Written by: Misty Lucas, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

What is a Negative Consciousness? A Negative Consciousness is a mindset where a person continually feels negative emotions like fear, greed, anger, hatred, revenge, and superstition. When the mind is constantly feeling these negative emotions nothing good comes into creation. This negative energy brings you more of what you don’t want into your life. A negative mindset makes you feel like you will never achieve any of your goals and you are doubtful that you will be successful. The negative mind has no empty space for any positive emotions.

This mindset campaigns you to give up on your ambitions and dreams before you really get started on accomplishing them or even dillydally to the point that you never follow up on your goals. Most of the times you might not even know you are being negative once you are as a matter of fact negative. The negative awareness is easy to make since no “work is required to accomplish this mindset, it is almost human nature. Here is one sign that a negative mentality could be holding you back. Do you ever decide to take action on a goal then at once begin to think about all the ways you could not possibly come through? That is the easiest way to know you have a negative mentality. What is a Positive Consciousness? A Positive Consciousness is a mentality (mindset) where a person continually feels positive emotions like hope, love, faith, romance, ebullience, and hope. The positive mindset is thankful for all the people that have and will have, and they are faithful to the actions that will effect change and successfulness. The person who has a positive mindset doesn't have room in their beliefs for negative emotions. Somebody with a positive mindset all the time finds the good in every situation and acknowledges that goals aren't met overnight and are willing to trust the Universe and continue to move forward feeling fully supported in accomplishing their goals, positively. If you are actively controlling your thoughts in order to have your mind filled with positive emotions then you have a positive awareness. When you stay positive your aperture is open to see all that is available. So how do you change your mindset? First you become aware both negative and positive emotions. They exist and resisting one over the other will only create the resistance to be stronger and the negative to continually return. When the negative
mindset is prevailing, slow down and notice. Allow yourself time to be with it and challenge the thoughts that are arising. Allow yourself to see the positive and the underlying message. It takes time to shift and the courage to be with the negative. You may be thinking to yourself "how can I concentrate on the positive when negativity is all around me?" You can learn how to change your mindset and begin living the life you want just by using:
Your imagination
Vision boards
Here is each tool set out for you in detail:
Affirmation – Positive self-talk is a way to embed positive ideas and thoughts on your subconscious mind. The key here is to believe the affirmation you choose. If when you speak it you’re filled and you’re filled with doubt then it’s not your affirmation. If you don’t believe it, the affirmation will not land in your subconscious to shift your mindset.
Meditation – Take a few moments at the end of every day to sit and relax your mind in a quiet place that you like.
Imagination ‒ Imagine you are living a life exactly as you want. Believe that you are gonna have it soon.
Vision Board – A poster board with pictures of what your life looks like when your goals are met, and after you made it put in a place that you can see it every day.
There are many ways to change your mindset you just have to decide that you want to live better and you’re ready to make the shift. You will want to check in with your desire to have more, be more and do more no matter and know from the beginning it may challenge you as step into the process. The tools outlined above can be brought together in a way to meet your personal needs so that you can have that positive mindset that you need to have the success you desire. If you still struggle finding a coach ora person in your life that supports your growth.
If any of these resonate with you and you’re ready to start the work to reframe your mind let’s connect. Maybe you’re just curious about coaching and it’s for you then join me for a FREE Consult Call and learn about what it is and how I can support you.
Maybe you just want to dip your toe in, then I invite you to join me for a my Free 3-day workshop, What is Stress Costing You? Take Your Health Beyond Conventional Medicine. I host this FREE workshop once per month and each day we explore how to bring you back to your remembered wellness. You can register for my workshop HERE.
You can also learn more about tools to Empower, Uplift& Transform your life on my PODCAST. Episodes are available on Spotify, Apple and Google Podcasts.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more information.

Misty Lucas, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Misty Lucas is a Women's Life Coach and Restorative Yoga Educator. After a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis that left her depleted physically, emotionally, and spiritually she had to find a new path. She left her career in law and dedicated her life to supporting women navigating complicated health crises from chronic stress and autoimmune illnesses by blending her coaching skills and restorative yoga techniques. From this knowledge, she has created her signature coaching program to support her clients and work with them, releasing old patterns and holding them back from creating a life they want to live.