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Meeting The Energy Maverick Behind Empowerment Empires

Written by: Michelle Clarke, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Michelle is the CEO of Empowerment Empires, the owner of 4 businesses, and a charity which provides fully funded coaching to differently abled teens. She is obsessed with handing women back their power and raising the vibrations of the earth through love and joy. In fact, she says that joy and desire are the missing keys to happiness, abundance, and success. Michelle calls herself an Energy Maverick because to her, energy matters most. Michelle lives in New Zealand on acreage with her husband of 20+ years and her dogs, cats, and horses.

Michelle says “you can have all the strategy, structure, and systems in the world, and you should have those because they provide the foundation on which to build your make a difference empire and the container to support your continued growth and impact in the world. Yet without the magic, or the energy to drive the dreams, efforts fall short of success and end in a tangled heap of burn out”.

Michelle is tired of seeing burnout and says “It is time for women to rise, the world needs what they have, and I am committed to showing women how to tap into and unleash that power so they can bring their gifts to the world, because the world needs what they have, now more than ever”.

There is a reason that Michelle’s tagline is ‘together we shall rise’, this is what she has to say “it time to stop the sister wounds, overturn imposter syndrome, heal generational wounds, move past the societal conditioning and fear of being seen and shining brightly, so that each and every one of us can see their worth and deliver their gifts to the world. Without each and every one of us rising, we will continue to see competition instead of the strength that we have in unity and that each person's gift and purpose is slightly different, and hence needed. When we can drop the competition and rise together, and the world will heal”.

Michelle coaches soul-led entrepreneurs to harness their magic and become magnetic to their clients so they can set themselves free and live in abundance, joy, ease, and flow. She empowers women to dig past societal conditioning to bring forth magical products and services unashamedly into the world by helping them to clarify their brand, message, and offerings and then empowering them to become visible and confident. Of course, magic and energy are part of everything she does these days and each of her three group coaching programmes contain energetic exercises and activations which wash away fears and unleash the success inside so that women become magnetic to their soulmate clients. Michelle says “we don’t need to work twice as hard to get twice the income and impact, in fact success is not achieved through sacrifice but by doing less in more powerful and aligned ways.

Michelle’s second book Woo Woo for Women in Business is taking women to amazing new heights in their businesses, relationships and lives, and if you want to be inspired to live a lit life, this is a great place to start. You can find the book here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Michelle Clarke, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Michelle is an energy maverick, public speaker, author, and coach obsessed with empowering soul-led entrepreneurs to make more money doing only what they love. She says, "we have been led to believe that we must follow the normal way of doing things to succeed in business and life, but this just isn't true." She believes that the fastest road to success and living a hell yes life on your terms is to break free from the mold, unleash your true self, and sparkle like the leader you are born to be. Michelle is committed to working with women, especially those who have a fear of being visible, feel anxiety about ‘making it’ in case they cannot cope with a booming business and other commitments, and also have deep-rooted fears around allowing money into their lives even though they desire it. Her work is deeply rooted in Outing Imposter Syndrome, Creating Success Structures, and Changing Your Relationship With Money. Michelle says, "The results of what I do lead to FREEDOM. Underneath it all, that is what my tribe seeks, the freedom to be real them, the time freedom, and the money freedom, and they get it!" Michelle gets amazing results by helping soul-led entrepreneurs to dive into quantum energetics + success mindsets + powerful systems & then empowering them to show up as their truest version self to call in their soul clients magnetically.

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