Nichell has done over 10,000 Readings. She uses a person's Astrological Natal Birth Chart to read from. A birth chart is like a blueprint of a person's mind, body, and spirit.

As Neptune prepares to enter Aries for the first time since 1861, we are witnessing the dissolution of false realities in love, society, and the self.

The end of an era: Neptune at 29° Pisces
We are at a pivotal moment in history. Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and dissolution, is preparing to leave Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, where it has been since 2011. As it lingers at 29° Pisces, the degree of completion and long-standing illusions are breaking down, revealing what has been hidden beneath fantasy, denial, and blind devotion.
For the past 13 years, Neptune in Pisces has blurred boundaries, creating an era where people romanticized their suffering, stayed trapped in illusions, and clung to relationships, beliefs, and traditions that no longer served them. This has been particularly evident in the way people have experienced love and commitment. The concept of “forever” was worshipped, even when it came at the cost of personal freedom, truth, and emotional well-being. People tolerated mistreatment, lied to themselves about the nature of their relationships, and called it love. But as Neptune prepares to enter Aries, those illusions are dissolving, forcing people to face the truth about what they have been holding onto and why.
Cheating, control, and the illusions of love
The Neptune-in-Pisces era encouraged people to see what they wanted to see in love, often ignoring harsh realities. Many stayed in toxic relationships in the name of loyalty, convinced that time and devotion were proof of love, even when they were deeply unhappy. Others lived in delusion, believing they had “forever” with someone who had already emotionally checked out.
One of the biggest illusions now being shattered is the idea that love is about possession and control. People who were cheated on often reacted not just with pain but with obsession, monitoring their partner’s every move, going through their phone, and demanding constant reassurance. But love is not about owning another person. It is not about controlling their schedule, gatekeeping their behavior, or keeping them on a leash to prevent betrayal. That is not love; it is imprisonment.
At the same time, those who cheated were often running from the weight of expectations they never agreed to carry. While deception and dishonesty are damaging, many cheaters weren’t just acting out of selfishness; they were responding to an unspoken contract of control, suffocation, and emotional servitude. Relationships became less about connection and more about ownership. People weren’t choosing each other freely; they were staying out of obligation, guilt, or fear.
As Neptune leaves Pisces, these illusions are crumbling. People are realizing that clinging to a person out of fear of losing them is not love. Manipulating someone into staying is not devotion. And the idea of “forever” means nothing if both people are trapped in cycles of dishonesty, control, and emotional desperation.
Neptune in Aries: The age of raw, unfiltered truth
On March 30, 2025, Neptune will enter Aries for the first time since 1861, beginning an entirely new cycle. It will retrograde back into Pisces in October 2025, giving us one final chance to release lingering illusions before Neptune enters Aries permanently in January 2026, where it will remain until 2039.
The last time Neptune was in Aries, the world was at war, and the American Civil War broke out, marking one of the most violent and defining periods in U.S. history. Aries, ruled by Mars, is a warrior. It does not sugarcoat the truth. It does not tolerate illusions. While Neptune in Pisces let people float in fantasy, Neptune in Aries will force them to wake up.
This new era will be one of brutal honesty in relationships, society, and the self. Some key themes we will see:
The collapse of fake relationships
People will no longer be able to lie to themselves about their partnerships. Relationships based on control, illusion, or fear of being alone will fall apart. Those who once tolerated infidelity, neglect, or emotional dishonesty will no longer accept it.
The end of passive love
The Piscean era encouraged emotional martyrdom, people staying in relationships that drained them and calling it “love.” Aries will push people to take action: if it’s not working, leave. If you’re unhappy, change it. There will be no more waiting for someone to “fix themselves” to match your fantasy.
A shift from ownership to freedom
Relationships will no longer be about possession. Neptune in Aries will demand partnerships based on choice, not fear. People will seek connection, not control. They will value truth over comfort, even if that truth is painful.
The end of emotional manipulation
Going through someone’s phone, obsessing over their every move, and demanding constant reassurance, these behaviors will no longer be normalized. The illusion that “controlling someone prevents betrayal” will collapse. Love will either be freely given, or it will not exist at all.
Final thoughts: Are you ready for the truth?
Neptune at 29° Pisces is asking one final question: what illusions are you still clinging to?
Are you holding onto a relationship that exists only in your mind? Are you trying to control a partner out of fear rather than allowing them to choose you freely? Are you mistaking time for love?
Neptune in Aries will not allow people to live in fantasy any longer. The truth is coming, whether we are ready for it or not.
This is the moment to let go of illusions, embrace the unknown, and step into a new world where love is based on truth, not control, and where relationships are chosen and not enforced, where devotion is not about imprisonment but about freedom.
Because real love is not about forever, it is about authenticity. And anything that is not real will not survive this next era.
Read more from Nichell Delvaille
Nichell Delvaille, Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer
Nichell is a Wellness Practitioner. Healing effects all aspects of a person. She is a Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer, Reiki Master and Herbalist. Nichell also has certifications in Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda.