Written by Sonya Gammon, Level 2 QHHT Practitioner
Sonya Gammon is a Level 2 QHHT® practitioner and spirit travel guide who enjoys helping clients delve into their past lives and connect with their highest selves and friends on other dimensions. Her new book is titled The Secrets of the Light of Life: How the Interplay of Polarities Operates in Our Adventurous Universe. She is also the author of From Old to New Earth: Exploring Planetary Changes through QHHT®.

Good news! Spring’s explosion of life is arriving in the Northern Hemisphere after a tough winter. Nature spirits are eager to work with you to make your backyard and garden shine like never before and the benefits can spread everywhere you go. Read on to learn more about nature spirits and how you can assist them, and discover simple practices that can elevate your experiences to higher levels.

What are nature spirits?
Nature spirits are the beings all around us on a slightly different vibratory level than us humans. They take care of plants, trees, and animals and can also help us take care of our children and our own physical bodies. I used to talk to them when I was a small child before I grew up and shut myself down in order to better fit into the rigid third-dimensional society around me. Your absolute belief in the “little people” will bring them closer to our physical density and even if you won’t be able to see them, you can start to open yourself up to feeling their presence.
Nature spirits operate on a higher slice of the energy spectrum of third-dimensional physicality. Our bodies and all plants and animals have energy fields. Energy is in us and all around us. Ghost hunters often use electromagnetic field (EMF) meters and many people say Kirlian photography can reveal the auras of organisms. These photographic techniques capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges, and photos of inanimate objects also show colors around them. Bottom line: The realness of nature spirits comes down to your faith and your willingness to open up to the wide spectrum of energy in and around your physical body.
Nature spirit lore
Guidebooks abound on the many kinds of nature spirits. It is not necessary to know what kinds of little people exist in order to connect with them. They also all have their various areas of expertise and elements they are masters of. I grew up in Finland where the culture included rich folklore on elves, a.k.a. gnomes. They are characterized as small humanlike creatures with bright red pointy hats with the men having long, gray beards. The elves have families with many children and the female elves are rotund and are often depicted as wearing aprons. They live in little homes in the roots of trees, in mushrooms or hollow logs, or even in small recesses of people’s houses under the floor and in barns so they can take care of the people and the animals there. Sauna elves take care of the sauna buildings and the sauna goers and during Christmastime, folks may leave an offering of oatmeal (porridge) for them to eat.
Supernatural beings and nature spirits are an integral part of most fairy tales. “The Three Little Men in the Wood” is a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm and the little men are gnomes. The Norwegian tale “Per Gynt” talks about a man who drives out trolls, who are often seen as malevolent nature spirits. Tales and mythologies from different countries talk about the sylphs of the air, wood nymphs (dryads) and the nymphs of fresh and flowing water (naiads) and of the sea (nereids). Scots-Irish water spirits are called kelpies and we can find leprechauns in Ireland. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Connecting with nature spirits
My book, "The Secrets of the Light of Life: How the Interplay of Polarities Operates in Our Adventurous Universe” includes information that my guides, the Tourmalines, gave me about nature spirits. They said that our absolute belief in them that they are real brings them over almost to our physical level. Here’s more of what my guides told me.
“Every person now who is working for the light, who is aiming for and who is holding onto the light, must now give their faith and belief to the little people. There are more races of little people than you know now. There are even dark little people. It is hard to wrap your consciousness around that concept that there could be dark nature spirits, but there are.
“Death and destruction of the little people has been going on as forests have been cut and nature has been devastated. This is very sad to see and acknowledge, but every lightworker can now start to give their focus to the light and one aspect of this light is the nature spirits who serve the light and who want to generate the kind of energy and to channel and bring about the kind of energy onto the Earth that will start the growth of the humongous trees, and they will truly be amazingly large.
“If the lightworkers, whatever land they have, whatever land anyone has, the lightworkers start to focus and give their faith and attention and consciousness to the betterment of the little people, then those little people can start to truly bring about the transformation of your land. Every plant that you have growing on your land can be fortified through the work of the little people and you will have to help them with your consciousness. And how do you do this? By giving your attention to them.
“Even if you can’t see them, go out into your property, whatever little you have, or somewhere even where you often walk, wherever there is land that you can walk upon and not be driven out by someone, wherever there is land, even public land, even parks, that you can go and step onto the grass and look at the different plants that have been planted in your parks. You can give your attention to those plants and thank the nature spirits that are always there to keep those plants in good condition.
“ ‘Thank you, nature spirits, for doing the work that you do. I believe in you. I believe in your work, and I know you are there, even though I cannot see you, at least right now.’ This is what you can say in your mind and your heart if you can’t say it out loud because there are other people around who might think that you have lost your marbles.
“They also take care of the animals, whatever domestic animals you have. You can talk to the nature spirits that are there around your animal because your animal husbandry little people are there. They work with animals. There are little people who specialize in working with animals and making sure that their energetic and physical bodies are working properly. You can give your attention to the beings that help your pets or even if you have chickens, goats, lambs, whatever you have, sheep, cows, whatever animals you may have, there are nature spirits that are taking care of them.
“And you can give your permission to nature spirits to help your animals and even to help you and your children because nature spirits, nature beings, have the expertise in their beings to make the fifth dimension happen even now in the nature that they take care of and in the animals. Your animals can become fifth-dimensional creatures as you are becoming a fifth-dimensional being.”
In my new book slated to be out in April of this year (2025), “The Eternal Legacy of Light: Claiming Our Inheritance from the Stars,” I include a channeled message from a representative of the nature spirits. Here’s some of what they had to say.
“Appreciation of nature is always something that helps the nature spirits. As you give your attention to nature, the plants and animals, the air, the sky, the waters, you are helping this Earth ascend. The darkness that has pushed down nature is going to leave, is going to evaporate, is going to be blown out of this Earth, and you will be able to commune daily with myriad little people, all kinds of beings who go here and there, hither and thither. They are quick little beings and they love to take care of plants and animals and even people. They love children.
“It is important for people to remember to go outside every day. Some people don’t want to get out of their houses and they are stuck in their ways in their thinking and their feeling, but to get your energies moving, it is always beneficial to go out, take a walk even along the streets, because to be out in the open air does wonders for the human soul and spirit.
“The open air is where we have our energetic home. The little people have their caves and their enclaves everywhere on Earth and on every property, their little doors to different dimensions. They come and the go quickly. They are so quick. They want to keep things moving. Even when it is winter here, there are things to do and energies to take care of. Besides, through their doors, these little beings go straight from this geographical location to locations in the Southern Hemisphere where summer has been in full bloom.
“It is like you go through a doorway and you are in another world, another place on this planet. They have the connections necessary to make these jumps in geographical locations through the use of different dimensions. The little people always know what is going on at any location anywhere on the planet.”
A Quantum Healing Hypnosis session may also help you strengthen your connection with nature spirits. If you can travel to Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, you can check out my practitioner page and contact me to book a session, or you can find a practitioner in your area. To learn more about QHHT® and the jump to the fifth dimension, you can also read my book “From Old to New Earth: Exploring Planetary Changes Through QHHT®”.
Read more from Sonya Gammon
Sonya Gammon, Level 2 QHHT Practitioner
Sonya Gammon is a pioneer in conscious, drug-free, spirit travel. She started her spiritual journey at age 12 through meditation groups and grew up in a New Age church that was widely seen as a cult. She worked for a decade as a newspaper journalist before becoming a stay-at-home mother. After Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ helped her cope with challenging life circumstances, she branched out into providing diverse spirit travel experiences for her clients that transcend the label of hypnosis and bring about deep healing from trauma. Her new book features channeled teachings about our planet’s journey into the fifth dimension.