Written by: Virin Gomber, Executive Contributor
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Manifestation is essentially the process of creating something or turning something from an idea or a dream into a reality. In the context of success, manifestation refers to a goal-achieving strategy. The problem arises when these dreams aren't turning into reality after putting in huge efforts. There may be varying reasons, including the quality of techniques used and the quantity of effort.

At the same time, several other significant reasons may result in a lack of results, such as having a negative mindset about success or exuding fear while putting in the work to manifest what you desire. Manifestation starts from within the mind, which is why psychologists believe that the disposition of the mind to success is a strong determinant of how successful you will be.
Manifestation Needs you to Raise your Vibration
Manifestation is the process of making your dreams a reality by 'living' your goals. It approaches goal setting holistically by changing your mindset and behaviors. This process is all about believing in something and seeing it come true. It is the ability to use your mind's power to change and create the reality you want to experience. Manifesting can benefit every aspect of your life because it empowers you to become the best version of yourself that exists, embody the person you most want to become, and assist you in unlocking the infinite potential that you have in order to create the life of your dreams. It is considered an ‘energetic’ activity because it requires the power of the mind to turn your imagination into reality. So it requires you to raise the energy of your vibration to manifest all that you want to be! If you want to manifest your dreams successfully, you should be ready to raise the vibration of your energy using your mind, time, and action.
What Makes Manifestation a Scientific Action
Manifestation is dependent on the inclination of your belief system, actions, feelings, and intentions. It is not a religious practice but can be compared to the rules of praying or visualization. Our brain creates new neural pathways through visual or verbal repetition, which increases your ability to succeed with your intentions. The more you repeat the process in your mind, the more you manifest. This is the science of ‘neuroplasticity.’ According to research, we develop neural pathways not only through physical practices but also through visualization. The practice of boosting your focus is key in this process. With consistent practice comes proficiency. Whether or not you are aware of it, you are constantly manifesting through your nervous system. Our nervous system is wired to connect our external environment to our inner state of being. You see the world as you want, based on your internal beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
How Meditation helps with Manifestation
Remember that every action starts in mind. Some daily intentions are simple to carry out, while others require massive efforts manifest. When we have too many thoughts, especially conflicting ones, we fall into the latter category of intentions. Meditation is a practice that cultivates the mind in such a way that intentions can manifest. The following qualities that meditation instills in your mind facilitate the manifestation process. Meditation helps you get relaxed and boost your creativity and intuition to go about your goals every day. It also helps remove self-doubt and train your mind to be focused and present. It also has a profound impact on helping you infuse positivity in your thoughts. It also enables you to stay positive even if things aren't going to plan while keeping you focused on the goal.
5 Easy ways to use Meditation to Manifest Positive Outcomes
1. Visualization
Visualization is frequently used as the foundation for any manifestation meditation because it allows you to see in your mind's eye exactly what you want to manifest. With meditation, you'll be able to visualize every detail of your ideal life, including where you live, who you're with, and what you do during the day. The key to any successful visualization is to feel all of the high-vibe emotions associated with having your desires right now, not just see them play out in your mind. When you do this, you directly connect yourself to the experience of having the thing(s) you want, becoming a magnet for your dreams to come true.
2. Letting Go
To let go means that after you've set an intention and requested what you want, you let go of concerns about when and how it will happen and trust the Universe to bring your desires to fruition. You can visualize ‘letting go’ in meditation by picturing your desires as a ball of light or a balloon. Once you let go, sit back and trust that everything you desire is already on its way to you.
3. Affirmations
A positive affirmation is a statement in the present tense that is intended to uplift and encourage you while also increasing your self-belief and supporting your overall well-being. Here are some examples of manifestation affirmations:
I have the ability to design any future I want. What I become is something I choose.
I can create anything I can imagine.
My life is overflowing with abundance.
I am the abundant, loving energy that I seek.
Everything I want is on its way to me right now.
Everything I'm looking for is within me.
4. Reflect on your goals
You can start with one or two goals but work up to as many as ten goals! Your objectives could be to raise more funds for your startup, pursue the career you've always wanted, fall in love with someone, achieve peak performance, or get along better with your team – whatever you want! Let's start with your first objective. Imagine, with your eyes closed and still in Meditation, what your life would be like if You had already achieved this goal. See as much as possible about your life after you've manifested this dream through your own eyes.
5. Maintain a positive attitude
What is your frame of mind during this time? What are the most prevalent thoughts and beliefs that run through your mind? What emotions have arisen as a result of what has occurred? How did your internal reality attract a similar amount of energy to your outer reality? Having a growth mindset would help you answer these questions daily. You should maintain a positive attitude toward your goals and stay confident that you will achieve them.
These five steps are an extraordinary way to get you in a successful mindset and truly help make your dreams a reality. When you practice these meditation steps consistently, your manifestation ability will grow in leaps and bounds.
As Maya Angelou said,
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”
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Virin Gomber, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Virin Gomber is a leading Mindfulness Success Coach, Speaker, and Author.
Following a successful corporate career that left him with stress and burnout, he learned, created, and mastered highly effective Mindfulness strategies to boost his balance and personal performance. Since then, he has integrated Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and Positive Psychology principles to craft a unique blend for his Mindfulness success system.
Dedicated to helping people become top achievers, the core of his work is with entrepreneurs, CEOs, professionals, and driven individuals to support them to achieve peak performance, balance and happiness.
He offers more than a decade of Success Coaching, corporate training, and 25+ years of Mindfulness experience.
Virin has co-authored an Amazon bestseller, “The Missing Piece in Self Love,” appeared on TV shows, and contributed to numerous global online magazines.
His ‘WHY’: To empower people to create accomplished personal skills to achieve next-level success and happiness.
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