Written by: Rozanna Wyatt, Senior Level Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

“Seriously, you’re going to give up everything?”

“What about…” your name – it can be inserted at the end of this sentence.
Congrats, words of support and encouragement, I did hear.
But, if I’m honest, they echoed far less than the questions with an undercurrent of negativity or a fixed mindset (i.e., the opposite of a growth mindset).
I appreciated the decision I made for myself wouldn’t have been right for others. It was right for me.
It was time to do what I had wanted to do for several years. I never pictured myself being there for the rest of my life. A long-term relationship where we had different visions for our futures kept me standing still until I decided it was time to part ways. Then the pandemic hit, and a few years chipped away, but my longing to leave continued to become stronger and stronger. My soul yearned to be in a more vibrant, active, and beautiful city with different types of opportunities and amenities. At one point, I thought I would go back to Ontario – maybe the “big smoke” aka Toronto or Ottawa. I was wrong. These places didn’t feel right. It surprised me, but I listened to what my intuition was telling me. This was a massive decision, after all. Maybe one of the biggest of my life. I wasn’t making it lightly. And although this wasn’t the first move I’d done solo, it was different from before. In the past, I moved for university or career opportunities (i.e., with an employer). This time, I was moving to create a more fulfilling life by being in a city that aligned more with who I was.
I was leaving behind an established practice to start from ground zero in a new city. I was moving to a city with minimal professional contacts, and few personal connections.
I had no idea what the market would hold and whether I’d be able to find office space that fit with my vision of what I wanted. There was massive risk involved in this decision. I understood that and knew anything was possible ‒ the good and the bad, better than I could ever imagine when making this decision. As I weighed the pros and cons, I kept returning to a few key things that helped me in the process. I was grounded in the reasons I wanted to move and how it aligned with my values ‒ personally and professionally. I focused on what I achieved as an entrepreneur over the last ten years and how I’ve helped those starting out to 7-figure entrepreneurs grow their businesses (all evidence of what’s possible). I believed in myself and knew I was resilient. Even if something went sideways, I knew I could land on my feet. I understood my strengths and skills and how to leverage them in a new city where I’d be establishing a new business. I had the ability to quiet the external noise of naysayers, focus on what my intuition and mind were telling me, and how to tame any self-doubt that could potentially surface at some point (because everyone experiences self-doubt from time to time. It’s how you deal and lead yourself through it that matters!). And so, grounded in calm confidence and courage, I led myself to make the best decision of 2022! To leave Edmonton, move to Calgary, and open a new therapy practice here. As I write this, I think it might even be the second-best decision I’ve made in my life! The first was leaving home and moving miles away at the age of nineteen to pursue university. This will forever be the best decision of my life because I wholeheartedly know it changed the trajectory of my life.
Seriously, moving to Calgary was the best decision of 2022 – personally and professionally. It’s been that profound!
I have moments where I’ve flooded with pure gratitude.
It can be the little things ‒ like driving along Memorial drive (a popular roadway in Calgary), seeing the sunrise along the city skyline over the water and among the beautiful trees as I drive over to my office, or seeing the skyline lit up at night as I make my way home. This brings me joy.
Gratitude to be in an active city where getting outdoors and connecting with nature and the beautiful green spaces (now snow-covered ;) is the norm among residents.
Gratitude to access amazing spas for a pedi or massage. Hey, what can I say? I love escaping to the spa for a little self-care, and I so missed having “options” in my former city.
Gratitude to have experienced over 300% business growth since opening the new practice in November.
That’s right, over 300% growth!(that’s with a few speedbumps along the way)
And while I could share other things I’m grateful for (because there are many), here’s the thing…
None of this would be possible if… I lacked confidence in my abilities, or I was flooded with self-doubt, negative mind chatter, or was influenced by the negative questions and comments by others (though I believe well intended, just misplaced in the delivery). Self-doubt and negative self-talk can have a H-U-G-E impact on your confidence at the best of times, let alone when making a life-changing decision. Would you agree? If any part of you is nodding your head, I sincerely hope you’ll join me for the Confidence Mindset MasteryGroup I’m offering.
Because negative self-talk, rumination, or self-doubt doesn’t have to keep you stuck, feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and uncertain about x, y, z (insert decisions you need to make, tasks you need to accomplish, or opportunities you’d like to pursue, and more…). In the Confidence Mindset Mastery Group, you’ll learn:
How to master your mind by discovering what causes you to feel anxious and hijacked by your mind, and how to tame self-doubt and negative chatter, so you feel less stressed, overwhelmed, and experience more confidence, inner peace, and happiness.
How to supercharge your confidence by discovering the little-known secrets successful people use to stand out.
How to build your resilience muscle so you can bounce back with your confidence intact when you experience a setback.
The Confidence Mindset Mastery group will equip you with the tools rooted in behavioral science, and high-performance and resilience practices that we all need (but no one has taught us), so negative self-talk, rumination, and self-doubt don’t continue to chip away at your confidence, leaving you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and self-defeated. Instead, you’ll be focused on confidently thriving from the inside out in all areas of life! To learn more about the Confidence MindsetMastery Group, click here.

Rozanna Wyatt, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Rozanna Wyatt is a Licensed Therapist and highly sought Global Coach who specializes in helping ambitious, high-achieving women confidently go after what they want in business and life. Drawing from her sixteen years of experience working those who have done the unimaginable (we're talking murder), entrepreneurs, athletes, professionals and corporate leaders, she enables her clients to experience mindset breakthroughs that allow them to turn their lives around, resolve years of emotional pain, be happy, 10x their business, win national awards, and more. Rozanna has a master’s degree in social work, as well as specialized training in leadership and high performance.
Rozanna’s expertise has been featured in the media in Forbes, Addicted2Succcess, Thrive Global, and Authority Magazine. When she’s not keeping up on the latest research around positive psychology and human behavior, you can find her playing with her furbaby or sipping vanilla lattes in her favorite coffee shops in Canada.