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Menopause Mojo – 7 Hypnotic Steps To Reclaim Your Groove And Thrive

Soraya Mansour is the founder of Limitless Self . She is a RTT therapist, Clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner. Through her practice, she works with clients with a wide range of issues ranging from depression, anxiety, procrastination. lack of confidence to addictions.

Executive Contributor Soraya Mansour

As a RTT therapist, I've guided countless women through the labyrinth of menopause. This article unveils powerful techniques to help you navigate this transformative phase, unlocking your inner strength and reigniting your passion for life. Discover how to turn the challenges of menopause into opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

group of women talking while sitting

Menopause: Beyond hot flashes

Menopause is a natural biological process marking the end of a woman's reproductive years. It typically occurs between ages 45 and 55, with the average age in Western countries being around 51. However, the journey often begins years earlier with perimenopause, which can start in a woman's late 30s or 40s.

Contrary to popular belief, menopause encompasses more than just physical symptoms. It's a profound psychological and emotional transition that coincides with what many women experience as a midlife awakening. This period of change can bring about significant shifts in perspective, priorities, and self-perception.

As a RTT therapist, I've observed that many women are caught off guard by the emotional aspects of menopause. For instance, Sarah*, a 47-year-old executive, came to me feeling bewildered by her sudden mood swings and loss of confidence at work. She had expected hot flashes but was unprepared for the emotional rollercoaster that accompanied them.


The hidden impact: Emotional upheaval and identity crisis

Research indicates that the psychological impact of menopause is significant and often underestimated. Studies show that up to 20% of women experience depression during menopause, and anxiety affects up to 51% of women during this transition. These statistics highlight the substantial emotional impact of this life stage, often overlooked in discussions about menopause.

The psychological changes connected to menopause can be jarring and confusing. Many of my clients report:

  • Anger

  • Sudden crying spells

  • Increased anxiety

  • Thoughts about mortality

  • Questioning life purpose

  • Sense of loss and regret

  • Feeling of apathy or losing their "spark"

These experiences often mirror what psychoanalyst Elliott Jaques termed a "midlife crisis" in 1965. However, unlike the stereotypical male midlife crisis portrayed in popular culture, there's no widely recognized narrative for women's experiences during this time.


Emma*, a 52-year-old yoga teacher, whose children had left home, came to me feeling lost and anxious. She described waking up one day and not recognizing herself in the mirror, both physically and emotionally. This identity crisis is a common theme among my menopausal clients, highlighting the need for psychological support during this transition.


Reframing the "crisis": Embracing the awakening

Rather than viewing this period as a crisis, I encourage my clients to see it as an awakening – a time of immense potential for personal growth and positive change. By embracing this perspective, women can harness the wisdom accumulated over decades and connect their mind, body, and soul in new, transformative ways.

Research supports this positive approach found that women with a more positive attitude towards menopause reported fewer symptoms and better overall well-being. As a RTT therapist, I help women reframe their menopausal experience, turning challenges into opportunities for self-discovery and empowerment.

Now, let's explore seven strategies to help you navigate this transitional period and turn it into a transformational journey:

1. Practice mindful acceptance and positive reframing

Mindfulness can significantly reduce the anxiety and stress associated with menopause. A study published in the journal Menopause found that mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques led to a 21.62% improvement in menopause-related quality of life scores.

In my RTT practice, I guide clients through visualization exercises that promote acceptance and positive reframing. For example, Lisa*, a 49-year-old artist, learned to visualize her hot flashes as waves of energy, transforming a distressing symptom into a source of creative inspiration.


Practical Tip:

Dedicate 10-15 minutes daily to meditation. This should ideally first thing in the morning before your morning coffee/tea or breakfast and be in a quiet place where you’re not disturbed. If you’re not able to sit in silence, you can listen to a guided meditation. The important thing is to focus on your breath and become an observer of your thoughts. It may feel difficult to start meditating if you’re not used to it, but rest assured the more you do it, the easier it becomes until it becomes a habit. After meditating, use journaling to reframe negative perceptions into positive ones.


2. Harness the power of suggestion

Your subconscious mind plays a crucial role in how you experience menopause. Positive affirmations can rewire your brain for a more optimistic outlook. This is a cornerstone of RTT, where we use the power of suggestion to instil positive beliefs and attitudes.

A study found that positive self-talk and affirmations can significantly reduce the perceived severity of menopausal symptoms.


In my sessions, I work with clients to create personalized affirmations that resonate deeply with their subconscious. For instance, Maria*, a 55-year-old manager, transformed her self-image by repeating, "I am entering my power years, full of wisdom and vitality."


Practical Tip: Create and repeat daily affirmations such as "I am strong and capable" or "I embrace the wisdom that comes with this phase of life." Say these in a relaxed state or just before bed for maximum impact.


3. Master stress reduction techniques

Stress exacerbates menopausal symptoms and affects mental health. Hypnotherapy and relaxation techniques can be powerful tools for managing stress during this time. A meta-analysis found that relaxation techniques, including hypnotherapy, were effective in reducing the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.

In my practice, I use clinical hypnotherapy to help clients achieve deep relaxation and alter negative thought patterns. Jane*, a 50-year-old lawyer, found that regular hypnotherapy sessions dramatically reduced her stress levels and improved her sleep quality.

Practical Tip: Listen to guided relaxation or self-hypnosis recordings that focus on visualizing peaceful scenes. Make this a part of your daily routine, especially during high-stress moments.

4. Build a strong support system

Isolation can intensify mental health challenges during menopause. Research shows that social support is crucial for managing menopausal symptoms and improving overall well-being.

In group RTT sessions, I've witnessed the power of shared experiences. Women often find comfort and strength in realizing they're not alone in their struggles. For example, a group of five professional women in their early 50s formed a support circle after meeting in one of my workshops, providing each other with ongoing encouragement and understanding.


Practical Tip: Join a support group for women going through menopause, either locally or online. Regularly attend meetings and openly communicate with friends and family about your experiences.


5. Enhance sleep quality

Sleep disturbances affect up to 61% of menopausal women, according to a study. Poor sleep can severely impact mental health and exacerbate other menopausal symptoms.

In my RTT sessions, I often focus on improving sleep quality through hypnotic suggestions and relaxation techniques. Claire*, a 53-year-old entrepreneur, saw a significant improvement in her sleep patterns after just three sessions, which in turn boosted her daytime energy and mood.


Practical Tip: Develop a consistent bedtime routine. Avoid screens at least an hour before bed, create a calming environment, and practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or listening to soothing music.


6. Prioritize nutrition and regular exercise

A balanced diet and regular physical activity can significantly improve menopausal symptoms and mental health. A systematic review found that exercise interventions were associated with lower rates of depression and anxiety in menopausal women.

I often collaborate with nutritionists and fitness professionals to provide a holistic approach to menopause management. Susan*, a 48-year-old teacher, found that combining RTT with a tailored nutrition and exercise plan not only alleviated her physical symptoms but also boosted her self-esteem and energy levels.


Practical Tip: Incorporate a variety of nutrient-dense foods into your diet and aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Experiment with different forms of exercise to find what you enjoy most.


7. Reconnect with your innermost desires

Menopause is an ideal time to rediscover passions and interests that may have been set aside due to life's demands. Engaging in fulfilling activities can reignite your zest for life and enhance overall well-being. Research suggests that pursuing personal goals and engaging in meaningful activities can significantly improve quality of life during menopause.

In RTT, we often explore suppressed desires and help women reconnect with their authentic selves. Patricia*, a 56-year-old doctor, rediscovered her love for painting during our sessions. This creative outlet became a powerful tool for self-expression and emotional regulation during her menopausal journey.

Practical Tip: Dedicate time each week to pursue hobbies and interests that bring you joy. Whether it's painting, gardening, writing, or learning a new skill, prioritize activities that make you feel alive and fulfilled.


Embracing your personal renaissance

The Japanese word for menopause is "konenki," which means "renewal" and "energy." This positive outlook is more than just semantics; studies show that women with a positive attitude tend to experience milder menopausal symptoms. As a RTT therapist, I've seen firsthand how this perspective shift can dramatically improve a woman's menopausal journey.

Embracing this life stage with mindful acceptance, positive suggestions, stress reduction techniques, a supportive network, enhanced sleep quality, good nutrition, regular exercise, and a reconnection with your innermost desires can lead to a more fulfilling and empowered experience. These strategies, particularly when combined with RTT, can help you navigate the challenges of menopause while unlocking new potentials within yourself.

Remember, this transition is not just about enduring changes but also about celebrating the strength and wisdom that come with it. Many of my clients have discovered that menopause can be a gateway to personal growth, self-discovery, and renewed purpose. Like Sarah, who rekindled her passion for writing, or Emma, who found the courage to start her own business, you too can use this time to explore new horizons and embrace your authentic self.

As you journey through this transformative phase, keep in mind that you're entering what could be the most exciting and rewarding period of your life. With the right mindset and support, you can turn menopause from a dreaded transition into a personal renaissance.

Enjoy the second (and best) half of your life! This is your time to shine, to rediscover yourself, and to create a life that truly resonates with who you are becoming. Menopause isn't an ending – it's a powerful new beginning.


Your next step towards transformation

Are you ready to embrace your menopausal journey and unlock your full potential? As an experienced RTT therapist and clinical hypnotherapist, I'm here to guide you through this transformative process. Together, we can work on reprogramming your mind, letting go of limiting beliefs, and empowering you to thrive during this exciting new chapter of your life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram or visit my website for more info!


Soraya Mansour, Self-empowerment | Mindset Transformation

Soraya has faced and overcome significant personal challenges that have deeply shaped her journey and professional ethos in helping her clients. Combining a deep appreciation for the mind-body connection with scientific rigor, Soraya offers holistic therapy to guide clients toward profound and lasting change. She works with clients with a wide range of issues ranging from depression, anxiety, procrastination. lack of confidence to addictions.



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