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Meet Psychologist, Taylour Lee

Written by: Natasha Lee, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Meet psychologist, Taylour. Lee, TLLP.. Lee specializes in depression, anxiety, stress, social anxiety, and sexuality and identity concerns. While achieving her Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Wayne State University, learning about people and the emotional struggles they can face turned into more than just an interest for Lee; it became a passion.

Lee says that her role as a therapist has helped growth in her clients, but it also has helped her grow as a person. Knowing clients count on her motivates Lee to prioritize her mental health and well-being.

Taking the industry by storm, Lee has serviced individuals through the Covid19 pandemic. Taylour finds it rewarding to see young men and women taking control of their mental health and bettering their lives for themselves, especially during crisis moments.

We asked Taylour a few questions about her journey & expertise. Here's what she had to say;

Describe yourself in one word?

I would describe myself as Authentic – I try to show up in my personal and professional life as honestly as possible.

In what ways can men, women, and children demonstrate self-care?

Self-care can be demonstrated by taking care of your mental health just as you would your physical health. That can look like going to therapy, taking a break when you need it, going for a walk, getting enough sleep and a good meal, or as simple as saying no to things you do not want to do.

What inspired you to become a therapist?

My journey to becoming a therapist started as just something I was interested in, and I was curious about people in general. I took a few psychology classes during undergrad that I enjoyed. As I learned more about mental health and how common these struggles were, it developed into more than just an interest.

I knew I wanted to help others somehow; I didn't know in what way. I had so much support throughout my life, and I eventually decided I would like to support those who may not have that in their personal lives.

How do you set up counseling goals?

Many Clients come into a session already aware of what they would like to accomplish during their time in therapy. For other clients, we work together to identify areas of their life that they may be struggling with or where they see room for improvement. Often I will help the client take their long-term goals and break them down into small achievable goals.

How do you define success?

I define success as achieving and being happy with whatever goals someone asset for themselves, big or small. For someone struggling with depression, getting out of bed can be a huge success. I try to find something successful that occurs each day and any reason to celebrate.

What advice do you have for future therapists? What challenges should they expect?

I would advise future therapists not to take on more than they can handle, practice self-care, and seek supervision or their therapy. A challenge I have experienced is that sometimes, as a therapist, it's easy not to feel adequate, but to remember, simply showing up can make a difference.

I understand you mastered the National Counseling Exam with flying colors on your first attempt. What testing tips can you share with an aspiring therapist?

For psychologists taking the EPPP(examination for professional practice in psychology), I suggest taking as much time as needed to study and not rush; I also recommend taking and re-taking practice tests. A helpful study tip that worked for me was explaining the concepts in my own words to people with no knowledge of the material.

Do you have a primary focus as a therapist?

Right now, my focus is to reduce the stigma of mental health. Although it is becoming more acceptable to have a therapist, many clients feel embarrassed about seeking therapy. As a therapist, I try to normalize my clients' experiences.

Whom would you contribute your success to? Who helped Taylour accomplish her goals?

I would contribute my success to my parents. They made it a priority to know that I could do whatever I put my mind to—seeing my mom's strength after my father passed motivated me to keep going. Also, my grandmother is my biggest supporter in whatever I do.

What are five tips to better improve your overall mental health?

  • Ask for what you want and often need- many people struggle in silence, so their mental health often goes ignored.

  • Set boundaries where needed- Boundaries at work, with friends and family.

  • Lean into your support system during difficult times

  • Practice identifying triggers and communicating emotions- being aware of what you're and why can be worked on in therapy.

  • Take breaks or mental health days- Use all vacation time.

What alarming mental concerns do you believe evolved since we entered the Covid-19 era? Do you think people are more anxious, fearful?

I've seen a rise in anxiety since covid-19, specifically in social settings. Many of my teenage clients and young adults struggle with transitioning back into school and social life after being away for so long. The pressure to go on, as usual, has caused more anxiety and depression.

What are five tips you can give to those experiencing grief right now?

Grief looks different for everyone but some tips I would say to those experiencing grief would be to

  • Allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you are feeling- Try not to avoid or suppress uncomfortable emotions

  • Don’t put a time limit on your grief- Grief is a process and can come and go. Many people feel like they are taking too long to grieve or they haven’t been grieving long enough. There is no set amount of time.

  • Talk about your grief with your support system- that can be therapy, friends, and family, or group therapy

  • Don’t focus on past regrets or things unsaid

  • Honor your loved one- that could look like sharing photos and positive memories.

Would you consider therapists as Hidden Heroes/Sheroes?

Yes, mental health professionals are definitely hidden heroes, especially now. I believe the last couple of years has shown just how important and needed mental health professionals are.

How can clients find you to book your services online?

Potential clients can find me on Psychology Today and

What is next for Taylour Lee? Her future goals include obtaining a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, eventually opening a private practice or community center that will offer inexpensive therapy.

Lee likes to go shopping, try new restaurants, and share a good laugh with family and friends in her free time.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Natasha Lee, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Natasha Lee, a Business Enthusiast, Thought Leader, Speaker, Influencer, Philanthropist, Editor, Educator, and serial entrepreneur, is the proud Founder & CEO of Make Your Dreams Come True (MYDCT) & Being That Girl (That Girl). Make Your Dreams Come True ( is an internationally known outsourcing firm. Professionals, Aspiring Entrepreneurs, Innovators, Fortune 50 and 500 companies outsource their business needs to the firm, and Natasha makes sure that it gets done! There is no project too small or too big for the firm. Now in regards to Being That Girl, the agency encourages, supports, and celebrates the success of women. The collaborative partnerships stretch from the USA to the UK. It's been a tremendous experience for Natasha to serve countless business owners and organizations over the last 15 years. Wearing many hats when servicing her clients and community, she's identified as a consultant, a mentor, coach, cheerleader and described as a Shero by many.

Natasha and her team assist individuals and organizations daily, offering services that promote self-esteem and creating companies daily from idea to conception. When executing dreams, she is the missing antidote to business success. Services include call center, procurement and fulfillment, marketing, strategy, business development, sales, technical support, design, seo, training, programming, recruitment, pr/media, and new processes and services implementation. Natasha is always on the call; though complex, it keeps her busy doing good things. Natasha Lee continues to mentor individuals of all ages, helping them build self-esteem, chance their dreams, celebrate one another and create together.

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