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Meet BizableTV – A Netflix-Style Streaming Service for Entrepreneurs – Interview With Paul Klein

Written by: Vivian Chan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Two entrepreneurs, Paul Klein, and Kendall Johnson created a platform that brings powerful stories to life.

Paul Klein co-founder of BizableTV.

If you're an entrepreneur, chances are you've gone through a journey where it's been really hard, and you thought to yourself, "Why did I get into this?" You’re not alone.

BizableTV is a new streaming service that offers documentaries about entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, and other freedom-seeking professionals from all over the world.

Paul Klein and his business partner, Kendall Johnson, are the co-founders of BizableTV. The idea for the service came about during a trip the two took in October 2021.

They thought it would be cool to create documentaries for entrepreneurs. Their idea quickly turned into a reality.

“There are many great shows like Shark Tank, Billionaire Next Door, and the Profit. Nothing against Mark Cuban, Oprah Winfrey, or Elon Musk, but there has been nothing for the 50 million creative entrepreneurs like us. Those of us are doing great things, changing lives, and building small but mighty communities. So, we set out to fill this need with BizableTV,” Paul said.

The documentaries produced by BizableTV are not something you can find by Googling - they're real-life stories told by entrepreneurs themselves, and they offer an intimate look at the challenges and triumphs of starting a business or brand that you won't find anywhere else.

Paul is the producer and Kendall brings his artistic talents to the project. They are hoping to inspire and impact people in a positive way through the power of filmmaking.

I had the pleasure of connecting with and interviewing one of the co-founders of BizableTV, Paul. Paul Klein is a business consultant and entrepreneur. From his days as a 1980s hair band guitarist and lifelong entrepreneur to starting and scaling a successful SAAS company to consulting for some of the biggest brands including Target, Neiman Marcus, Starbucks, Holiday Inn, and other global brands, Paul helps Consultants, Freelancers, and Solopreneurs price their services, stop undercharging in order to build 7-figure businesses. Thank you so much, Paul, for joining us in this interview!

I have to say that I really enjoy watching the documentaries produced by BizableTV. The stories are so touching and it's really inspiring to hear how regular people have gone through the ups and downs, joy and tears in their journey of becoming entrepreneurs. What I like most about these documentary series is that they make you feel like these people are relatable and that if they can do it, then you can too. This is a great message for aspiring entrepreneurs out there who might feel like giving up because it seems like an impossible mission.

Can you tell us how the documentaries produced by BizableTV are different from other video content out there?

My business partner and co-founder, Kendall Johnson, trained in Hans Zimmer's studio in Los Angeles, and he has worked on Netflix documentaries and films. For those that may not be familiar with Hans Zimmer, he wrote the music for Gladiator, The Avengers, Pirates of The Caribbean, and more recently, Top Gun Maverick.

So what we create are cinematic movie-grade documentaries for creative entrepreneurs that make for a unique and immersive experience. All the music is original, scoring much as you would find in a blockbuster movie.

Couple this with a book launch, workshop, or conference, and we can tell your story like no other and not something you will find on YouTube filmed on your iPhone. Nothing against that. It's just not what we do.

That’s very impressive! What impact do you envision to create with these documentary series? What do you hope entrepreneurs, creators, business owners and industry leaders to get out of BizableTV?

To provide hope and inspiration for the 50 million independent content creators in the creator economy.

Sometimes we don't need another 10-step process, another webinar, or a training program... sometimes, we just need a reason to keep going!

Our hope is that if we can tell the stories of people who are just a few steps ahead of you, it will be the motivation for you to keep going and have that breakthrough you have been waiting for. Can you share the most memorable or touching story from creators and entrepreneurs that you have documented thus far?

One that comes to mind is Shannon Mattern. She shared that early on, when she was working in corporate, doing web design, making her company a ton of money each year.

When she finally dared to try a side hustle and do web design as a side hustle, she shared how she felt like she had lied the first time she told someone that she did web design.

She said she felt like a fraud because she didn't have a college degree in web design even though she had the knowledge and skills to do so at a high level. She said she still felt so deflated, but she fought through that and eventually left her corporate job, running a high 6-figure business.

She now helps hundreds of other women do the same. Imagine if she had given up and not fought through those first feelings of inferiority. We need more women champions like Shannon Mattern. I’ve been there too! I’m sure a lot of entrepreneurs can relate to her story when they don't always feel like they’re "there" yet. There are many entrepreneurs out there who might be afraid to share their stories or think that they don’t have any UNIQUE stories that are share-worthy. What message do you have for them?

Everyone's story and experience are unique and what makes for great "Business Entertainment.” You have something to say, so lean into that. That is what sets you apart from everyone else, and as Eleanor Roosevelt stated: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Get in the game and start creating! Anyone who has ever started a business knows that it takes a lot of hard work to get things off the ground. Making the transition from concept to execution can be challenging. What was the process of building BizableTV from the ground up? What resources guided you during the process?

Since my days in a 1980’s hair band, I have had a successful career, going out on my own at 40, with three kids, a family, and a large mortgage to support. Since then, I have started or have been involved with several companies, and the one thing that I live by or that guides me to this day is to Make Your Vision Greater Than Your Fears!

Acknowledge the fear, recognize it, but don't stay there. When doubt, fear, inferiority, or all those self-defeating thoughts percolate, train yourself to switch from those useless non-productive thoughts to what could be? What could life look like if I were successful?

Lean into that Vision and the promise of how it would look if you do accomplish that big hairy goal. Make your Vision greater than your fears. Great advice! None of us can achieve success without some help along the way. Is there a particular person who you are grateful towards who helped get you to where you are? Can you share a story about that?

So many have helped me along the way, and I am grateful to my family, friends, and professional network. It's amazing; there is this thing called the law of attraction. When you put a stake in the ground and declare something, your friends, family, and professional acquaintances will rally behind you and attract more success.

The one person I have had in my corner over the years is Dan Miller, author of the book “48 Days To The Work You Love”. Early on, he was a virtual mentor, learning through his podcast and books, and is now a trusted friend and someone who always wants to see others succeed as much, if not more, than his success. We all need people like Dan Miller in our corners because being a creative entrepreneur is lonely and a life sentence. Once you go creative, you can't go back. I’m curious, what’s one of your superpowers and how have you tapped into it to drive success in your business building journey?

Relationships and integrity. You can't make everything just about you or transactional. Be genuinely interested in others' success as much as yours, and good things will happen. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Show up on time, follow through, and don't be a flake. It amazes me to this day how many people are shocked by a simple follow-up email or phone call, as it seems to call people back and follow-through is a dying concept. This can be your USP and set you apart from all the riffraff. You’ve been in the industry for quite several years. What key steps do you take that have helped you stay in business?

Besides what I stated above, no debt! Stay cash-heavy, and don't leverage your business with a bunch of high-interest debt or unwanted investors that only care about the bottom line. I think there are great rewards for those who bootstrap, grow slower and be profitable. All the other stuff will take care of itself. Debt puts an enormous amount of unneeded pressure on a new business. The tortoise beats the hare every time. That’s an incredibly wise piece of advice. What would you recommend to others who want to do what you're doing?

Make sure being in business for yourself is what you are wired to do; don't just do it because it's the sexy thing to do.

I was an entrepreneur stuck in a bureaucracy at 40 and realized my way out was to become a creative entrepreneur. It takes a specific type of individual to make this work. You must be driven, solution-oriented, and responsible for your success. No one is going to do it for you. Don't look to others for your success; you have to be willing to look inward and get after it. Get up and leave the cave daily, kill something and bring it home to eat.

If you decide to make the jump, design your business around your lifestyle, not your life around your business; otherwise, you will be working 24/7 and wondering why you ever left that day job. This isn't for everyone, so make sure you know what you're getting into before taking the plunge. You have such impressive work. What are some of the most interesting or exciting projects you are working on now? Where do you see yourself heading from here?

We are working on a new and industry-shaking documentary called "The Creator Revolution." This will be an epic documentary film that all of us creators can point to, showing that we are not crazy.

Although there are a lot of creators, something like 50 million, there are still many people stuck in legacy thinking, and “The Creator Revolution” will profile some of the most well-known and successful names in the industry. BizableTV is producing it, and our friend John Meese, the author of the book “Survive and Thrive”, is helping write the script. It's going to be epic and look for a January 2023 release. This film will be EPIC for sure! I can’t wait for it to come out! Ok, thank you for all that. Final question: If someone were to ask you “What are you building?”, what would you say?

The PREMIER, the go-to streaming network, provides hope and inspiration for the 50 million independent content creators in the creator economy.

This was very inspiring, Paul. Thank you so much for joining us!

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Vivian Chan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Vivian Chan is a leadership and team-building expert who teaches successful but overwhelmed leaders how to grow a sustainable business. With her strategic insight and signature framework of The Sustainable Business Growth Catalyst, she empowers clients to take time off without the fear of their business falling apart. As a Gallup-trained BP10 coach, she’s helped thousands of students discover, develop, and direct their business-building talents. With her guidance, her clients learn how to become better leaders and how to unlock their unique potential by learning to identify their greatest strengths and the right time to call on them. She’s also a Certified Affiliate Manager.

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