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Maximizing The Power Of Your Reading – Unlocking Your Highest Potential

Nichell has done over 10,000 Readings. She uses a person's Astrological Natal Birth Chart to read from. A birth chart is like a blueprint of a person – mind, body, and spirit.

Executive Contributor Nichell Delvaille

In the world of spiritual guidance, a reader is more than just someone who sees into your future. They are storytellers, energy workers, and conduits to your higher self. When you receive a reading, the reader uses their intuition to tap into your energy, connect with your deepest desires, and present you with visions of your highest potential. However, the real power lies in what you do with that information. The reader is offering you seeds, but it is up to you to plant and nurture them in the garden of your manifestation.


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The role of the reader: A seer of potential

A reader is an energy worker who channels messages from your higher self, giving you insight and clarity into your life’s journey. They do not have control over your life, nor can they make things happen for you. What they provide are tools and visions, which are seeds of potential that you can use to manifest your desires. But the responsibility to bring those visions into reality lies solely with you.


No one can manifest anything into your life except you. When a vision doesn’t manifest, it isn’t because the reader failed; it is a reflection of your own energetic choices. Your lower vibrational thoughts, fear, doubt, or control can block the manifestation. If reading shows you a path but it doesn’t come to fruition, it’s not that it didn’t happen. It did. But your fears manifested the opposite of what you desired.


A reader’s job is to boost your energy, to inspire and motivate you to align with the manifestations you truly seek. When you leave a reading, your energy should feel uplifted, your intentions clearer, and your confidence stronger.


The truth about psychic readings: Why “prediction” is misleading

The word “psychic” has been deeply convoluted and often misunderstood. Many people believe that a psychic has the power to control or predict the future, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The idea that someone can predict every detail of your future is a misunderstanding of what psychic abilities really are.


True readers do not have control over your destiny; instead, they are more like forecasters. Much like how a meteorologist predicts weather patterns, a reader forecasts the energy and potential outcomes in your life based on your current trajectory. Prediction, in the strictest sense, is an illusion because if someone could genuinely predict every detail of the future, they would be too powerful to remain in the physical realm.


According to Bashar, a channeled being who has been offering insights for over 37 years, “No psychic can predict the future.” He explains that there are an infinite number of possible futures, and a reader taps into the vibration that is strongest at the time of the reading. A reader is essentially reading the present energy, and if nothing changes, that prediction will come to pass. However, if a prediction doesn’t align with you, you can shift your energy and render it obsolete.


This means that the future is not set in stone. When a reader gives you a vision, they are revealing the most likely outcome based on your current energy. But energy is constantly shifting, and you have the power to alter the course of events by changing your vibration.

Why you should seek a reading: Support for your manifestations

A reading should be an empowering experience, helping you to clarify your goals, gain deeper self-understanding, and offer a powerful boost of energy to support your manifestations. You might seek out a reading for a variety of reasons, such as:


  • Goal setting: A reading can help you identify what you truly want and the steps needed to achieve it.

  • Insight and clarity: By connecting with your higher self, a reader helps you see situations or challenges from a new perspective.

  • Validation: Sometimes, a reading can confirm what you already know but needed an external source to reinforce.

  • Comfort and cupport: In times of uncertainty, a reading can offer peace and understanding.

  • Energy boost: A reading should leave you feeling more energized, not less.


If a reader brings you down, offers a purely negative reading, or instills fear, that is not a reflection of true spiritual work. Instead, it’s a sign of a bad energy worker. The purpose of reading is to uplift and empower you, not to lower your energy or confidence.


The Laws of Manifestation: Neville Goddard’s Teachings Neville Goddard’s laws of manifestation, particularly the Law of Assumption, are foundational principles for understanding how to manifest your desires. According to Goddard, your external reality is a reflection of your internal beliefs. What you assume to be true will eventually manifest in your life, whether that assumption is positive or negative.


The key is to focus on the assumption that what you desire is already yours. By holding the belief that your desires are already a reality, you shift your energy and align with those outcomes. This mirrors what happens in reading: the visions provided to you are potential realities, but it’s your job to assume those outcomes and bring them into manifestation.


Energy is always shifting: The fluidity of outcomes

It’s important to remember that energy is always changing. Your energy at the time of reading may align with a certain outcome, but that energy can shift, bringing new possibilities into view. This is why there are often multiple potential futures and why what a reader sees today may not always come to pass in the same way.


As Bashar teaches, predictions are not set in stone. By becoming aware of your energy, you can influence the direction of your life and render predictions obsolete if they no longer serve you. Readers aren’t predicting a fixed future; they’re helping you understand the present more fully so you can consciously create the future you desire.


Conclusion: The power is within you

Remember, a reading is not a prediction but a forecast. It is a glimpse into the potential paths available to you. What you choose to do with that information is entirely in your hands. The true power lies within you, and no one, not even the most intuitive reader, can manifest your desires for you. You are the creator of your reality, and it is your belief, energy, and focus that bring your desires into manifestation. The role of the reader is to support you, provide clarity, and offer an energetic boost to help you on your path.

Embrace that power, plant those seeds, and watch your manifestations bloom.


By approaching readings with this mindset, you unlock their full potential, using them not as fortune-telling sessions but as powerful tools for self-empowerment and manifestation.


If you would like to book a reading with me, connect with me on the EverClear App.

Follow me on Instagram, YouTube and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Nichell Delvaille


Nichell Delvaille, Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer

Nichell is a Wellness Practitioner. Healing effects all aspects of a person. She is a Holistic Soul Coach, Intuitive Astrologer, Reiki Master and Herbalist. Nichell also has certifications in Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda.


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