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Mastering Work-Life Balance Through Mind-Artistry – Exclusive Interview With Tina Robinson

Tina Robinson, is an expert when it comes to creating the perfect work-life balance. Overcoming many adversaries, aged 14 suffered the tragic loss of her best friend she consequently developed bulimia, life became unimaginable but her strong innate resolve and passion for the subconscious mind guided Tina on the right path. She has spent over 20 years as an entrepreneur working with her subconscious mind creating the perfect balanced life. A Certified Hypnotherapist specialising in 'Peak Performance' Tina offers globally, a one of a kind service to fellow entrepreneurs, who are on a quest for harmony, using her unique method in 'Mind-Artistry'. Her mission: is to transform lives from the inside out.

Photo of Tina Robinson

Tina Robinson, Peak Performance Hypnotherapist & Entrepreneur

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.


Hi, my name is Tina Robinson, I am a Hypnotherapist and Entrepreneur specialising in Peak Performance and Work-Life Balance, something I created for myself many years ago. As an Entrepreneur I have over 20 years of experience developing the skill as a 'Master Juggler' when it comes to the work-life balance, metaphorically speaking.


I have the innate gift of knowing when to course correct, saving myself months if not years going down the wrong path, this a gift I want to share with the world using my unique style of peak performance hypnosis because in my experience I consider it by far, the fastest way to transmute blockages and limiting beliefs, working from the inside out. Unlocking optimal potential to become the best person you can be and creating the best life for yourself, will have a ripple effect on everyone around you, which is a win-win. I have been passionate about self-development, the mind and all that it is capable of since I was 16. 


Aside from being a Hypnotherapist, I am a property expert, a trained actress, and a proud member of Equity, the UK Actors' Union. I have appeared in TV commercials, corporate videos, voice-over work, and even a movie that was released on the 'Big Screen', it wasn't a huge role and after the final cut you can barely see me, but I am there, and what an experience it was! Most actors can relate to this. I have a Presenting background and have had the privilege of being the Interior Design Presenter on a property renovation show called 'Tricks of the Trade' that was featured on Sky TV, I was cast because of my creative background and property renovation experience. Being creative is in my blood, I love all forms of art, and I especially enjoy it when it's combined with science, working side by side with phenomenal results, think of AI and how science meets art with infinite possibilities.


I make a concerted effort to include daily all of the things that bring me joy, from feeding the birds every morning, to my morning coffee routine, sometimes it's the small things that bring us true inner peace. I love nature, getting out and about, breathing in fresh air, and swimming. I love life and practice prayer with gratitude daily something I started to do when I was very young. I feel connected to everything and everyone, especially wildlife. I was a 'Pug-Mom' to my beautiful boy Monty, who had the purest of souls and oozed joy, sadly he passed suddenly in December 2019, he was the centre of my world and I will be forever grateful to him for the gift of pure unconditional love and healing energy he gave me for 12 years. There is so much more I want to share with you.


Can you share a bit about your background and what inspired you to start Tina Robinson Hypnotherapy?


In 2002 I lost my father to a sudden heart attack, he was only 52 and I felt as though life had stood still, a piece of me was gone forever. I loved him so much and he was my biggest cheerleader, at the time my dad passed I was writing a column for a Birmingham paper, called 'Big Sister Tina', as well as preparing to host a month-long radio show, as to be expected, I felt lost. I was thinking "Dad isn't here to listen to me", my heart felt broken and life no longer had purpose. Somehow, I managed to find the strength to host the show, which was talk-based and aired daily from 10-1 pm, thankfully, I got through it but thought "Now what do I do"? I no longer cared about my future and needed something to change.


2003 was when I embarked on my hypnosis journey after reading a book by Hypnotist Paul McKenna, called 'Change Your Life in 7 Days', this was so inspiring it unlocked something inside me and I wanted to know more about hypnosis. The grief was all-consuming, I needed a new way to deal with it because nothing was working, it was affecting everything around me and life was falling apart.


I had lost the ability to focus, grief can do this and it was such an important time for my career, I remember learning lines for an audition workshop for a role on Doctors, a BBC daytime drama series. I was finding it impossible to concentrate so I decided to check myself into a 'Health Spa' for a few days to learn my lines with no distraction and by divine intervention there was an On-Site Hypnotherapist. I thought, this was meant to be and booked myself in, well, after one session I felt changed. My mind started to clear, I was less emotional, and my ability to focus started to reappear, the grief was still present but I was different. 


After this, I continued with my creative pursuits and enjoyed the process very much, it was around this time I decided that once I had created the perfect work-life balance of self-reliance and ticked a lot off the bucket list that I would be ready to give back and be of service to other like-minded people, which is where I am today. Helping others to realise their goals. 


Could you elaborate on the specific services and types of hypnotherapy you offer? What makes your approach unique or specialised?


The hypnotherapy services I offer are held Online and Globally, I specialise in peak performance hypnosis creating the work-life balance, which assists an individual in reaching their optimal levels whether this is in business, sports, the creative, or the wellness industry. Every person is unique and requires something tailor-made to reach the level where their internal world is congruent with the external. 


This form of hypnosis is perfect for anyone wishing to self-actualise and create the work-life balance that millions are searching for. Life is meant to flow and with the least resistance, with my 20+ years experience as a successful creative entrepreneur, I can combine my success and knowledge of how to create this using tailor-made sessions that speak directly to the clients' subconscious mind. I see myself as an 'Artist of the Mind' creating the perfect image for the client after working to remove blind spots that only the subconscious knows, I use their vision and needs to empower them for ongoing change. 


Transforming a client's mind is in some ways very similar to when I have renovated my rental properties, it's taking something either outdated, inefficient, or run down, and turning it into something purposeful, valued, and of service. I can use my gift of transformation. Like an old building that needs updating, the mind also needs an update from time to time as it could be running on out-of-date software.


I work with people, giving their subconscious mind an update and a reset to pursue their goals, it's a collaboration. I want to change the world one mind at a time, from the inside out, into a world full of forward-thinking independent empowered individuals, where, they have balance and harmony to enjoy the journey of life, as effortlessly as they can!


If there is one question you dislike being asked, what is it?


There is but I have a feeling by answering this, people will ask it but here goes. The question I struggle to answer "What do you do for a living"? The reason I struggle with that question is because I have never really considered myself as someone who works for a living. I have been self-employed for so long and had such a varied work life that I could not favour one role over the other, I do and have loved them all. One month I could be renovating a property, the next I may audition for a commercial modelling job, then an event managing role travelling up and down the UK, or a hypnotherapy client booked in for an Online session. 


I love what I do so it has never felt like work, providing there is a level of creativity and variety, I am happy but it helps that I know what brings me the most joy. The best approach to this is doing jobs that you would do for free, if you don't, then proceed to find a way to navigate until you do. Over the years I have offered a lot of my time helping others navigate this and I get so much enjoyment from it, whether it's paid or not! I get a buzz from seeing others succeed.


How do you utilize your website to connect with potential clients, and how do you make your services accessible, especially for those seeking online hypnotherapy?


My services are held Online and offered Globally, I find it works perfectly for clients because they can have the sessions in the comfort of their own home, anywhere in the world, provided there is good Wi-Fi or the office, whatever suits them, the more comfortable a client is the more receptive they will be to treatment. 


My website offers a direct booking service, it is very informative and easy to navigate. I offer a price reduction for block bookings, where the client makes a saving, which is a win-win. My website for anyone interested is, here you will find everything you need to know and more with links to my social media. Please get in touch if you need any further information. 


Who are your services for?


My services are for fledgling business owners, seasonal entrepreneurs, and elite professionals. A sports coach, performer, writer, actress, influencer, wellness guru, golfer or footballer. My style of 'Mind-Artistry' is for anybody who is doing their best to thrive in a chosen profession but for some reason struggling to hit personal objectives.


What qualifications and certifications do you hold in the field of hypnotherapy? How do you ensure a high level of professionalism and ethical standards in your practice?


Ethics play a huge part in the way I practice. It is so important to make sure that the client has no underlying health conditions that hypnosis could contraindicate, for example; depression, that's not to say it can't be done but it must be done safely by a person who has experience, extra training and knowledge in the condition. Safeguarding the client at all times is paramount. I will give you an example, I have a brother who is autistic and suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, he would not be an ideal candidate for hypnosis, mainly due to the schizophrenia and the potential for hypnosis to trigger psychosis, yet he can go on the internet and book a session with a hypnotherapist who perhaps may not be accredited with a reputable and recognised organisation who would not be held accountable if say, my brother suffered psychosis as a result of treatment and ended up being committed because a thorough consultation wasn't carried out. This to me is irresponsible but it happens.


Of course, any client can hold back on this information, which puts the hypnotherapist at risk but if a thorough consultation is carried out and there is a legal paper trail it protects both the hypnotherapist and the client. I always provide a consultation form and contract which the clients receive prior. They are required to complete, sign, and submit back to me before any treatment can proceed. From this, I can assess whether they will be suitable for hypnosis and I start to create a treatment plan. I always have their emergency contact and doctor details for the client's safety. I hold Registrant Status and I am accredited by the National Hypnotherapy Society, whose register is recognised by the Professional Standards Agency and I adhere to their Code of Ethics. I carry a Diploma from The Prince's Trust in Hypnotherapy and Introduction to Counselling Skills.


What are your future plans for Tina Robinson Hypnotherapy?


There are so many plans for 2024 and I am very excited for the future and the services that will become available. I am currently designing a very unique style of retreat, one with a difference; watch this space! I can't say much more than that as it is in its early stages which involves a lot of hard work, research, logistics, and strategy to make it happen. I am launching my very own podcast called 'Tina Robinson Talks' and getting down to the heart of the work-life balance, something I am an expert in and I have already in preparation interviewed some phenomenal people who are making waves in their specialist field. Much more is on the horizon for me, so stay tuned!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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