Written by: King Carl Mensah, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

As it’s mental health awareness month, there are a majority of people across the globe that are struggling with this, in the current climate.

Depression, suicide, anxiety, anger, loneliness is on the mind of millions across the world. So, what ways can we help the nation? What outlets are there to offer to the masses? People need a glimmer of hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
From smiles to anger, depression, trauma from the past, sadness and pain; these are the things haunting a large amount of people today.
From people with large social media followings, to a lonely person in their house on their own feeling depressed.
Community is what is needed? Outlets are needed? What’s needed? Positive people to encourage others, so that they can flourish in their life to become the best version of themselves.
Here are some of King Carl’s solutions that can help elevate the nation to a better state of mind.
I say that one factor is having a combat sports outlet, such as boxing, for the mind.
Do you say boxing? Boxing? Really? Boxing is a brutal sport, why would you recommend something like that to help people’s mental health. I would tell you a few reasons why, but, let’s first look at the depression levels below and some factors that I’ve identified.
Uplifting people is always on my mind, so King Carl poses in a restaurant. A King that is always ready for the spot light!

Depression during and after COVID
COVID-19 has hit millions of people across the world and it has affected the mind of people
Millions of people across the world were suffering with mental health, as there was a huge isolation.
The elderly who were on their own, had no one to talk to or see for a majority of the year suffered through isolation
There was a time period where we couldn’t leave our houses, unless we were buying food or drink. There was a lack of community and face-to-face interaction
Remember we couldn’t do any sports outside for a period of time during COVID, because the virus was sadly making a vast majority of people sick or pass away
Depression for Young People
During COVID-19, there was a huge increase for depression and anxiety for young people with teenager challenges on the arisen
There was no face-to-face school for young people to interact with others. There was no mental outlet for them to have or places where they can release stress of exams and life that they are dealing with
Depression in professionals and workers
Sadly, COVID-19 had hit millions of people financially, who had lost their jobs, which included myself as well. I had to go onto furlough, so I know how it feels
With financial pressures increasing, and people not knowing how to survive and feed their families; people were doing anything to get by
A vast majority of companies were either closing down or employees had to work from home, which started to increase the lack of human face to face interaction people had which started to affect people’s mental health
Stop – This Must Change
One way to help the mind have an outlet is boxing I believe!

I also, believe that whether you are a business man or a professional that works, you should have a mental outlet, so that the stress from work or business you can outlay it into something positive.
This is myself, with professional boxing champion Joshua Buatsi, who was from Croydon boxing academy, which is where I train. He is known as the former British and, WBA Intercontinental Light Heavyweight champion and Olympic Bronze medallist. He is also from Ghana and is from Croydon.

As you can see in the picture below it shows King Carl, in the boxing gym with Mr Shane Sobers, the co-owner of Croydon Boxing Academy.

The benefits of boxing as an outlet
Releases stress of the mind. I’ve had my own personal experience myself where my mind is in a much calmer place, just because I’m able to hit a heavy bag.
You are also able to become more fitter during the process
You are able to channel your anger and energy into a sport that is an outlet for the mind
This can help you think much sharper and clearer as you are constantly releasing.
Your reaction speed and concentration levels will increase due to the intensity of the workouts that you are doing in the sport
Your confidence within yourself increases. I had this from my own personal experience
Your creativity expands. This is a personal testimony allowing me to think outside the box and knowing that you are a personal brand
All smiles in boxing before my session, as it really challenges you and boosts your mood

King Carl Mensah’s Boxing Journey
I would have to say that my journey in boxing was not something that I initially planned out, I have to admit. I first started going to the boxing gym for fitness and also, I wanted to know this for self-defence due to the fact that I’ve been robbed before. I also used to get bullied in school and I had a lot of anger management problems. On my boxing journey there has been ups and downs however, I pushed forward. The journey expanded to USA a few years ago and now I’m currently training for my first boxing match on July 15th 2023. Follow "kingcarlsboxingjourney" on my Instagram for more updates and announcements on the process. King Carl’s boxing journey expands to the USA at Mena’s Boxing Club in Houston Texas.

With depression, suicide, anxiety fear and worry on people’s minds, the nation needs an outlet for the mind and they need empowering people around them that can speak life into them for them to step into their greatness. This is one of my reasons, I do my Motivational Monday videos that can uplift the nation of people.

The power of combat sports
This was my first step and my journey of doing it in my first taekwondo match.

We are all in need of a help in hand through outlets, such as boxing that has a positive impact on the mind and mental health.
This is a glimmer of a seed of positivity that you can uplift the nation with to change their perspective into a positive mindset.

Overall, I really believe that combat sports and boxing is a powerful outlet for the mind to release. It’s also great for fitness and the sport will push you to the maximum, which will help you build up mental toughness in the process. You realise how strong you are when you have completed an intense boxing session and when you push yourself to improve in fitness, which links to your mental health.
King Carl at his finest!

Remember champions, keep shining your light and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Keep inspiring the nation! Strive and prosper! God bless!
Come and support my boxing journey on kingcarlsboxingjourney on my Instagram and my first match is on 15th July 2023 this year.

King Carl Mensah, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
King Carl Mensah, the empowerment king is a motivational speaker, a boxer, an upcoming author and entrepreneur. With a story of a lack of confidence within himself and struggling to find out his identity. With a huge turning point, when he was 16 years old, when he was disrespected by his manager at Sports Direct, he remembered a scripture that said “a man’s gift will make room for him before great men.” Proverbs 18-16. He discovered this during this process, as he was on the hunt to empower others to find out their own gifts and talents. Why does he call himself King Carl? The reason is simple, as you think like a King you are one. In addition, it’s to build up confidence not only in himself, that he’s unique, but also to empower other people to know that they are Kings and Queens too? He also believes in having mental outlets, such as boxing for fitness and mental health. The reason he is so passionate about boxing / martial arts is because he was bullied in school and he was robbed. He believes in self-defence and having the confidence within yourself. He also believes in empowering other people to become the best version of themselves and to utilise their gifts and talents to change the world.
King Carl Mensah is a brand of empowerment, aiming to connect people to empowering opportunities to elevate themselves and connect people to fitness outlets to become the best version of themselves.
Rise and Shine people, Motivational Monday is one of his mantras, created to uplift the nation!