Written by: Mark Sephton, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Okay, so everyone is going crazy for the new social media app Clubhouse. What is it? For those of you who don’t know, it is a series of audio rooms. You can create your own audio room, or you can listen or partake in someone else’s. The refreshing aspect is that you can’t text or message someone on the app, and there is no option for video. It’s pure live audio rooms. If people want a written conversation, they have to pop to your Twitter or Instagram, which is linked to your clubhouse account, a great way to increase your engagement across different social media platforms.

I have only been pro-active on the app the last couple of weeks. I am not an expert, and I am not sure anybody really is. It's still very much in its infancy. Some significant groups and clubs are forming, and you can both lead and follow, teach, and be taught. Like with any social media app, let it serve you, or you will risk being its slave.
I have decided my strategy is to create a room and share through storytelling and conversation both subjects I have authority in and I am passionate about. For me, the key with Clubhouse is to create conversation, not for me to be self-indulgent and lead by ego but genuinely build connections and have conversations with heart.
I have come to know a few aspects of the App, starting to see my followers list grow. Periodically you are given 3 invites to send to other connections who are not on the app and have iPhones. Due to the demand of Clubhouse, they have started to build an App for Android users. It seems the more rooms you host and partake in, the more invites you get to invite your network.
Be strategic with whom you invite because when you nominate someone, your profile will always be linked to theirs. This gives you more exposure and kudos. I approved one of my connections 4 weeks ago. She has been extremely popular and has generated over 20,000 followers. The good thing for me is that my account is linked to hers, and it's a great way for people to spot you, so when you have these invites, use them wisely, invite influencers, people who are in the public eye, and most importantly, people who will be proactive with the App.
I currently have 3 weekly groups. One is every Thursday at 3pm GMT with my dear friend and associate Ashley Bendiksen. We are hosting a number of 'life that matters' rooms. We have so far discussed the power of personal routines and how to be more productive with our time and energy. I have now started to host a room with 2 other leadership fanatics in Mia Kleregard and Olga Piehler, whom I connected through the app. The premise of our weekly show, which is on a Monday at 7pm GMT, is all about leadership. We are discussing topics about how to lead yourself better and what makes a great leader.
I have also joined forces with another coach, and I am a big believer that there is more than enough to go around. I salute and applaud those who are not threatened by other people in the same field and look to unify their offering and efforts to create a much more dynamic approach, So I have recently joined forces with Finland based coach Tanja Saarinen. Our first discussion next week, on Wednesday, Feb 17th, is about choosing the right coach or mentor for you.
The more rooms you host, the stronger and bigger your audience becomes. Collaborating with others helps you reach and identify new connections, and over the past week, I have been working with new clients and establishing some connections with some great people. Audio rooms play to my strengths. Having interviewed thousands of entrepreneurs on radio and TV, this is a great platform for meaningful conversations and share knowledge.
Like with anything, there is a lot of noise, and people loving the sound of their own voice. You need to dip in and out of conversations until you find the energy of what resonates with you and feeds your mind that it greatly desires. We must all speak the language of the one we want to attract.
I am excited to be hosting a room with Greg Reid. He is a filmmaker, award-winning author, and speaker. He wrote the book 3ft from gold. I love his energy, and we will discuss “ Stop over planning, let your energy lead you “ This is on Feb 16th @5pm GMT.
I would love to connect with you on Clubhouse, so be sure to follow and partake in all the discussions I am hosting. I love to hear other thoughts, questions, and experiences, and each of my rooms will be a safe and welcoming place for you.
Clubhouse Top Tips
• Use your invites wisely ( Invite influencers and people with a big and engaging audience )
• The more rooms you host and partake in, the more invites you are given
• Have a killer bio that shows your personality and your accomplishments
• Link your clubhouse account to your Twitter and Instagram
• Show up every day, create a room and share your knowledge
• Join another room where the conversation excites you. You may get a chance to speak and pick up new followers in the meantime
• Join some clubs in the app. When you create an event, it is shared with everyone in that club, another great way to grow your numbers.
• Follow others, those that inspire you or you could join forces with
• Join rooms where one of the speakers is following you. You are more visible at the top of the app when connected to one of the room speakers
• Raise your hand, so speakers and moderators know you want to say something, introduce yourself and then share your thoughts.
My Weekly Rooms
• Every Monday at 7pm GMT A focus on Leadership Topics with Olga and Mia
• Every Tuesday at 11am GMT with Moira Ni Ghallachoir A focus on How to create exciting, engaging, and inspiring talks
• Every Wednesday at 11am GMT with Tanja Saarinen - Talking about How to choose the right mentor and coach
• Every Thursday at 3pm GMT - A discussion with Ashley Bendiksen about various life matters, from the power of routines to emotions, what they mean, and how to better understand them
***Special Room on Feb 16th at 5pm GMT with Greg Reid, Stop over-planning and let your energy lead you.
Feel free to follow Mark on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, or email Mark at info@marksephton.com
Visit his website here!
You can buy his books Inside Job & Plot Twist on Amazon!

Mark Sephton, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Mark Sephton is a personal mentor to entrepreneurs. His mission to help others has seen him break into global markets while working with startups and millionaire entrepreneurs worldwide. Mark's love for entrepreneurship has been expressed through serving as TV host of the show "One More Round." Mark is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur Magazine and a speaker for corporate events, entrepreneurship summits, and major conferences worldwide when not on the big screen. His personal and professional development expertise has positioned him as an expert in the industry, resulting in transformational experiences for audiences, clients, and businesses alike.