Written by: Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As we say goodbye to April, a month of spiritual healing, this energy was heavy for some. The letters in April add up to the number eleven when referring to numerology, which means Mastering and healing Partnerships. Let’s welcome May in.

For me, May reminds me of the childhood game “Mother May I.”
May is the fifth month, and in numerology, the number five means change, freedom, courage, adventure, exploring, and unpredictability. When I think of “Mother May I,” I believe the Universe is giving all of us permission to take one quantum leap into the unknown, change lanes, be adventurous, spread our wings and be free.
During May, there is so much energy helping us along the way. To start with, we just had the amazing Super Moon in Scorpio. For those who have a strong 8th house, Scorpio placement will feel this transition more than those who do not. However, everyone will feel this energy one way or another. Scorpio is known for death, endings, and births.
In addition to the Super Moon, Pluto went retrograde, the planet of transformation and rebirth, also helps us get rid of what is decaying in our lives.
With the start of May, and these two energies influencing most of us, we may feel overwhelmed, tired, anxious, and maybe at times feeling lost. Know as you move through May, you’re being supported. Below are several dates that carry High-Frequency Energy and Vibration of change, freedom, courage, adventure, and unpredictability:
May 2021 – 5 5
The theme for May, including the Universal Year Energy of 2021 (5), carries what’s known as a Power Number “55.” Anytime a number repeats itself, the energy of that number is stronger, and the message becomes louder, almost as though the Universe is yelling it to get your attention.
May 1, 2021 – 5+1+2+0+2+1= 11 Mastery Partnerships
A day to heal partnerships on a high level, whether that partnership is with self, parent, sibling, spouse, friend, child, or co-worker.
May 5, 2021, 555
555 is an Angel Number, and the Angels remind us that change is coming and freedom is near. As you change, freedom follows, and freedom helps you heal.
May 11, 2021 = New Moon in Taurus
On this date, we’re not only feeling the energy from the New Moon but it’s also blended with a Master Number 11. Taurus is our Zodiac sign of intuition, nurturing, and also known to be very slow and grounded. The New Moon energy is about creating something new. Combine this with Master Number 11. This day may bring magic in the air to help activate our intuition while nurturing our partnerships.
May 14, 2021, May 23, 2021, 555 Angel Numbers
May 22, 2021, Saturn Goes Retrograde in Aquarius
In Numerology, 11, 22, and 33 are known as Master Numbers and are the only numbers that do not get reduced to a single digit because the numbers 1, 2, and 3 create a Triangle of Enlightenment.
On the 22nd, you may be known as the Spiritual Master Teacher that helps someone build a new foundation in partnerships, contracts, and relationships, or perhaps a Spiritual Master Teacher may help you.
Saturn is the planet of maturity, responsibility, and discipline.
May 26, 2021 – Super Moon in Sagittarius
This Super Moon is the second one of the season. Just as we felt the Super Moon in Scorpio, most of us will feel this Super Moon’s energy as well, especially those who have Sun, Moon, and or Rising Signs in Sagittarius or opposition sign Gemini.
May 29, 2021 – Mercury Goes Retrograde in Gemini
As mentioned earlier, we’re now in Retrograde Season. This is the second retrograde that we experienced in an Air Sign, and we will have one more in Libra, making this an unusual series of events.
Mercury goes retrograde on the 29th. This date carries the energy of healing communication with our partnerships on a Mastery level.
Mercury is the planet of communication, and Gemini is the Zodiac sign of communication. Many Astrologers are reporting that this retrograde may help heal communication on many levels personally, professionally, and politically.
As we begin Retrograde Season, it’s important to remember this is a time to reflect, rewind, recalibrate and renew. As you experience this retrograde, take time to reflect and release what no longer serves you and be open to making space for all the new things on their way. Note that retrogrades help us discover who we are on a deeper soul level and transform into the best version of ourselves.
To take advantage of this amazing energy of what I call “Mother May I,” I recommend that you incorporate the following practice into a daily routine:
Visual Meditation – Meditate for 10 minutes a day, visualizing how you would like your life to unfold, then move on your day
Drink plenty of water – As we experience the New Moon and Super Moon, you may find your body feeling a little dehydrated, so drink up. I also recommend coconut water for an extra boost.
HIIT Workout – 30 to 60 minutes a day, a great way to get your cardio exercise and weight training all packed in one.
Stretch/Yoga - When you find yourself sitting for more than 60 minutes or longer, taking a 5-minute break to stretch or do a yoga pose may help recharge your brain and loosen your hips, back, shoulders and neck. A little bit goes a long way.
Chakra Balance Energy Healing – Think of a rainbow that starts at your tail bone and travels up to the top of your head then visualize this rainbow flowing within your body, as this energy moves within you, this energy begins to move outside of you, this energy is known as Life Force. When your Chakras are balanced, so is your Life.
What Does The New Moon in Taurus Have Instore For You?
Aries: The New Moon offers a renewal around your career and also heightens your intuition. Pay attention to music, as it may help bring more clarity to unanswered questions.
Taurus: This New Moon shines a light on new beginnings, first impressions, especially associated with relationships, personally and professionally. Update your resume and get out there and socialize.
Gemini: This New Moon will help you let go of things, people, and places that you have outgrown. This is a perfect time to recalibrate how you do business. You may need to get away to see things differently and come back with fresh eyes. The old way of doing business is done.
Cancer: This New Moon brings new people, places, and opportunities. A great time to join new groups, update your social media pages and website. This is a time to stand out. Be open to sudden events and surprises.
Leo: This New Moon will help you get a new job or promotion. You will be recognized and rewarded. As you take on your new position, be sure to set boundaries. You will be in the public eye. It’s time for fame.
Virgo: This New Moon may inspire you to go back to school or travel to enhance higher education.
Libra: This New Moon helps you tie up loose ends, finish projects, and birth something new. A transformation is on its way. The relationships you create during this time will have a strong bond and deeper connection.
Scorpio: This New Moon will help shine a light on relationship matters such as contracts, marriage, and business.
Sagittarius: This New Moon encourages you to reorganize your home and or office so you can make room to exercise. You’re inspired to change your eating plan with the help of a Nutrition Coach. You may even consider learning more about exercise and nutrition.
Capricorn: This New Moon may help you be more playful, tap into your creative juices, and even change your appearance. You may also have a desire to express yourself more and share your wisdom.
Aquarius: This New Moon may help you create a new foundation. A new project may show up or business partner. Personal relationships may shift to another level. You may communicate more with your children and parent (particularly your mother).
Pisces: This New Moon will activate your ability to communicate, think, and talk. Your wisdom will shine just as bright as the moon. Take this opportunity to share all you do. Big projects can launch under the influence of the New Moon.
I am here to help you release issues from your tissues as you release emotional weight and fall in love with yourself while I witness your transformation of being the best version of you.

Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 30+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry. She is the Wholistic Fitness owner located in NY Queens, certified holistic personal trainer, intuitive healer, cosmic energy reader, student of Astrology, Master of Numerology, and Creator of Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Deck. She is the Host of Joanne's Healing Within T.V Show and Joanne's Cosmic Energy Radio Show and Author/Self-Publisher. Joanne's mission: To help women (men by referral) release issues from their tissues as they release emotional weight and fall in love with themselves while witnessing their transformation of being the best version of themselves.