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Mindful Parenting – Raising Conscious Children In A Chaotic World

Ellen Damaso ingeniously infuses her engineering nerd roots with a passion for empowerment and wardrobe styling talent. With a background in defining processes, she guides others to conquer the world with styling and unwavering confidence, all while sprinkling in the wisdom of two captivating books.

Executive Contributor Ellen Damaso

In a world filled with chaos and constant demands, parenting can often feel like an overwhelming challenge. However, embracing mindful parenting can transform this experience into a journey of growth and discovery, both for the parent and the child. This article delves into the practice of mindful parenting, sharing personal experiences and insights on raising conscious, resilient children in today's fast-paced society.

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Personal journey and reflection

I’ve heard it said many times that I look too young to have a 19-year-old son in college. And sometimes I don’t get the street credit I deserve because I’ve only raised one child. Besides winning the kid lotto because my son is an amazing human being, I’m proud to say that as a single mom, I played a significant role in his growth. He even tells me he is living proof that I’m a good mom and encourages me to do it all over again as a single parent, on my own without needing a partner.


The essence of mindful parenting

I’ve always prided myself on my open and encouraging nature as a human being and a mom. I may not be an expert in efficient household management with 5 dogs, 4 cats, and 7 human beings, but I

know mindful parenting. I know how to be present, to lean into being that listening ear and supportive, encouraging person to my child. Let’s be clear, he’s an adult now. But I’ve learned over the last year how to allow him to nurture himself, and his dreams, thereby allowing him to be unapologetically, authentically who he is born to be.


We have overcome and stopped the intergenerational trauma from both sides of his family history to where he knows he can do anything, and be who he chooses to be, success awaits him every day as he navigates life as a young man. This wasn’t an accident and we both recognize our small family has an element lacking in so many households. I gave up my career for most of his double digits, only to be inspired by his push to apply to 20 colleges, including Ivy League schools. He showed me his resilience and grit, especially after I told him to dream big and make the impossible possible.

Transition to empty nesting

When it came time to start my empty nesting, I took his departure from my hometown and set out on my dreams that I had parked at the door to care for my family. His words helped me realize that I too, could do anything I could set out my wings and fly. His words to me were, ‘It doesn’t matter how far apart we are Mom, we will always be close’. I was on the brink of seeing my mindful parenting come back to me nurturing my soul and dreams.

The dreams we’ve both begun and strive for didn’t just land on our lap. I worked tirelessly to be the ever-present, mindful parent to allow life to flow, nurture him to be who he was meant to be and to prove to him we can achieve the dreams we pursue. I don’t claim to be a perfect parent. But I am the best parent for him. I adjusted my sails to nurture him to be the creative force I knew he had inside at an early age.

Protecting and nurturing talent

I’ve worked from home most of his life with a 6 months period where he was in daycare. But, one day at the tender age of 4 with him sitting on my lap drawing quietly while I had a business call, I made a solemn promise to myself at the end. I stared at his drawing that he had spatially rotated a transformer he saw on his birthday card and I knew then I had to protect that. I knew I had to be ever present to allow him to grow and nurture that talent.


Creating a nurturing environment

I became a mindful parent, in tune with his needs as an individual and never to be what I wanted for him to be or what I viewed as success for him. Being a mindful parent means making a nurturing environment for him to grow and show me who he is. These children are not our property and have no obligation to live our dreams. They are small people learning to navigate a chaotic world with increasing demands, fast-paced, and little support to include them in an adult world.


We are the ones who shape the environment for them to grow. We create a safe space for growth and exploration. They are not here to live our dreams. But as their mindful parent, it’s our chance to allow them to show us how they are and guide us to be the best parents they need.

Instilling mindfulness in their lives

We can’t stop the chaos in the world, but we can instill mindfulness in their lives to learn to trust their inner dialogue. When we allow them to light their fire, we give them and those they encounter, the gift of being. And that is the essence of being a human being.


Embrace the journey of mindful parenting. Be present, listen, and create a nurturing environment for your child. Allow them to discover their true selves and guide you in becoming the best parent you can be. Together, we can raise a generation of conscious, resilient individuals who navigate the chaos of the world with inner peace and confidence.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Ellen Damaso


Ellen Damaso, Change Maker and Founder

Ellen Damaso, a survivor of sexual assault and domestic violence, transformed her life through healing and personal growth. She founded 'Inner Bling Styling', a coaching practice empowering others to reach their next level. By 2024, Ellen manifested a life beyond her dreams, owning multiple overseas properties, traveling the world, and growing her wealth. Ellen's message of hope, healing, and self-love has made a sought-after speaker, author, and mentor inspiring people worldwide.

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