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Navigating Life's Transitions – Embracing Change And Growth

Founder & Creator of The Possibility Hub, Carol Talbot is known for taking groups and individuals beyond the boundaries of who they believe themselves to be. A keynote speaker, NLP Master Trainer, Author, Master Fire-walk Instructor Carol also holds a Masters in Quantum Morphogenetic Science.

Executive Contributor Carol Talbot

Carol is a passionate advocate for awakening human potential, encouraging personal growth, and supporting the development of superhuman abilities. A Master Trainer of NLP, Master Firewalk Instructor, Keynote Speaker, author of You, The Divine Genius, Carol holds a Masters in Ǫuantum Morphogenetic Science. Her mission is to take people beyond their perceived boundaries, opening them up to new possibilities and expanded awareness.

caterpillar casting a shadow of a butterfly

Reflecting on life's decisions

Have you ever wondered where you'd be if you had made different decisions? What if you had chosen another path, missed a plane, or not gone to a particular place at a specific time?

In this article, you’ll have the opportunity to explore and consider the decisions you’ve made and the transitions that have occurred in your life as a result of those decisions.

The dictionary defines transition as the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. You are always evolving and shifting into new states or conditions every moment of the day.

However, there are pivotal moments or experiences in life when shifts and changes offer the opportunity to evolve to a whole new level of awareness, wakefulness, and consciousness.

Some of these moments or experiences occur by choice. For example, choosing to take on a new challenge in your work or career, and there are other transitions that occur unexpectedly, such as the death of a loved one, or an accident.

The johari window

Created by psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1955, the Johari Window helps you understand your relationships with yourself and others through four segments:

The open pane

This represents actions and information known to you and others. It includes public knowledge shared through communication.

The blind spot

This contains information others know about you, but you're unaware of. Discovering blind spots through feedback can be a starting point for personal development.

The hidden pane

This consists of private information you keep secret. As trust builds, you may choose to reveal some of this hidden information.

The unknown pane

This includes unknown potential, such as unconscious memories and undiscovered talents. It's where your potential lies.

Organic and major transitions

Think about where you were 1, 5, or 10 years ago. Did you imagine you'd be where you are now?

Of course, some transitions happen naturally, like growing from childhood to adulthood. Others, like marrying or having children, are significant life changes.

Human beings are creatures of habits and patterns, and these patterns and habits form your response to circumstances and not the circumstances themselves. This means when you come to any experience, or an opportunity to transition and change, you tend to operate from a set menu of emotions, behaviors, and responses. In other words, your neurons are wired to respond the same way.

The question is: How do you break those patterns of response and behavior and rewire a new neural pathway? How do you transition and change into a new way of being?

The role of chaos and crisis

This is the role of chaos and crisis. Everything in the universe is made up of energy. Essentially, you, your friends, your family, your team, your organization, your office, your home, and surroundings are all composed of the same energy constantly flowing and changing form all the time. Your words, your thoughts, your actions, emotions, even the sound of your voice are all transmitting energy and impacting it. In fact, your life is in harmony with the vibration and frequency you are emitting—in harmony with your Life Force.

Are you creating harmony or dissonance?

Your life is simply in resonance with the frequency you are emitting. It is as simple as that. If you want to transition into a better aspect of yourself, then that requires a shift in frequency. How could you expect to create a new behavior or change if you are still emitting and broadcasting the same old signal, running the same old thought patterns and emotions? Change can only happen when create a new signal that resonates with the new behavior and the new way of being you want to embody.

This is where Chaos Theory comes in. In Greek, chaos means ‘emptiness, vast void, abyss,’ and from the verb ‘gape and be wide open.’ In religious studies, the term chaos is often referred to as the primordial state before creation. There are many myths, legends, and stories that represent human attempts to conquer chaos with order. What they all fail to take into consideration is the fact that the energy of creation originates in chaos. Chaos is the seed of potential. Chaos is also disruptive and fuels change. When chaos hits, or better yet, when you provoke it, you are opening the door to new possibilities and that is the pivotal moment where the magic happens.

The crucial role of chaos is demonstrated in one of Swiss scientist Dr. Hans Jenny’s cymatic experiments in which sound frequencies are directed into a water sample. The water vibrates as it responds to the sound and frequency, creating a pattern that stays stable as long as the frequency remains the same. As the frequency changes, the stable structure and pattern goes through a short chaotic phase and then reorganizes itself into a more intricate pattern.

This is the chaos before a shift happens. Chaos leads to a shift and a transition. For you, the chaos could be a financial crash or a physical fall. It could be a sudden change in leadership, role or responsibility, or location. It could be economic changes, new competition in the marketplace, an emotional crash, a health challenge—your own or someone close to you. Your reality crumbles in some way, and a shift occurs.

Embracing the unknown

What does the ‘unknown’ Johari Window hold for you? Let me ask you, do you brush your teeth on a regular basis? I’m sure you answered ‘yes’ to that. However, do you brush your mind? Or do you let it go stale and flat?

When you brush your mind and cleanse the past, you have the opportunity to see yourself through the eyes of the person you’ve become and transition into new possibilities.

Are you ready to transition to a whole new level of living? Contact me for personalized mentoring that will help you unlock your true potential. Together, we will discover your strengths, expand your paradigm of possibilities, and create a roadmap to your extraordinary future. Open the door to new possibilities and become the superstar of your own life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn or visit my website for more info!

Read more from Carol Talbot


Carol Talbot, Founder & Creator of The Possibility Hub

Carol Talbot is considered an inspiration in the inspiration business and has guided and inspired people around the world offering motivating events for world class companies. Carol is a Master Trainer & respected authority on NLP – neuro linguistic programming. Often called ‘the FIRE-STARTER’ Carol ‘fires up’ teams to teach them how to walk across burning hot coals of around 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. Founder and creator of the Possibility Hub and holding a Master Level degree in Quantum Morphogenetic Science, Carol is the Author of ‘YOU The Divine Genius,’ and has a passion for empowering other to change their minds and keep the change!



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