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My Mission Is To Help You Be The Calm Within The Chaos ‒ Interview With Tracey Gazel

Tracey Gazel is a Neuroscience-Mindfulness Executive Coach, 1 Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Meditation Teacher. She specializes in helping others live with less stress and more calm by de-mystifying the brain and its complex processes so that feeling calm and grounded every day becomes your new normal. She is the founder of Rising Higher Consulting Inc., a coaching agency that helps high achievers who are wanting to accomplish the same amount of work with less stress, enhance their decision making with clarity of mind, feel calmer on a regular basis, and simply enjoy their life more.

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can work with Tracey, you can contact her by email at

Tracey Gazel, Rising Higher Consulting Inc.

What is your business name and how do you help your clients?

I am a Neuroscience-Mindfulness Executive Coach, 1 Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Meditation Teacher. I specialize in helping others live with less stress and more calm by de-mystifying the brain and its complex processes so that feeling calm and grounded every day becomes your new normal. I am the founder of Rising Higher Consulting Inc., a coaching and consulting agency that helps high performers who are wanting to accomplish the same amount of work with less stress, enhance their decision-making with clarity of mind, feel calmer on a regular basis, and simply enjoy their life more. What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

My clients are typically executives who work in the corporate space who feel the stress of daily high-pressure demands and have difficulty turning "off" and being present with their loved ones on the weekend. They want to live with less stress, feel calm on a regular basis and simply enjoy their life more. What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?

I will continue to impact my clients around the world by empowering them to be the best version of themselves so that they can enjoy this adventure that we all call life. I am planning to roll out a powerful new group program as well as a podcast in 2023. I will also publish the second book in the next couple of years which will help people around the world be calm in an increasingly chaotic world. Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

I’ve helped clients in six different countries learn to calm their thoughts, discover their inner calm, and step into their best selves. I’ve co-authored a 1 Best-Selling book titled Transforming Trauma helping others see how the worst experiences in their lives have helped them step into their best self. If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

I would change the culture within the corporate workspace so that mental well-being is prioritized first. Because when individuals are feeling their best by feeling calm and content, their nervous system is running at an optimal level and they’re actually able to perform better for the organization. Neuroscience shows us that cognitive performance improves when we are not stressed. Yet, stress seems to be expected, sometimes even a badge of honour within certain organizations, especially as you climb the corporate ladder to the leadership teams. I would create a universal morning check-in system for all corporate teams to create space to reset their nervous system and start their day off feeling calm, clear and focused so that they can not only improve cognitive performance and productivity but also enhance their general life satisfaction.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

After graduating from my Psychology degree I worked in corporate healthcare for 10 years and experienced firsthand the stress and high-pressure that exists in that type of workplace. I did not handle stress well at the time and I burnt out multiple times, experiencing psoriasis and other physical ailments as a result.

When my father passed away of a neurodegenerative disease, suddenly the rest of my life felt like a gift. I knew that I didn't want to feel stressed and anxious on a daily basis anymore. I signed up for meditation training at a local meditation center to learn how to handle stress better.

Through meditation I learned that I have a space within myself that is always calm, clear and content. It was such a relief to learn that I could access this space at any time. I wanted to share this with others and I began teaching meditation in groups and in one-on-one settings.

As I was asking my clients to commit to spending 10 minutes per day in meditation, they started to share their negative self-talk that would arise saying, "I can't do this", "I'm not good enough", "I'm hopeless", "I can't change", etc.

I realized I needed to complete coaching training in order to hold that container for my clients and help them move through the negative chatter that exists within all of us. I completed certifications in Executive Coaching, Transformation Coaching, and Exponential Coaching, and later became certified as a NeuroMindfulness Practitioner. Now I've been helping people set and achieve their goals for 16 years.

My business Rising Higher Consulting Inc. is an executive coaching and consulting agency where I use neuroscience and mindfulness to demystify the brain and its complex processes to share that calm, clear and content space within that can be accessed any time throughout your day while simultaneously improving cognitive performance.

My clients and I do deep work so that they learn how to access their inner calm (which is their natural state), clear their mind, improve focus and cognitive performance, and simply enjoy their life more.

Happiness becomes their default setting.

Once that foundation of mental well-being has been established, there is often a passion project that comes through; a business, a book, a charity, or non-profit, or some other kind of positive contribution legacy project that they want to share with the world.

In an increasingly unstable world, my mission is to help you be the calm within the chaos so that you can be your best self and enjoy your life more.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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