Viviana Di Leo is a Certified Peacefulness & Fulfilment Coach. She helps women on their self-healing journey to live a more peaceful and fulfilled life. She's an Expert in Biodecoding & Emotions.

Who is Viviana?
I am a 36-year-old passionate and enthusiastic Uruguayan living in a small 2000 people town in Lake Como, Italy. I am passionate about living a conscious, peaceful life, been honoring my name, which means living to the fullest since 2016, when I committed myself to make a shift.
I was diagnosed with infertility back in 2014 and was incredibly angry and stressed living on complete autopilot. I disconnected myself from my body and kept going without acknowledging what I was going through. Until with life synchronicities, one free course completely changed my life and helped me jump into a new way of living.
After less than 90 days of working on my healing with the help of a coach, I not only healed my diagnosis and became pregnant with my son, manifested my dream home drawing it after a meditation and got all the resources I needed to live a peaceful and fulfilled life.
I love that I could not only become a mom to my amazing son Nahuel, but I also got to work from my window to the lake with him every single day in the most calm and peaceful way. We love swimming at the lake and enjoying our life, which seems like holidays every day.
What is it that you do for your clients?
My mission is to bring more peace and healing to the people I work with. I am certified as a Peacefulness and fulfillment coach, also add on alternative therapies and my expertise on biodecoding and emotions to help them fully change the perspective of life and heal.
I am helping women to heal and become impactful leaders by giving them clarity and mindset strategies to attract peace and joy in their lives.
I am blessed to be able to work at the Rockefeller foundation here in Bellagio, where I help artists, bestselling author leaders and change-makers that come as residents to finalize the specific project. I am filled with joy to help them have a peaceful stay and achieve those goals in 30 days.
Who should hire/work with you?
Great question. I will give you two main things people can hire me for.
My coaching is focused on helping creatives, multi-passionate, and highly sensitive women that are feeling a lack of peace, frustration, and stuck due to self-doubt, lack of self-confidence and are mainly stopping themselves from sharing their voice and light into this world.
For biodecoding can be anyone going through the same repeated patterns, health or financial and relationships situations that keep repeating. Also, if you are wanting to explore your subconscious blocks coming from their family tree. Biodecoding is a super powerful tool, and it has helped my clients break repeated patterns that are passed on by their family's subconscious mind.

What would you say to someone that is struggling and wants more peace in his/her life?
I would strongly say make that choice. Choose peace.
Making that commitment with yourself is so important, because it is your inner peace, and it will only start with you.
If you are not peaceful because of the outside, remember you can only control what it is in your control, what you think, what you say and what you do, and how you react to the outside.
I love that quote from Wayne Dyer that says, “if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
If you can not see it, reach out to me, and I would love to change your perspective.
Things can be hard until you decide to become an expert on it.
What are 3 tips you can share today to connect with that inner peace during a pandemic?
The first tip would be to stop feeding yourself with negativity, turn down that volume, and stop negative news, social media, and anything that you see triggers you. (Fear, anger, sadness)
The second tip would be to create healthy boundaries for yourself to take time to unplug, from work, kids, family. (I have a morning walk when everybody is sleeping and meditate for 15 minutes by the lake).
Last tip: Start journaling to reflect on how you feel and what things are making you feel that lack of peace. Change can only happen when there is awareness.
Can you change your perspective on that?
If it's fear, what evidence you have that it will happen?
What is your big goal? Where do you see yourself in 10 years from now?
I am highly creative, so my list of goals can possibly change.
I am making a real impact on this world to bring more peace, impact one million lives in 10 years sounds pretty good challenge.
I see myself having my anti-bullying foundation for kids and helping them get confident and heal those traumas.
I was a part of the construction and presentation of a peace monument here at the Rockefeller Foundation, I would love one in Uruguay to create more awareness that anyone can access that inner peace and create that ripple effect.
Being a part of the change-makers movement for inner peace for sure. I am looking forward to a conference like that.
I am working on my book, and that will definitely be there.
I am here to share my gifts to the world and make a difference, so sign me in for that in 10 years’ time.
Thanks so much for your time and I really look forward to connecting with more amazing people and help them feel more peaceful.