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Naturalizing Our Extra-Sensory Perception

Hannah Bourke is a multidimensional artist, healer, musician, and Ascension Guide. She supports people aligning with their Higher Self on their spiritual healing path.

Executive Contributor Hannah Bourke

Our ability to perceive information beyond the analytical mind and physical senses is a highly sophisticated intelligence innate within every human being. Our ability to see, feel, hear, and know energies beyond what appears to be immediate material reality is an intuitive wisdom that can be accessed and developed by anyone. These intuitive or extra-sensory perceptions are internal guidance systems connected to a living universal consciousness and the divinity of the human soul and experience.

a woman holding sunset in her hand against golden hour sky

Humanity is a deeply feeling and emotional species. We ride full spectrum waves of emotion from deep grief, rage, and anger, to jealousy, curiosity, contentment, gratitude, love, and beyond. Our emotional responses to life can often be complex and layered with nuance, and our ability to communicate the truth of what we are feeling and experiencing varies greatly from person to person and depends on each person’s capacity to be present with what is arising inside themselves and whether they have experienced enough emotional safety in their environments to be vulnerable with the truth of what they are feeling. This is particularly true for the early formative years of a person's life. Early life trauma and adversity, or experiences of feeling unsafe, can greatly diminish a person’s capacity to communicate the depth of what they are feeling, and can often lead to feeling disconnected from the truth within them as well as feeling disconnected from others around them and ultimately life itself.

You may be able to recognize when someone in your life is going through a difficult time without them actually saying so. Something in their energy gives away the truth underneath the surface of what they are able or willing to communicate in that moment. Or perhaps you’ve had the experience of walking into a room or environment where there was no perceivable danger, but something within you knew that something was off and you needed to get out of there. Our ability to perceive the emotional state of others and the energy of a particular environment beyond what is physically present is an extra-sensory ability connected to our sacral chakra and the attunement of the physical body and it is referred to as clear-feeling or clairsentience in the intuitive and metaphysical realms of perception.

Our body is a highly refined informational processor, and unlike perceiving information through the filter of the analytical mind and ego-identity, the body holds an intuitive somatic wisdom that responds in real-time to the truth of what it is experiencing energetically. It does not need to think about what it is feeling, it is instinctual and immediate and is connected to truth. The mind can sometimes try to confuse things by convincing the body it is not feeling what it is feeling. People in abusive relationships are prime examples of this phenomenon known as cognitive dissonance. Their body senses the truth that they are not safe either emotionally or physically, that the person they are in relationship with is harmful, deceptive, or dangerous, but their mind is not ready to face the truth of that reality for complex reasons often linked to early life trauma. These early life traumas disconnected them from trusting the truth of their own experience and clairsentience to maintain the social or familial bond for survival.

People who have strong clairsentience can often feel overwhelmed by how much information and foreign emotion they are receiving through their body’s feelings. They can sense the energy of an environment and they are highly attuned to the emotional state of others. Clairsentience, when it is balanced and consciously integrated, is a powerful ability that allows you to serve others through presence and care through a sensitive attunement to others and your environment in every present moment.

Every one of us has an innate inner wisdom and intuitive ability. The way each person accesses their intuitive guidance is unique for each individual. Some people hear, some people see, some people know, some people feel, and although it is considered a more rare extra-sensory ability some people smell the guidance. When we are in alignment with trusting the truth within ourselves, whether it makes sense to our logical mind in the moment or not, we are gradually able to align with the path of our soul, and life begins to feel co-creative in connection with something greater guiding us along the way.

Clair is a French word that means clear. Clairvoyance refers to an intuitive ability to see energies and messages beyond the material plane of reality. Although this sense can be highly spiritually developed, it can also be as simple as inferring deeper meaning in the signs and symbols of life all around you. Much like an artist carefully crafts a work and encodes it with symbols that deepen the meaning of its creation, so too does the universe reveal its secrets to those who are present in the moment and able to see with a sense of meaning that goes beyond the physical.

Children are wonderful examples of how the ability to see spiritual energies is innately accessed through clairvoyance, or clear-seeing. So many children report seeing imaginary friends, which parents are often quick to judge as fantastical thinking or mere childhood imagination. Yet throughout history, there are reports of human beings all over the world, and of all ages, receiving visions from angels or spirits, or seeing the signs and symbols of life all around us as higher guidance from the spiritual realm and the Creator who exists within all things. So my question is, what happened that so many people seemed to fall asleep to the presence of Spirit all around and within them? When did life become so predictable and routine that people forgot how to see the signs and symbols of the divine that exist all around us if only we are able to be present enough in each moment to perceive them?

Intuitive spiritual sight can go far deeper than simply seeing the signs and symbols of life all around. People with well-developed clairvoyance, which is connected to the third eye or 6th chakra, are able to visually perceive a range of energies beyond physical reality such as auras, angels, spirit guides, ancestors, entities, past lives, soul contracts, timelines, E.T.s, star nations, energetic codes, and visions, both on the inner and outer planes of reality. As with most intuitive gifts, when our direct experiences of seeing beyond what most consider ordinary reality are not validated by those whom we choose to share them with, sometimes we hide away these parts of ourselves for fear of being misunderstood.

As we learn to validate the truth of our direct experiences and find safe spaces to open up about our spiritual experiences, and even receive training to hone our intuitive extra-sensory abilities, we begin to heal ourselves and learn to use these gifts in service to others and the Divine. At the highest and most integrated levels, clairvoyants who are empowered in their direct connection to Source Creator can see the Divine Light within themselves and within all beings, and help serve others on their path of spiritual remembrance, healing, and awakening.

The ability to clearly hear spiritual information is called clairaudience and it is connected to energetic hearing that goes beyond hearing the typical sound vibrations created from a physical source of reality. People with clairaudient perception can hear sounds, music, and voices or audibly sense the vibrational presence and messages of energies around them. These sounds may be connected to angels, spirit guides, plants, animals, entities, ancestors, star nations, ascended masters, their Higher Self, and even God. Some musicians may hear the sounds they want to create in their head before they compose them in physical reality. Clairaudience is a highly refined intuitive awareness connected to the 5th chakra or the throat chakra, and in its most sensitive attunement it necessitates the individual receiving the messages to be in a state of inner clarity and alignment to decipher what or whom is trying to communicate with them, and what to do with the information they receive.

It may be helpful to reflect on the fact that the truth of reality is energetic in nature. We live in a vibrational field of frozen light that appears solid but is actually atoms magnetized together by electrons to create the perception of physical reality. At the most subatomic levels we are more empty space than we are matter, vibrating in and out of the quantum void at a speed typically imperceptible to the physical human senses in order to have this experience we call life. Quantum physics is the scientific study of the nature of energy and matter at the atomic and subatomic levels, and those who study metaphysical energy through their own intuitive extra-sensory perception are able to access levels of energetic awareness about the nature of vibrational reality through direct experience and spiritual development.

There is a knowing without worldly knowing, a direct form of knowing without having any exact source of information from physical reality. This extra-sensory ability is known as clear-knowing, or claircognizance and it is connected to the crown chakra. When this chakra center is clear and open there is a flow of energy connected to universal Source Consciousness and the interconnectedness of all life. People may experience forms of claircognizance as sensing someone they know is in danger or needs help without actually knowing why or how they know that, they simply know, and may call them or try to find that person only to discover them in a state of crisis or needing support. This can also be experienced as ignoring your direct knowing intuition about a possible bad situation or person with ill intentions towards you and having to experience the devastating consequences of ignoring your own direct knowing intuition. You may say “I just knew that was a bad idea!” or “I knew that person felt off in some way” but went through with it anyway.

For a long time on this planet, we as humanity have been conditioned to focus our awareness on the physical density of the material world without much awareness or understanding of the spiritual technology of our chakras and aura and how to connect with and develop a relationship with these spiritual centers innate within each of us.

There has been awareness of the importance of the physical body and material productivity as beacons of success and well-being. Yet we are now entering an age where our individual and collective spiritual evolution will be of high importance to the true overall state of our health, highest creative potential, and collective well-being.

When we create our lives from a place of inner alignment spiritually, learning how to tune inwards and intuitively sense what it is our soul wants for us, rather than our worldly conditioned human ego, we can create a life that is sustainable, authentic, and more harmoniously balanced rather than a life of oversaturated schedules and frenetic busyness that lead to exhaustion, overwhelm, and a lack of deep meaningful connection to ourselves, community, and the Earth.

Healing and reconciling with our innate extra-sensory abilities is a process, and oftentimes that process can begin from having not been able to find true contentment from external sources or over-consumption of material reality whether it be food, drink, media, money, possessions, accolades, substances, sex, or attention. There is only one thing we truly take with us when we leave the physical body, one continuous essential presence woven like an unbreakable golden thread throughout every moment of existence and that is our soul and our connection to the Divine Source of all life. As we heal and become more aware of how our intuitive awareness operates, we begin to recognize that our innate extra-sensory abilities are guiding us in alignment with our soul and the Divine. The most accessible way for anyone to begin developing a relationship with their extra-sensory abilities is to meditate. Meditation clears the energy of the mind, body, and spirit, and prepares the consciousness of the individual to become more receptive to intuitive guidance whether the individual is consciously aware that they are receiving this information or they just become aware that suddenly they have a new inspired idea or clearer understanding of how to move forward with a project or repair a relationship in their life, or perhaps they just feel a deeper sense of peace and clarity in their life with a regular meditation practice.

There is intuitive psychic development training available all over the world to those who would like to go deeper with understanding the power of the innate spiritual technology within each of us. These gifts exist within everyone and can be accessed and developed to guide us in alignment with the path of our Higher Self, our soul, spirit, and the Divine. As we learn to live with awareness that we are mind, body, and Spirit, we can unify the Spirit into the whole system and integrate the wisdom of its guidance to bring harmony and true contentment into our lives and the world as a whole. Living from the wisdom of the Spirit creates harmony in environments, creates greater cooperation with others, and deepens conscious connection to the God. Source of all life.

There have been many spiritual masters throughout the ages who have come to illuminate spiritual consciousness and prepare the way for the age we are flowing into now. There has been a common thread amongst their messages, that a state of heaven, peace, and divine connectivity is accessed from within. There are so many people currently seeking heaven outside of themselves first, and perhaps it is time we turned away from the noise and drama of the outside world and turn within more frequently to create our lives from a place of deeper connection with our soul and trusting our direct connection to Source guiding us every step of the way.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Hannah Bourke


Hannah Bourke, Ascension Guide

Hannah Bourke is an open channel intuitive and multidimensional energy healer devoted to Sophia Christos and the collective awakening of humanity. After a Kundalini Awakening experience she was given the term Ascension Guide by her spiritual team to embody the work she does in the world helping others to align with their Higher Self and the wisdom of their own Soul. She works with people one-on-one, and also facilitates psychic self-healing ceremonies called the DIvine Feminine Healing and Empowerment Ceremony to help guide others in how to heal themselves using the power of their own multidimensional intuitive abilities.

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