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MOLDAVITE – What Is It, Where Does It Come From And What Does It Do?

Written by: Bryanna Wilson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Around 15 million years ago, a Meteorite collided with the earth, the impact of coming into the Atmosphere, and great pressure from the impact created a chemical reaction that gave Moldavite a place here on earth. Moldavite is typically found in Czech originally, as that is where the collision took place, so the amount of moldavite that formed 15 million years ago, is all the moldavite there is on Earth. Its popularity makes it hard to get, which is why it’s considered ‘Rare’ and has a hefty price tag.

photo of a real gem stone.

Unlike other gems, stones & Crystals that you are most familiar with today (Amethyst, Rose Quartz, etc.) that are naturally formed within the Earth's core that contains conditions such as intense heat, extreme pressure, and millions of years of tectonic plate movements, Volcanic eruptions and cooling in the earth outer core, therefore created by Earth itself.

Moldavite was not a stone that was made within the earth.

High vibrational and spiritually evolved beings that are also known as Starseeds, Earth Angels, and Lightworkers (this is a part of the three waves of lightworkers – also typically referred to as the 144,000 lightworkers the bible speaks of & I’ll be going more into this topic in the future articles) happen to find a lot of grounding and comfort in the intense vibration gives off. Moldavite is consciousness! Moldavite is said to be the Holy Grail & is said it has been sent to Earth from the Heavens, to assist lightworkers in the shift of humanity's frequency to help raise Gaia’s shift into higher dimensions.

It has this reputation as it accelerates spiritual growth and your ascension journey.

Moldavite will remove it from your life, which will seem confusing, scary and chaotic at the time (which is why people who aren’t ready for it, will tell you it's dangerous when in reality it’s because they aren’t aware of just how powerful it is, nor are they ready for what they’ve signed on to.

It won’t have levels of difficulty depending on the person, the only difficulty that will be there, are the problems that you haven’t yet dealt with.

It will certainly bring forward deeply repressed emotional trauma, as it's no good for your spiritual role, your growth or your higher good, therefore it will leave you with no option but to deal with it, so you can be greeted with what is truly meant for you.

If you are aware of Moldavite and its power, you’ll be easily able to keep reminding yourself that it is just that, and not let the stress get on top of you because you feel your life is falling apart not knowing that is exactly what Moldavite does.

Knowledge is Power!

Here are some cool things to be aware of, if you know Moldavite is for you.

  1. Your Moldavite WILL find you!

  2. You’ll likely come across many types available, and you’ll not find much of a pull towards anything that’s offered to you, until your piece finds you – Trust me, you’ll know when this time comes.

  3. It can bring on headaches if you’re not used to wearing it at all then suddenly wearing it all the time.

  4. It will show up in your dreams, and as signs more and more frequently when you are close enough to find your Stone.

  5. When you come in contact with REAL Moldavite you will experience a couple of things, especially if you’re sensitive to feeling energy. You will experience what is called a “Moldavite Flush” – which feels like a warm dense energy quickly travel up your arm, into your heart chakra, and then down through all your Chakras – this is the start or often the trigger of a spontaneous Kundalini Awakening as it aligns all your Chakras. Intense heat and tingling in the hand chakra that is holding it. Because of the initial pulse of energy that it releases, it can come on quite quickly.

  6. You will intuitively know after getting to know your moldavites energy and personality what its name is!

I know that sounds insane, but ask anyone that’s experienced with dealing with Moldavite, and they will tell you the same thing.

I remember taking my first little piece off my neck and handing it to someone I was showing it to in my driveway, and the intensity caused her to have big heart palpitations and she didn’t agree to the energy, so I must warn, this stone is not for everyone. (This does not indicate that this will happen to you, this person had pre-existing heart conditions) it’s a seriously powerful stone for transformation that vibrates at an incredibly high frequency some people do find it off-putting at first, and others may find it uncomfortable to wear, I find it very calming and grounding to wear so it just depends on the owner's intentions and vibration, but I have seen people that couldn’t be around it for long periods and it took A LOT of adjusting for them with the help of Angelite, Amethyst & Rose Quartz, which is used to lessen the intensity of the high vibrations.

Sometimes you might feel you need a break if you are getting used to it, you can hear, feel and almost see stones energy look for you if you leave it in a different room, so to lessen the vibration, wrap it up in a piece of YOUR clothing, it will have the “turn off” effect – I had to use this method when I brought my Sphere Quartz Amplifier, I had Clear Quartz amplifying it also, not knowing wood and things like bedside tables, cupboards and even floorboards amplifying it also, I had to put them all away as people in the house did not cope with the extremely high and amplified Cosmic energy radiating from my spare room and I just loved it, so that really does prove that some people Thrive in its presence, and some need adjusting and some should stay away from it – it all depends on YOU and your vibrational frequency.

So, before buying your first piece of Moldavite, ask yourself these questions to make sure you are ready because Moldavite isn’t cheap!

Authentic, the real deal will cost you almost AUD 200 for a piece about the size of your nail bed.

The bigger you go, the more it costs, and the more you’ll experience it, but I promise you, it won't be a waste of money.

  • Fake? Or Real?

  • Why do I want Moldavite? (Is it for a fashion trend because it’s the next best thing?)

  • Am I prepared for a seriously big change?

  • Am I Prepared to potentially have my relationships and friendships crumble with little to no warning?

  • Am I ready to quickly shift or change jobs?

it's important to ask yourself questions like this before you choose to work with and if you’re wanting to continue to read this article and have answered ‘Yes’ to most of these questions then you’re more than likely ready to work with Moldavite but I do need to say this, do not underestimate it! You will be in for a very abrupt awakening.

How do you tell if Moldavite is real or Fake?

So you’ve decided to start shopping around to find your Moldavite, and you aren’t sure how to spot the not. Here is how to keep on the lookout for the fakes. There are 2 types of Moldavites, so knowing what to look out for will help avoid any dishonest sellers and fake merchandise.

The first thing is the colour, texture, and imperfections.

Moldavite – If you look closely, your Moldavite will be like a deep forest, rich green colour, with what looks to be little air bubbles throughout the stone and it will not be smooth in texture, it will be rough and imperfect from the day it was formed 15 million years ago.

They do come in many shapes and sizes, so they do get very expensive!

Angel Chime Moldavite – Both differ in appearance, as the Angel chime is much lighter green in colour and makes a chiming noise when it is put on a marble or porcelain table and drop it from a safe distance from a hard surface, you will hear your Moldavite “chime”.

Nothing about Moldavite or Angel Chime Moldavite is smooth and flawless, you’ll mostly be able to tell from the energy you feel off it.

Avoid Bright green “faceted” stones selling as Moldavite, that appear to be flawless, Moldavite is not Flawless, in any way shape or form.

Fake Moldavite can be very convincing, say for example you come across a little square piece, alongside other pieces that are of the same shape, turn it to its side and shine a light up to it, if it looks like it has a line horizontally or vertically, depending on which angle it is, you can tell that it's been fused. It will not be smooth, and it's very hard to tell if a faceted stone is genuine.

There are a lot of Fake Moldavites that look very real because there are man-made indentations on them, I will place an example at the end of the article of some real Moldavites and some fake Moldavites. It is also not see-through, so the easiest way to tell is if it looks glass, or if it has a shiny, glassy appearance, the chances are it's fake.

Always assume that the piece that you’re looking at is possibly a fake and do your research on whom you’re buying from. Please stay tuned for my next article because I will be discussing the different combinations of stones & crystals that are awesome to pair with moldavite, such as the Herkimer Diamond for example.


Bryanna Wilson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Bryanna Is an Evidential & Energy Psychic Medium, Mentor in Psychic Development and Spiritual Awakening + Ascension. Bryanna has been this was since she was 4 weeks old, when she stopped breathing for 4 minutes and was revived by her father, and remarkably came back with a wonderful connection to the source & those in the afterlife. Bree is also a Psychic Counsellor and uses her life experiences, and her passion for mental health and recovery from addiction to understand and guide others through difficult times in their lives. "If I'm able to make a difference in at least one life, then my job on this Earth is done"



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