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Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Written by: Terrie Nathan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Mirror, Mirror on the wall…It does not matter if I’m short or tall…If I have skinny legs or my hips are wide…It only matters who I am inside…Blue eyes, brown eyes, black or green…What makes me most beautiful cannot be seen…When you look at me, don’t judge me by my parts…The most beautiful thing about me is my heart. I can’t recall where I read this, but I do love it.

Chances are we don’t always talk this positively to ourselves. We tend to focus on what’s wrong vs what’s strong within. I am going to challenge you to change that voice up, and change your narrative.

There’s a very good reason why flight attendants tell you that in case of an emergency you should always put your oxygen mask on first before you help anyone else. If you’re too busy tending to those around you, you miss the critical opportunity to take care of your own needs. Once you take care of yourself, then you can care for others.

Are you putting your oxygen mask on first with the words you speak to yourself? And if not, why not? Once you have your oxygen mask secure, so to speak, then you can help others around you. It’s the same with the words we use to ourselves, when you speak to yourself with love and care, then you can then be the best version of being a Parent, Business Professional, Entrepreneur, Partner, Spouse, and Friend. It’s tough to be of support when we are falling apart on the inside.

So where do I start? You start with positive self-talk. Often we beat ourselves up with negative self-talk, these behaviors wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Words are energy and when you change the way you speak about yourself you can change your life. What do you love about yourself? What are some positive words you can use right now towards yourself?

It is interesting to me that seldom will we accept negative comments from others, however, we so often accept our inner negative chatter.

Often we are unaware of the actual impact this has on our lives. And it does have an impact! Start your day with positive “I am” statements (I am amazing, I am awesome, I am strong, I am brave, I am worthy!) It’s quick, it’s easy and it works. I jot down “I am” statements on a sticky note and put them in my mirror, it helps to keep the positive in my head and use my words for energy.

Next, set aside 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, whatever works, just set time aside just for you! Meditate, read, listen to music, breathe, journal, or go on a walk. Spending time building your positive energy will help you to better be appreciative of all the amazing things that are within you. Whatever it is and however long it is, it is time just for you and you are worth it, remember to put on your oxygen mask first.

And finally, set yourself up for success. Often we set ourselves up for failure by setting unhealthy & unrealistic expectations of ourselves.

I believe we are all uniquely our own version of a Super Hero, but even a Super Hero can’t save everyone all at once. What can you get done today and what can wait until tomorrow?

Be grateful for what you have accomplished and be grateful for everything (little or big) that’s going on in your world. Again focus on what’s strong vs what’s wrong.

Be kind to yourself and practice having a positive, mindful attitude of self-love and acceptance for YOU!

The world needs you in it! Show up with your oxygen mask and protect your inner mirror. You’re worth it!

The relationship you have with yourself is the most important human relationship you’ll ever have.

Gratefully, Terrie Nathan

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Terrie Nathan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Terrie Nathan is an International Best-selling Author, Coach, Speaker, and CEO/Founder of Strong Girl Enterprises. She coaches clients to improve their lives, relationships, and ability to perform in business by setting & achieving goals and building positive routines. She also coaches youth to build their confidence by teaching them strategies on positive self-talk, self-worth, and body image.

Her practice is grounded in Positive Psychology, a research-based branch of psychology that studies what really causes people to thrive and flourish in their lives and work, and how we can apply those findings in practical and positive ways.

Terrie has now made it her life's mission to coach these transformational strategies of empowerment by partnering with clients and organizations worldwide.



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