her career in mainstream medicine in the field of Neurophysiology. In 2001, Heidi started her private clinical practice in health, wellbeing & movement. She is the founder & creator of Total Somatics International®, an online membership designed to reduce pain, improve posture, increase mobility, develop mindfulness and allow you to resume or continue with the activities you love to do. She is the presenter of the podcast, Somatic Movement & Mindset. Delving into the fields of neuroscience, pain, mindset, mindfulness, habits and how to use your brain and body to create lasting healthy changes.

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