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Money, Money, Money ‒ Shift Your Meaning And Free Your Mind

Written by: Kel Green, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Money, we need it, we want it, we spend it. It is seen by many as the lifeblood necessary for our survival, the means by which we feel safe, successful, and powerful. Money as paper, coin or in digital form means so much to us. We use it as a measure of our personal value and identity. We chase it to find satisfaction, or shun it as a reflection of control. Inadvertently and unconsciously we may give our power away through the meaning we apply to it.

A picture of heap of money.

Even saying the word ‘Money’ and attributing a numerical value can illicit a feeling of power or fear. It is these reactions of ‘feeling’ in our body that reflect the strength of the beliefs we hold in our mind.

How do we free our mind from limiting beliefs around money?

The first step is to take a look at our point of view.

What actually is Money?

At face value it is simply a piece of paper, a metal disc, or a set of digital numbers. Holding it in our hands, the weight and texture or the warmth of a finger touching on screen invokes feelings such as scarcity, desire or joy.

If we look closer… it is simply a group of atoms held together by energy. This energy collectively creates the form of the object. This object we have all agreed to name ‘money’.

There it is, money is simply an object held together by energy. An object that we have made means many things and have placed great emphasis on in everyday life.

We use this object with our meaning of it to participate in the money reality. This is the use of money for buying and selling products and services across the globe. Billions of transactions every day are conducted based on the value we attribute to the object, money.

We now live in a society where money is a necessary means and language for survival. It puts a roof over our heads, food on the table and enables us to move through life.

That’s a lot of thoughts, words, and actions directed toward obtaining, using or loosing money.

Many of us don’t ask this question…

What is the nature of our relationship with money?

Remember, Money, is what we have made it mean. Our meanings create beliefs, and these beliefs establish our point of view. Holding onto a belief as absolute creates a limitation to our way of seeing and experiencing the world. In this case, it is our personal experience in relationship with money.

This is where we may have unwittingly handed over our identity, personal value and individual power to Money.

As a result of limiting subconscious beliefs, we live in reality seduced by short-lived pleasures that come and go. Fooling ourselves that we can keep at bay the pain and suffering born of the illusion of mind in a world of guaranteed change.

There are many themes and thoughts of illusion we have about money. This illusion keeps us trapped in the confines of our minds, living in a habitual way that is blind to the enjoyment of the present moment.

It is now time to expand your awareness, and delve deeper to discover the real you before it's too late!

Our habits of mind play like a record on repeat, playing the same song over and over resulting in our current reality. What follows are three examples of habits of mind with the meaning and thoughts used to create a particular reality.

Habit 1: Money means…survival and scarcity

One may think, “I must keep working, I have to do this for the money. I have got to pay the mortgage and keep a roof over our head, my kids have to go to school, and I have to keep food on the table.” This I am guessing is a familiar theme. I have observed friends going through this working themselves to the bone, exhausting their body and draining away their zest for life.

Ask your Self…what is the consequence of this way of living?

Habit 2: Money means…safety and security

There are those of us who like to hold on to money. One mind like this may entertain such thoughts as “ I have to keep hold of this, I can’t let others know what I have. I must protect myself from others. I have to get as much as possible. Everyone is out to get money from me. ” People like this like to accumulate things and not share with others even when they can. Life appears to be transactional in this reality.

Ask your Self…what is the consequence of this way of living?

Habit 3: Money means…power and success

Some may occupy their mind with thoughts about how to get money to feel powerful and in control. People with these minds, often measure their achievements in dollars. For those of us who operate this way, themes of thought may be, “I will get the deal done, I can do anything I want with this, I know what I am doing, whatever I need I can get, my success is my money. These type of mind habits are used by those who like the game of getting what they want, when they want it, whatever the cost”.

Ask your Self…what is the consequence of this way of living?

From the examples above we can begin to see the consequence of certain habits of mind and thought used in how we relate with money.

When we maintain our meanings, and use the same thoughts in our mind, we create our individual money reality.

What is important here, is to realise we can change our money reality. We have a choice in how we use the mind in our relationship with money. All it takes is an intention to make the change and conscious action to implement it.

Pay attention to what matters.

Money, you can’t take it with you.

It is not the real you, it’s simply one instrument for your life experience.

What matters is who you ‘be’ in your relationship with the material world. So the next time you find yourself paying for something or getting paid, take a moment and ask your Self…

What is my relationship with money?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kel Green, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

The Art of Being You

For individuals who aspire to ‘be’ their best self, to live an extraordinary authentic life.

Kel Green M.A is a leader in ways to know your Self. An Educator, Speaker, Meditation Teacher & Self-Help Author who lives and breathes Self-Awareness.

Kel provides you with uniquely crafted personal development tools, wisdom, and techniques incorporated into your daily routine to allow you to access authenticity and your personal power.

Kel brings over 35 years of experience in IT businesses, eastern and western self-development tools along with transformative healing modalities. She has a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, a business degree, has authored several Self-awareness books and is a long-time meditator and yoga practitioner.

Kel is a Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor, a regular on the podcast for The Most Intelligent Selection.

Kel uses her personal stories and challenges in breaking dysfunctional patterns to take the journey from head to heart. She draws on this as inspiration to provide programs, tools, and techniques to open your mind to a greater understanding of who you are.

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