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Mercury Retrograde Taurus Styles

Written by: Carmelle Riley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


How to Thrive Past MR ‒ Mercury Retrograde (June 3).

On May 18, 2022 I tripped and my i-phone popped out of my pocket and skidded on the ground. I was still in shock from the discovery of a diesel receipt for $184.95 that I’d incurred from the youngest child borrowing funds to fill their brother’s truck so we could move her into her new temporary flat. My iPhone has a bullet-proof phone case and a glass screen protector. This i-phone that I use to run much of my digital business, had 2 big cracks reducing functionality to 15%. The phone is stuffed and I can expect around $1000 to repair or replace it.

As I racked my brain for some explanation, the penny dropped. This Cancerian has been so busy fussing after her adult children, that I’d forgotten to pay any attention to the Mercury retrograde (MR) that is right over my mid-heaven.

For those of us who look to the stars and the 3000 year + system of astrology to explain some of the chaos of life around them, this may also help you navigate any MR disrupts that hit hard in the pocket!

Nearly two down, two more to come

This is the second of 4 Mercury retrogrades this year and started in the sign of Taurus 26 degs (around May 9 NZT).

  • January 13 to February 3 (Gone – whew!)

  • May 10 to June 3 (Taurus & Gemini)

  • September 9 to October 1 (Virgo and Libra)

  • December 28 to January 18, 2023 (Capricorn).

The period of time of highest disruptive activity is just before Mercury stations retrograde (Thank the goddess we’ve passed this) and as Mercury stations direct in Gemini (May 29 to June 3)! There is also a shadow period for a few weeks before and a few weeks after.

Mercury retrograde is an astrological phenomenon and optical illusion that occurs when the Earth (365 days to orbit the Sun) overtakes the fast-moving planet Mercury (88 days to orbit). Mercury appears to slow down and move "backwards," from West to East. All retrogrades are optical illusions. Planets always orbit the Sun East to West. What you see is just an optical illusion caused by Mercury briefly overtaking Earth’s orbit.

Down here on Earth

Many astrologers predict retrograde repercussions on Earth. Disruptions occur in all areas of life that Mercury influences (local travel, neighbours, siblings, stocks and shares, communication, technology) with the flavour of the star sign where the retrograde takes place.

So as this MR started in Taurus, the communication and tech disruptions will affect Earthly pleasures, currency, money, resources or whatever we personally create security with. Please note the planet Uranus is also orbiting in the star realm of Taurus. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury, representing the advancement of the collective consciousness and at the individual level: intuition, and the ability to think outside the box (or not as the case may be). This is bringing an even more acute worldwide flavour to this particular retrograde mix.

Straight from the Underworld

From an indigenous perspective this flavour of Mercury retrograde, in the Matariki (Māori new year) star realm Taurus, contains some of the elements of Whiro. Whiro is the energy of the underworld – think a little bit of darkness and definitely some madness! If you are experiencing a little bit of crazy in these realms, this may be hitting the “a ha’ chord with you too!

Here are a few examples of quintessential Mercury retrograde like-lies: Your computer, smartphone, or laptop blow up or you trip and drop them (me). You can’t join your team Zoom meeting, your internet doesn’t work, text messages fail or aren’t delivered. Your emails and study assignments are full of spelling errors. You send the wrong email. Your ATM card doesn’t work at the petrol station. You miss the bus, your car breaks down. You cannot find the words to communicate. Malicious gossip, miscommunication and emerging secrets trigger fights and break-ups between friends, colleagues and siblings.

Mercury governs thoughts, communications and the rational mind so retrogrades can impact on people’s minds and mental processing. You may be unnaturally worried, fearful, indecisive, and experience brain fog. Your stress levels and anxiety rise more quickly than other times: Crazy people with crazy hidden agendas come out of nowhere!

Taurus style and Uranus flavoured

Do you trade stocks, shares or cryptocurrency? Has your wallet also been hit hard with home expenses? Look at the currency market. Inflation and bank fees are rising fast. Here: a humble cabbage costs $7. A tank of diesel $184.95! Don’t forget the higher jaw of insight, or the octave of Uranus (in Taurus) is operating to make every human on Earth pay attention to what is going on!

Your personal flavour

You have your own vibrational flavour. Check your own natal chart (this is a map of the night or day sky when you took your first breath and governs your probable framework of energy). A natal chart is needed to navigate your flavour and the transits of the celestials as they trigger your own energies. Here’s a link to my favourite astrologer

Look for the area in your chart that is governed by Taurus and Gemini. What of the 12 houses, are lit up right now for you? For example: If Taurus governs your 7th house, you can expect a little bit of the general disruption in key relationships and potentially clashes with your spouse. Also, look for the flavour of your own Mercury and Uranus. Where are they in your chart? You may also want to see if you were born in a Mercury retrograde period, as this generally means the influence is not as great for you. It all depends though on the placements of your chart – everything is very personal despite any general challenge.

The universal laws predetermine a change-over

This is a time to appreciate the great universal laws of cycles and rhythms that drive infinite expansion and change for us personally and collectively. Uranus in Taurus is a 87-year-old cycle. We have emerged from a global pandemic, a 1500-year-old cycle. Few of us emerged from 2020-2021 without some major reflections on what matters to us most!

This is not a time to make big decisions, invest big (especially with your own resources), start new projects, new ventures, or form or sever relationships. If you move house, country, take a big trip, or start a new venture: expect complications, disruptions or for some major element to be recorrected. Lightning and earth event strikes are a special flavour of Uranus and these can be metaphorical or physical. New relationships are likely to fizzle away, explode, or pop. Allow for brain fog. Be kind and gentle on those around you, who can’t-don’t-won’t access the science of astrology.

What do we do?

Many people ask – what can I do to protect myself from Mercury’s retrograde?

My advice as a professional cosmologist and meditation teacher is slow down and use Mercury’s energies to your benefit.

Read that sentence again if you need – especially the words ‘slow down’ and extra, especially if you have been too busy. Choose to slow down, before the Universe makes you slow down.

The sky is beautiful right now

Ranginui, big sky gives perspective. If you can, locate the planet Mercury in the early evening or early morning sky! Reflect on the beauty of the celestials and the seasons that bring us change and renewal. Breathe – drag breath from your feet to your head, focus on the light around you, play a game of footie, pull out a handstand, lie on the grass, “relaaaxxxxx”, meditate, reflect, thump your heart!

Mercury governs the mind which is 90% imagination. Slow brain waves (alpha, theta and delta) power up the 90% and get you in the higher thinking illuminati lol, creative and powerful Uranus thinking. Fast beating Beta brain waves keep you a slave to stale everyday fuldy (fear, uncertainty, lack, and doubt) moldy thinking.

The world may be changing fast around you, but every moment presents a chance to pause and reflect. Create your own art of pause and reflect. Master your meditation practice so you can use your whole mind and superconscious abilities! You have a superconscious mind – it’s the 1% that can completely upgrade your thinking. Embody the power of Uranus, think Prometheus. He stood on the edge of the world as it crumbled, knowing a bright new world order would emerge.

After all what counts the most is seeing the bright side

When we slow down, we ‘tune in’ to what matters and this moment right now. Change never stops, we are never done and happy imperfect new opportunities await expansion. What matters is appreciating your own awareness. It is your true purpose in life. Appreciate your superconscious mind and the choice of pure consciousness. You are a miracle of nature, alive and breathing with the power of great insight – the combination of quick-thinking logic and the great reservoir of your life experience and imagination.

With your higher mind, review what is frenetic, fuldy and needs an upgrade. Defrag your mind with your computer. If you have to take action, make plans full of the desired energy of pure positive expansion – what do you love, what makes you happy? Form strategies that align with the areas of your life you wish to change after the retrograde has ended.

Exceptions to the Disrupts

Today (22 May NZT) I write at the point of great energetic conjunction – Mercury and the Earth are 0 degrees in Gemini: a little window of auspiciousness in what is otherwise a pretty turbulent period.

This is the perfect time to seed a new project and watch it take shape (in your mind) over the next few weeks.

Take this time to reflect, meditate, to breathe, to walk in your local park, to sing, to ring a friend in need, to pause. Look to Ranginui sky father ‒ Pause and re-set with the miracle that is life.

This time too shall pass – Mihiaroha Carmelle

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Carmelle Riley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Carmelle Riley (New Zealand) is a pioneer of modern hypnosis and quantum energy transformation who loves to inspire others to build a consistent positive vibration. She is also an Astrologer, and author and the founder of Manifestors Unite. Manifestors seek her wisdom, ancestral knowledge, hypnosis and quantum energy programs because they want to heal limiting beliefs, and up level. She teaches all of the Universal laws (not just the law of attraction), so people feel how easy it is to focus their inner landscape, and from this 'feeling good' place, they quickly emerge into Super Manife-STARs Carmelle works with groups all over the world. Her passion is help others to rise above deep unconscious trauma using their Hearts and Minds. Her signature Aroha Love Bomb technique, shifts energy at the sub-atomic level, so people instantly step into their infinite power. They heal and transform, and use Universal energy for magic – to heal their families and communities, or to create deep Earth and Galactic connections.

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