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Money Is Emotional, With A Capital E

Written by: Andrea Reichert, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Andrea Reichert

I said it hundreds of times in my former capacity as an accountant without really understanding the profundity of what I was saying.

 success and profit with excited young female

I understood people’s lives revolved around and depended on money. I saw the work I did as something central to everything else in life like a wheel hub that, if well-oiled, would allow the wheel (of life) to turn effortlessly. I understood money was the driver behind everything we do.


Or at least I thought it was.


Fast forward 10 years and countless personal transformations later, and I’ve come to understand the nature of money and the role it plays in our lives in a very different way than I did before.


Yes, money is emotional: It's something we have a relationship with and get attached to; It's something we have feelings about. And it’s the meaning we ascribe to it and the power we give it that makes it such a powerful force in our lives.


The reality is, money is just a neutral circumstance a fact of life. If you subscribe to the concept that our thoughts create our feelings that drive the actions that create our results, you can see just how important it is for us to become aware of the thoughts we have about money, ourselves, and our relationship to it, because it's the combination of those thoughts and feelings that are the real driver behind everything we do.


Imagine you're someone who's created career and financial success and yet, at the end of the day, you go home feeling empty. How is it possible that someone in your financial position is experiencing similar emotional issues as someone who’s struggling financially when we’ve been told that money solves all our problems?


What’s that old saying? “Money can’t buy happiness”.


Well, it isn’t just a saying; it’s true.


Chasing money and material gain instead of joy and happiness has landed many people where they are today: rich in material wealth but emotionally bankrupt. Clever marketing reminds us daily that the acquisition of wealth and material gain is the key to a happy, fulfilled life.


I'm here to say we’ve got it all backwards.

Yes, we’re meant to have a happy, fulfilled life, but it’s fueled by a bank of emotional wellness rather than through the acquisition of wealth and material gain. We’re meant to create money from a place of love and service, rather than from a dopamine-based hustle and rush.


In the end, you can have it all: The 6-7 figure bank account, the material gain, and most importantly a bank of emotional wellness that eliminates the hustle, the chase, and the need to have your emotional needs met in service to money.


Learning how to replace old conditioning with new thoughts and feelings about yourself, money and your relationship with it will allow you to create a secure relationship with yourself that eliminates the need to chase money and to see it for what it is: an opportunity for real change.


This is the work I do with my clients. This is Wealth and Wellness.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Andrea Reichert Brainz Magazine

Andrea Reichert, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

As a former accountant, and now turned life coach, Andrea Reichert has a lifetime of experience working with people and their money. One thing she was never taught during her time in business school was that money is emotional that it’s something we have feelings about, that we get attached to, and with whom we share a relationship. Realizing she could transform her relationship with money with this new-found awareness, The Wealth and Wellness Coach was born. Drawing upon her experiences with her accounting clients, and combining them with NLP training, Andrea began to change her relationship with money. Her mission: Transforming your relationship with money by helping you generate more emotional wealth in your life first.



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