Written by Penelope Claire, Coach & Healer
Penelope Claire helps spiritual women lose weight and gain bliss for good with energy healing. Penelope is the creator of Lightcode Body Bliss, a no-diet weight loss coaching & healing program for women to effortlessly shed the layers which they no longer need and create the body and life of their dreams.

Many women who come to me for weight loss coaching and energy healing have been trapped in the cycle of yo-yo dieting for decades. In my experience, the most damaging aspect of chronic dieting is its impact on mental health. What starts as a simple effort to lose a few pounds often leads to long-term symptoms of depression and anxiety and stress and binge eating in both women and men.

The truth is that an approach to weight loss that focuses solely on the physical and mental aspects rarely leads to lasting success. In fact, it often results in psychological issues due to the feelings of deprivation, social isolation and a constant sense of lack.
Permanent weight loss isn’t just about what you eat; it’s about your personal energy–your frequency
To lose weight for good without dieting, you need a quantum leap in your reality–a complete shift in deeply ingrained patterns. This is why I help my clients discover their unique weight loss codes, allowing them to become the version of themselves who has effortlessly lost weight for good without dieting.
My approach combines specialized body manifestation techniques, intuitive coaching to transform women’s subconscious minds, and a range of energy healings to clear the blocks that prevent long-term weight loss. Energy healing amplifies the ease, joy, and success that clients experience on their weight loss journey.
Weight loss can be fun!
I believe that weight loss should be a joyful, creative, and empowering process, one where women can harness their feminine power and imagination to manifest their ideal body and dream life. Why should transforming our bodies be any different from manifesting a dream job, house, relationship, or business? Just as we use unseen energy to create our life goals, we can use it to manifest our desired body weight and shape.
Energy healing for weight loss
Energy healing provides a sustainable way to lose weight by addressing the emotional and energetic causes of weight gain. It allows the body to heal and release what no longer serves it–both emotionally and physically. The beauty of energy healing is that it can address anything, because everything is energy. By working on the energetic blueprint of the issue, we initiate a physical shift that naturally follows.
In my own journey of 15 years of yo-yo dieting with depression and anxiety, years of conventional therapy and the Western approach to mental health had limited effects. However, when I began receiving energy healing, I experienced profound, lasting changes that far exceeded the results of sitting in a therapist's chair or taking medication. My long-term weight loss was actually a bonus outcome of the inner healing work I did, rather than a direct goal.
We must address our underlying energy to lose weight
Regardless of a woman's personal history, my approach is the same: I address the underlying, stagnant energy that has created excess body weight. By healing a woman’s internal world, we slim down her physical body–and a host of other beneficial changes take place in her reality to support permanent weight loss.
Learn more about energy healing for weight loss
To learn more about how to manifest your ideal weight and use energy healing to transform your body and life, you can follow me on Instagram.
If you are ready to lose weight for good without dieting now you can book a call with me by filling out the Permanent Weight Loss Assessment form at my website.
Penelope Claire, Coach & Healer
Penelope is a pioneer in the tired and flooded weight loss industry and a specialist in the space where holistic wellness, self-empowerment, and spirituality meet. She is an intuitive coach, quantum energy healer, aquatic bodyworker & event leader. Having organically healed her own 15-year journey of disordered eating, yo-yo dieting & fluctuating body weight. Penelope specialises as a no-diet weight loss coach for empathic women with her proven personal and group online coaching & healing programs. She offers additional wellness & spiritual services in person and online.