Dee Mani is a holistic healing advocate and founder of My Way CBD, who transformed her life after overcoming an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis using natural remedies. She is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker dedicated to empowering others through the healing potential of cannabis and holistic wellness practices.

For centuries, humans have relied on nature’s remedies, herbs, fasting, energy healing, and holistic therapies to restore balance and health. Then came the rise of the pharmaceutical industry, promising miracle cures wrapped in lab-created formulas. But at what cost?

The truth they don’t want you to know
When someone using natural medicine to heal dies, the mainstream chorus is quick to chime in: "They should have listened to the doctors." Yet, when someone following conventional treatments passes away, the blame conveniently shifts elsewhere: "It was genetic," "The disease was just too aggressive," or my personal favourite, "At least they tried everything modern medicine had to offer." But let’s break this down, shall we?
The cancer conundrum: Blame the disease, not the treatment
Cancer is the poster child for medical gaslighting. If a person refuses chemo and radiation and still dies, their “reckless” decision to try natural healing is crucified. But if someone undergoes rounds of chemo, suffers organ failure, and dies, the blame is never placed on the toxic treatments; they simply “lost their battle” with cancer.
Let’s get one thing straight: chemotherapy is a literal poison. It doesn’t just kill cancer cells; it annihilates the immune system, damages the heart, destroys the liver, and wreaks havoc on the body. Radiotherapy? Same deal, burning the body from the inside out. Yet, when organs fail post-treatment, it’s not the treatment’s fault. No, the cancer just “came back stronger.” Convenient, isn’t it?
What’s even more shocking is that many people don’t die from cancer itself but from the side effects (or, let’s be honest, the direct effects) of conventional treatments. A report by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) investigated over 600 deaths within 30 days of receiving chemotherapy. The findings revealed that more than 25% of these patients died due to the effects of chemotherapy rather than from cancer progression. Additionally, the report noted that 43% of patients experienced significant treatment-related toxicity, despite receiving supportive care to mitigate these side effects.
The immune system becomes so compromised that the body can’t fight off simple infections, let alone cancerous cells. And still, doctors keep pushing these toxic treatments, never addressing the root cause of the disease.
And here’s another thing: cancer isn’t even predominantly genetic. The genetic excuse is one of Big Pharma’s greatest marketing ploys. They say “up to” 10% of cancers are hereditary, but why phrase it that way? “Up to” could mean 10%, but it could just as easily mean 1%. If the real number were truly 10%, they’d state it with certainty. But no, they leave wiggle room because the reality is likely much lower, maybe 1% or 2%. But that’s not scary enough, is it? They have to get it into double figures to make it sound more alarming! And the rest? Environmental toxins, poor diet, chronic inflammation, and, oh yes, pharmaceutical drugs.
Pharmaceuticals: The profit-driven health trap
Most people on pharmaceutical drugs don’t connect the dots when they eventually develop life-threatening conditions. If someone dies of heart failure after being on prescribed meds for years, do people question whether the drugs played a role? Nope. It was “just their time.”
Here’s what they don’t tell you: the vast majority of pharmaceutical drugs are designed not to cure but to manage symptoms while creating new ones. Statins, for example, are handed out like candy for cholesterol, yet they weaken the heart muscle over time. Antidepressants interfere with brain chemistry in ways that can actually increase suicidal tendencies. If a person struggling with depression takes their own life, few stop to consider whether the very drug prescribed to "help" them might have planted or intensified those thoughts.
Blood pressure meds? Many cause kidney damage. And if someone eventually needs a kidney transplant, does anyone ever stop to ask if years of medication played a role? No. Instead, it’s chalked up to "bad luck" or "genetics," rather than questioning whether those very pills, taken daily without a second thought, slowly destroyed kidney function over time.
The cycle never ends because the industry thrives on keeping people sick. A healthy patient is a lost customer.
Glance at the side effects list of any pharmaceutical drug, and you’ll see a laundry list of warnings that should make anyone think twice. Take chemotherapy, for example. One of its well-documented side effects is secondary cancers. Yes, the so-called "cure" has been proven to cause the very disease it's meant to eradicate. And yet, people still trust it blindly, even when the drug’s own documentation explicitly states that chemotherapy drugs can trigger new cancers. It's written in black and white, yet the industry relies on people not reading the fine print!
The pharmaceutical industry is worth trillions. If people got well, they’d lose money. So, they design drugs that create dependency, ensuring you’ll need more meds down the line. This is why many medications don’t just come with side effects; they come with a guarantee that you’ll need another prescription to counteract the damage.
And here’s something they really don’t want you to think about: Most pharmaceutical drugs are petroleum-based. That’s right; your daily medication is derived from the same crude oil used to make gasoline. If someone handed you a glass of petrol and asked you to drink it, would you? No? Then why are people so willing to swallow petroleum-derived pills every day without question?
My personal experience: The oncologist’s hard sell
When I was diagnosed with cancer, my oncologist did what they do best: pushed chemotherapy and radiotherapy on me like a salesman with a quota to meet. He listed an entire cocktail of drugs I would “need” to manage the direct effects of these treatments: anti-nausea drugs, steroids, painkillers, immune suppressants, you name it. And the best part? Many of them would be lifelong medications.
But here’s what most people don’t realise: most of these prescribed drugs are carcinogenic, meaning they have the potential to cause cancer. So if the cancer returned, it wouldn’t be blamed on the long-term damage of these pharmaceuticals. No, it would be blamed on the idea that “cancer just comes back,” and I should be “grateful I survived the first time.”
I refused. I chose natural healing. And guess what? I healed without poisoning my body, without signing up for a lifetime prescription plan, and without accepting a fate that Big Pharma had prewritten for me.
The history of natural medicine vs. Big Pharma's rise
Natural medicine has existed since the dawn of humankind. Every ancient civilisation, from the Egyptians and Chinese to the Greeks and Native Americans, used plants, herbs, and holistic therapies to heal. Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and indigenous healing systems are thousands of years old and rooted in understanding the body's natural balance.
Hippocrates, the so-called “father of medicine,” advocated food as medicine. Ancient healers understood the importance of detoxification, herbal treatments, and energy balance. Yet modern medicine has erased this knowledge, replacing it with pharmaceuticals designed for profit rather than healing.
The real shift happened in the early 20th century with the rise of the Rockefeller and Carnegie families, who saw an opportunity to monopolise medicine. They funded medical schools that only taught pharmaceutical-based treatments while discrediting and criminalising natural medicine. The infamous Flexner Report of 1910 led to the shutdown of holistic medical schools and established the pharmaceutical industry as the dominant force in healthcare.
From then on, medicine became about patents and profits. Natural remedies, which couldn't be patented, were labelled as “quackery.” Cannabis, which had been used medicinally for millennia, was outlawed. Even now, holistic healers are ridiculed, while doctors who promote natural healing risk losing their licenses. The system was rigged from the start.
And if that doesn’t scream corruption, let’s talk about the 1939 Cancer Act in the UK (which other countries also followed). This law effectively makes it illegal to advertise, promote, or even publicly discuss treatments for cancer outside of conventional medicine. Think about that. If an alternative treatment was proving successful, it couldn’t legally be shared with the public. Why? Because keeping people unaware and dependent on expensive, ineffective treatments is more profitable than actually curing them. The fact that such a law exists to protect Big Pharma rather than patients tells you everything you need to know about who truly controls the medical industry.
The illusion of “alternative medicine”
It’s laughable that natural healing is still labelled as “alternative medicine” when it’s actually the original medicine. Herbs, fasting, detoxification, and holistic therapies have been healing humans for centuries, long before Big Pharma convinced the world that synthetic drugs were superior.
The irony? Many pharmaceutical drugs are derived from plants but are then manipulated in a lab to be patentable (and often toxic). The difference is that nature doesn’t profit from keeping people sick; pharmaceutical companies do.
The bottom line
If we’re going to be honest about health, we need to start questioning the narrative. Why is natural healing demonised while the medical-industrial complex gets a free pass? Why is it always “natural treatments failed” but never “conventional medicine killed”?
If someone chooses a natural route and doesn’t make it, they “should have listened to the doctors.” If someone undergoes chemo, suffers multiple organ failures, and dies, “at least they tried everything.” The cognitive dissonance is staggering.
The truth is, if we treated our bodies right from the start, through diet, detoxification, and holistic approaches, we wouldn’t need their pills, their chemo, or their false hope in the first place.
So, next time someone says, “They should have listened to their doctor,” ask them, “Why?”
Because the real question isn’t why people die from natural medicine, it’s why they keep dying from conventional medicine, and nobody bats an eye.
If you’re ready to take control of your health and explore natural healing options, I invite you to schedule a consultation with me here. Let’s cut through the noise and get back to real healing, on your terms.
Read more from Dee Mani
Dee Mani, Cannabis & Natural Health Consultant
Dee Mani is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and holistic healing advocate who defied the odds by overcoming aggressive breast cancer through natural remedies, including cannabis. As the founder of My Way CBD, she is passionate about empowering others to explore alternative healing methods. Dee's journey from illness to wellness inspires her writing, where she shares insights on natural health, wellness, and the transformative power of nature. Follow her work to discover how to harness holistic practices for a healthier, more balanced life.
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