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Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Written by: Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you noticed that some people don’t like you or give you the time of day as you are going through life? And at that moment, you have probably wondered why it is that? How did I rub them the wrong way, or better yet, I was just existing and did nothing? Have you experienced that, my friend?

Well, you are not alone! We are all mirrors for each other. What we do not like in someone else is something inside us that needs healing—a feeling, emotion, or action that we need to allow ourselves to heal. So, if you find yourself not liking someone, stop and look within and ask yourself what is it in them I don’t care for and see if you can spot it within yourself. Then, allow your fabulous unique self to heal. That is freedom. Freedom to look within and see what is no longer serving you.

The same holds true when someone turns their light away from you. You triggered a feeling they have not yet dealt with: anger, hurt, jealousy, or even hatred. Next time this happens, you can hopefully have compassion for a fellow human and not take their indifference personally cause it’s their healing that needs to occur, not yours!

On the other side of the coin, when you see someone you are drawn to either by their charisma, determination, laughter, love, or even beauty, it’s because YOU have that inside of you too! In another person, we are drawn to an essence that we already have but not fully developed. Or something that is lying dormant and is ready to blossom.

If you ever can’t see the next version of yourself, this is an excellent formula to use.

Take a look at all who inspire you, who lights you up, who do you admire, and make a list of the qualities you absolutely love that are inside of them. Once you write these down, you will see a commonality of traits. When you see the commonality, that means it’s inside of you too! Commit to yourself to see what has not been yet seen. See it before it’s there. If not, no one else will.

Remember, there is always a reflection in a mirror, but it’s our choice to see the beauty or not. So keep shining your glorious light and be the beacon for others.

Want more info? Follow Aimmee on her Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube Channel. You can also visit her website to get in touch.


Aimmee Odom, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aimmee Odom is on a mission to inspire people to tap into their own uniqueness. To live life to the fullest, we need to look within. After many hardships of life, including weight loss, divorce, and learning disabilities, Aimmee has unlocked the key to fulfillment! Her teachings are a pyramid of change through body, mind, and spirit. This change pyramid will ignite your personal power, get clear on who you want to be, and learn how to listen to that little voice we call intuition. The most powerful key of all is LOVE. Love is the key to enlightenment, joy, and The Uniqueness of You!

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