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Mastering Quantum Healing For Emotional And Physical Transformation – Interview With Deborah Picou

Deborah Picou is a leader in the field quantum emotional healing. Faced with a life-threatening health challenge, she abandoned the standard of care medical model to blaze her own trail of self healing. With the help of a doctor of like mind, she started with emotional healing which lead to physical healing. Deborah then built a thriving practice helping many people to transmute their emotional trauma transforming their lives in every way. She utilizes QHHT, Emotion Code & Emotional Quantum Healing.

photo of Deborah Picou

Deborah Picou, Quantum Healer

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

My name is Deborah Picou. I live in the Fort Lauderdale area in Florida, USA. I have raised my 2 sons to be fine young men, I think of that as my finest accomplishment. I have been married to my husband for 31 years. I enjoy so many varied pursuits. At the top of my long list would be kayaking, rollerblading, dancing (tango and tap dancing), horseback riding, skiing, yoga, handwork of all sorts, painting and ceramics. Apart from that I love learning. I am always studying something. Currently I am working on my Doctorate in Natural Medicine along with listening to many fascinating people teach on their spiritual subjects. I buy books faster than I can read them. I am an avid meditator. 

Can you explain why you began you business called Quantum Healing Possibilities?

Quite by divinely ordered circumstances, as opposed to accident, I began my business called Quantum Healing Possibilities. This business was born out of my own need to heal myself of Autoimmune Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis with episodes of Graves’. I happened upon a brilliant doctor named Claudia Marcelo who opened my eyes to quantum healing. She told me to read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, Becoming Supernatural. I did and that opened my eyes to endless possibilities. She helped me heal to the extent medical science could. My health improved yet I wanted to achieve better health than what drugs, supplements and self care practices could achieve. Then my sister-in-law told me about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. It is a hypnosis technique developed by Dolores Cannon wherein you can heal yourself while in trance in the theta brain state. I knew instantly that I was meant to be a practitioner of this technique and immediately signed myself up to do just that. So now I am a Level 3 Practitioner of QHHT which is the highest level in the world. I see numerous clients each month who want to have a QHHT session.

In one of my earliest sessions, I had a client who had a similar diagnosis as mine. To make a long story short, when it came time to ask for a healing of her thyroid, I was told by her Higher Self that her thyroid was in bad shape and that not much could be done. I said fine, let’s just give her a brand new one! After some funny comments both ways where I was repeatedly told to ask for one for myself, I finally said ok. In that moment my throat felt like it lit up with tremendous energy. Apparently the same thing was happening to my client. She had no conscious memory of the experience. Happily the session was recorded so she & I could hear it. Shortly after the session I took a blood test to check my thyroid only to find out that it was now functioning perfectly fine which was the first time in some 40 years. Needless to say, I became an avid believer the QHHT and the ability to heal one’s self. Since then, I developed my skills and began a professional practice doing QHHT, Emotion Code and my own proprietary technique called Emotional Quantum Healing.

Can you explain the main principles behind Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), and how it differs from traditional hypnosis methods?

QHHT is a hypnosis technique designed to take people to other lives that they’ve lived to get information to help them with their current life and to speak with their Higher Self to get answers to their questions as well as to heal themselves, if need be. QHHT brings the client to a deep level of trance in the theta brain state, which is a totally natural brain state that each of us goes into twice daily upon going to sleep & awakening. In fact, we each spent the better part of the first 7 years of our lives in the theta brain state. Traditional hypnosis does not do that. The QHHT session takes about 5 hours. People get what they need in the way they can get it. That is to say that every QHHT session is unique. Even when a client returns for additional QHHT sessions, their experiences are unique.

How did you develop your proprietary Emotional Quantum Healing technique, and what are its core components?

The short answer as to how I developed Emotional Quantum Healing technique is that I channeled it in the summer of 2023. I had been working in the quantum field for a few years. I had learned a great deal in my studies. I had acquired a great deal of experience helping my clients. One day I was pondering the recurring needs of my clients regarding their trapped emotions and propensity to repeat dysfunctional patterns despite wanting to change. I knew there was another piece that needed to be solved for the benefit of all my clients. And this piece was not a part of anything I had already learned.

So I asked the Divine for the answer. As simple as it sounds, the answer came back very clearly, “Oh you know how to do this Deborah, teach them how to choose their thoughts!” So I then began typing a document of the very questions I was to bring each client through. These questions became the backbone of my proprietary technique called Emotional Quantum Healing. Over the next few months I brought nearly every one of my clients through this process. During many of these sessions I channeled additional information to enhance the technique. Some of those sessions were so profound for me. There were numerous times during a session that I said to the Divine, “This is above my pay grade, you’ll need to do the session and I’ll just channel it!” Wild! So fun!

So now the technique is fully developed. Or so I think. The technique currently includes a unique personalized voice recording to keep the client on track daily. I find that my clients just love doing their “soul-work”, as I call it. They tend to do it way more than I ask them to because it is so encouraging, uplifting and powerfully life changing.

What inspired you to integrate the Emotion Code, Body Code, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and Emotional Quantum Healing techniques into your practice, and what benefits have your clients experienced from these methods?

When I began working in the quantum field, much of my work was with Emotion Code, which is a powerful technique developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. At that time I utilized QHHT as very much separate from my other modalities. Now it is a part of my integrated wholistic approach. I wove in emotional elements of Body Code. After a couple of years I saw that I could assist my clients more if I started by taking a more overall view of their lives. More like a generalist rather than a specialist. From that perspective, the burden was on me to see what they needed rather that the clients coming to me with the responsibility of figuring out what their issue was and which modality they needed for each and every session. This felt right to me as I understood the benefit of taking a wholistic approach. So I tuned into which technique was great at doing what, simultaneously, noticing the border or perimeter of each technique. It became clear what should be the initial session’s techniques. I started taking whatever amount of time was needed to get to know my clients very well. Once that was done, I formulated a preliminary plan as to what techniques we were well advised to use and even more specifically, what topics would we work on during each session.

With this approach my clients know they are in capable hands, so to speak. Their responsibility is to be fully present during the session and do their “soul-work” daily to effect the best outcome. I have other techniques that I offer my clients to support their emotional growth. One very interesting modality is analyzing their voice to see which notes are present, in short supply, in excess or totally missing. Once that is determined, I teach the client how to establish the missing notes or the increase the ones in short supply. Each note relates to certain emotional & physical tendencies. An imbalance in the voice’s notes cause an imbalance in the body and emotions. This is yet another way to assist my client’s emotional growth because we need all of the notes to be present in our voice to maintain good physical and emotional health.

I have been trained in general sound healing and utilize a bit of sound healing in my sessions. Since I am constantly learning new techniques and bits of beneficial information, I often add a bit of this knowledge to my sessions. Currently I have been sharing with my clients the benefits of a proud stance, smiling, laughing, humming, toning, singing or assuming a winner’s pose and even shaking off transmuted emotions. Each of these carry profound benefits. They greatly enhance the work we do together. Again, a wholistic approach!

I teach clients, if they need it, how to recognize an amygdala hijack when they are having one and more importantly how to stop it. This is so useful to deescalate the runaway train of rage &/or anger. I often take them on a short mildly hypnotic journey to transmute every instance of anger that they have ever had. To be free of that is a brilliant feeling. And it is so simple.

Last but not least, I am certified to train my clients to practice HeartMath Coherence. This is a powerful 3 minute technique that creates coherence throughout the body. First we get the heart to be coherent, then the brain joins in and soon every gland and organ in your body joins in the coherence party. When this happens your raise your resiliency to stress, you move into your parasympathetic nervous system where your can rest and restore, you increase your mental ability and improve your physical agility and immune response. There’s more to it than this but this will give you an idea.

I sometimes refer my clients to other practitioners who offer great benefits that I don’t. One of which is Blood Microscopist which is conducted by a particular, rather psychic retired Registered Nurse, with whom I have worked for a few years. I could write volumes on the her work that would blow your mind. Suffice to say, whatever you could imagine as the best you could hope for, the reality of having a session with her is going to be way beyond that on all levels. She works both in person and remotely. Another practitioner is a Shaman who does Family Constellations to help with unresolved ancestral issues. While I work on the client regarding their current emotional issues, this Shamen works with your ancestors. She is nothing short of amazing. Chances are she will uncover ancestral issues that never occurred to you as the source of your circumstance. But once you realize it and let it go it will be like a weight lifted off you. This Shamen has benefited me greatly and I have participated in her group sessions seeing many others find resolution. She works both in person and remotely. A third practitioner is a woman who heals using two powerful frequency machines. With one of her machines she will evaluate you, your emotions and your body based on your frequencies. Then she uses a different machine to make the frequency entrainment corrections. I have worked with her many times and have always been thrilled with the results. She works both in person and remotely. Each of these practitioners offer techniques which have greatly benefitted my clients and their work dovetails beautifully with mine.


Can you share some success stories or testimonials from clients who have undergone your Emotional Quantum Healing sessions?

I could offer you so many success stories and it will be challenging to choose 2 or 3. There is a beautiful success story involving a young toddler who, at nearly 3 years old, did not speak at all and was an angry baby who refused to show love to his mother. The mother, who I never met, asked me to do a session on her toddler, who I never met the toddler. I used Emotion Code remotely and learned why the toddler was having these issues. I will leave out those details for the sake of privacy. Suffice to say that I transmuted all the trapped emotions that the baby’s body told me were there. The next day this toddler not only began speaking but also singing! This was a first for this baby. Then the baby toddled up to the mother, hugged her legs and kissed her for the first time ever!

Another success story was that of a woman who came to me because she was scheduled for life-saving heart surgery. We did 3 Emotion Code sessions followed by a QHHT session. Afterward when she went to see the surgeon for her pre-op evaluation, the surgeon said that her heart looked good and to return in 6 months for a follow up evaluation. Her surgery was canceled.

The final success story I will share with you is about a woman who came to have an Emotional Quantum Healing session. She had recurring negative self-talk that perpetuated a repetitive unfortunate experience. We went through the process of discovery to determine what was at the root of this, found it and rewrote a thought that was in alignment with her authentic self. The shift began immediately. It took about 2 weeks to see her life reflect this shift back to her. As a result she developed confidence that had previously been elusive which then lead to opportunities opening to her which she had never before experienced. Suffice to say she began enjoying life in a bigger way!

While some might think that my work sounds very “airy fairy”, I like to say that “Science is the wind beneath my airy fairy wings!” Everything I do can be substantiated by science.

How do you incorporate elements of emotional awareness and trauma healing in your sessions, and why is this important for overall well-being?

It is important to know that every decision we make, every behavior we have, every word we say is rooted, one way of another, in our emotions. Clearly if you are burdened by dysfunctional emotional baggage, this will affect everything you think, say and do. Furthermore, if you are coming from your trauma, you are obviously coming from your wounded self; ergo you are not being your authentic self. And being your authentic self is a far better choice for you to experience in your life! Being your authentic self is freeing, rewarding, uplifting and magnetic!

What strategies do you recommend for clients to maintain their emotional and mental well-being after completing a session with you?

I have a list of daily care items in each client’s session recap. I will briefly list them here: meditation, yoga, singing, humming, chanting, breath work, dancing, gratitude, HeartMath Coherence, be in nature, create peace, calm & joy

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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