Written by: Sami Khan, CEO of Atlas Reality
What can we expect from the future of 'The internet in 3D'? The metaverse is happening now and companies without a dedicated brand manager risk being lost without them.

Fifteen years ago, no one would have predicted that every company - from Apple to your neighbor’s kid’s startup - would have a highly-skilled, highly-compensated Brand Social Media Manager. Yet that role is now a core requirement for any business striving for outsized success.
And here’s why: the metaverse, in general, is promising (amongst other things) to “Provide an online experience in an almost unimaginable immersive manner.” But, will your company’s version of the Metaverse provide, specifically, what the internet doesn't, and who is going to help articulate it?
Metaverse Brand Manager Needed. Immediately and Desperately.
At ATLAS:EARTH, we believe, in general, that the next round of breakthrough consumer technology (augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and others), will enable a new-and-vastly-improved iteration of the Internet. And we imagine it, specifically, as “The internet experience in 3D” – an experience to deliver on the enormous untapped potential power of the metaverse.
However, “with great power comes great responsibility.” And for all those companies determined to create and define the heightened and eclectic metaverse experience they’re individually striving to deliver - we’re going to need to be ready to have an entirely new breed of Brand Managers capable of handling an entirely new batch of brand opportunities and challenges.
In our case, we think a metaverse mirrored on top of the real world is one of the best ways to achieve a desirable version of a 3D Internet experience. Every parcel of ATLAS:EARTH’s virtual land is mirrored on top of the real world physical property it represents, and will be gateways for a variety of “twin digital user experiences” that leverage all current and future tech breakthroughs. (At least that’s how our Brand Manager is helping to strategize and articulate how we seize our opportunities and deal with our challenges.)
In each company’s case, their Metaverse Brand Manager will need to do more than just manage their brand’s social media presence; a two-dimensional role like a traditional Social Media Manager can’t keep up with the constantly expanding, ever-evolving nature of the metaverse. A Metaverse Brand Manager will need to, and be able to, go much deeper.
To properly build and successfully manage an immersive metaverse experience, this new role will require (for starters) Unity game engine training as well as an extensive background in design – not unlike the UI/UX game artist roles that exist today. On top of that, a Metaverse Brand Manager will need strong marketing skills and a deft approach to human psychology to help create and articulate the immersive, authentic experiences that will form the core of the metaverse’s “new-and-improved” version of customer-brand interaction.
As of right now, finding someone who can fill this role sounds might sound slightly more challenging than tracking down Bigfoot. But and as with any emerging field, the best candidates will train and flex their metaverse muscles, ready to rise mythically to the challenges and opportunities.
And while none of us knows precisely what untold promises, potential, and power the metaverse will bring us in the short-and-long term future, there’s no time like the present to put “Hire a Brand Metaverse Manager” on the top of your TO DO NOW list.
Author: Sami Khan
Sami Khan is the co-founder and CEO of Atlas Reality, a company building real value in the virtual world. Prior to Atlas, Sami created and executed growth strategies for some of the largest digital products in the world - including the micro-investing app Acorns and the money-saving browser extension, Honey - now collectively valued at over $15bn. Sami multiple, successful case studies have been featured on a Snap earnings call, at Facebook, Twitter, and Adweek.