Talsi is a world-renowned tarot reader and psychic spiritual coach. She was born with her intuitive gifts, but spent her early career working as a lawyer in the corporate and entertainment spaces.

In today’s digital age, we’re immersed in subliminal programming every time we scroll, swipe, or engage online. Many people in the dating world are conditioned to feel that love is scarce, elusive, or dependent on a ‘perfect,’ but seemingly unattainable “match.” This mindset is often reinforced through social media, ‘failed’ attempts with dating apps, and even ‘well-meaning’ relationship advice. All of these subtly shape our inner beliefs about what’s possible in love.

But what if I told you that the power to create and experience the relationship of your dreams lies solely within you? Spiritual law, specifically the Universal Law of Assumption, operates to bring into your reality only what you dominantly think about and assume. As taught by the spiritual visionary Neville Goddard, each of us has the ability to shift our reality simply by shifting our own state of awareness. By consciously redirecting your focus and thoughts to create new assumptions about love, you can, in fact, transform your romantic reality no matter what the world around you may suggest.
Reclaiming authority over your love story
Amidst other programming, many people are conditioned to believe that the outside world is operating independently of them. They view themselves as being at mercy to circumstances. In the case of dating, this may boil down to beliefs like ‘ it’s a numbers game,’ or it’s a matter of being ‘lucky’ or ‘unlucky.’
The Law of Assumption asserts that our conscious and subconscious minds, together, shape our experiences. In love, this means that the stories we accept about relationships and about ourselves determine the versions of people and the connections we experience. These stories that form our beliefs or what we assume to be true are often shaped without our full awareness- in some cases, it’s family upbringing or our friends and social circle. Online, it can be dating coaches and ‘experts’ and any other media we consume daily. If every influencer, post, or reel you see suggests that love is “hard to find” or that “true love is just a fairytale’, then it’s easy to internalize these ideas as true and make them part of your reality.
But here’s the real truth: The reality of your love life is not dictated by societal narratives; it is completely shaped by you. By intentionally selecting new thoughts that align with you living out the reality and experience you prefer, you can detach from the influence of these narratives and manifest any desired connection, person, or relationship. It’s all rooted in the beliefs you choose to hold about yourself and the love or person you desire to experience. The Law of Assumption emphasizes that creation is finished. In other words, anything that you can ever imagine or desire has already been created. What you want, therefore, is, in fact, already in existence in the infinite realm of possible experiences, waiting for you to consciously choose it and assume it is yours! This isn’t a matter of wishful thinking but rather tapping into your infinite power as the operant power and creator of your own reality.
The secret: Nobody has free will in your reality
One of the key components of the Law of Assumption is that “nobody has free will in your reality.” This doesn’t mean that we are puppeteers controlling others’ lives; rather, it speaks to the power of our thoughts, assumptions, and beliefs in shaping how people show up in our world. According to spiritual law, our interactions and experiences in any given moment are always a mirror reflection of our inner state and the version of ourselves we choose to be. The outside, including romantic interests/partners, must conform and reflect back to us that state. When we choose to shift our thoughts and create the assumption that we are a version of ourselves that is always loved, has easy and loving relationships, is always committed to, etc., then that is what we must inevitably experience in our outer reality?
Our self-concept, or how we see ourselves in relation to the people we love or are attracted to, is also a major factor. For example, if we assume a ‘state’ or the identity of a person that is confident and worthy or always receives first-best treatment, then others must, by spiritual law, reflect it back and conform to that expectation and that self-image.
If you can fully accept and consciously apply universal law, then the concept that everyone in your reality is ‘you pushed out’ is an empowering one. Your love interests and the people in your personal reality will always reflect back the thoughts and assumptions you have about yourself, love, and relationships generally and about them specifically. We are always manifesting, but by consciously choosing the preferable story of who you are, you can manifest the preferable version of love or your relationship or even a specific person.
3D reality & circumstances are not fixed; it’s a reflection of old thoughts
One of the biggest misunderstandings about our outer reality is the belief that the way it appears and circumstances are fixed and immovable. In truth, your third-dimensional world is constantly shifting as you shift. What you’re experiencing today is a reflection of your past thought patterns and, often, unconscious assumptions. What you experience tomorrow will be a reflection as well. If what you're currently experiencing in love is not what you prefer, it is by no means permanent or inevitable; it is merely a projection of what you once assumed to be true.
This is why shifting your thoughts, assumptions, and self-concept can transform your external circumstances and relationships completely. Your third-dimensional reality lags behind your inner world, meaning as you consistently hold a new state of being, your external world must reflect it back to you. When you change your dominant thoughts and persist in thinking in alignment with what you desire, you are feeding your subconscious a different story, and your reality and the people in it will mold and conform to give you what you want.
By understanding and accepting this, you release attachment to unwanted circumstances. Instead of reacting to an undesired situation, you can consciously choose to be the version of yourself that has a different experience, reaffirm that preferred experience internally, and watch as your outer world rearranges to match that.
Rewrite your subliminal programming: Steps to shift your love narrative
Reprogramming our assumptions about love, especially in a social media-saturated world, requires a deliberate approach. Here are three steps to help you do just that:
1. Detox from negative influences
Detach from or mute content and avoid conversations that reinforce a scarcity mentality around love. Instead, intentionally choose your own story. Take a break from social media and go into your imagination, practice thinking, and live in the end. Imagine having your dream relationship or ideal person. The imagination and your subconscious mind, which is the machine that brings you your outer experience, are unlimited and defy ‘logic.’ It will deliver you whatever you persistently choose to focus on. This means any desired relationship or connection is attainable through focus.
2. Be the observer/create a new script
Observe your thoughts about yourself, your love, and your romantic interests. If they are negative or not in alignment with what you actually want, then decide this is no longer your truth. Write down affirmations or script out your desired relationship. Or, if you have a specific person in mind, script out how you would like them to be and how you would like them to treat you. Affirm this reality as if it is done. Persisting in this new story allows you to embody the identity or version of you, where this is your truth. Repetition creates a new baseline assumption. Your subconscious, then, must inevitably bring this into your physical reality.
3. Embrace the law of assumption in action
Every interaction becomes an opportunity to reinforce your new assumptions. When you feel doubt or encounter challenging dating narratives, remind yourself that it is ‘You’ that determines your experience. Remind yourself that you are the writer, director, and main character of your own story. Build a strong self-concept, knowing that you are lovable, worthy, and always receiving everything you affirm. Over time, your reality will and must reflect your dominant thoughts, assumptions, and inner state.
Trusting the process and creating lasting love
Manifesting love through the Law of Assumption isn’t about controlling others but about taking responsibility for what you will accept as true in your personal reality. You are, in fact, always manifesting, even when you are stuck in a loop or unwanted cycle. By consciously bringing your focus inward to you, choosing new thoughts, and reprogramming your assumptions, you can free yourself from the conditioning of social media and external narratives. Tap into your own personal power and consciously manifest and experience the love you truly want!
As a tarot reader, mindset, and spiritual coach, I like to empower individuals to break unconscious patterns and take control of their inner world. This is so they can manifest and experience the love they deserve and desire! Everything you experience is completely within your control through your mind. By tapping into your personal truth and forming your own beliefs, e.g., that the love you desire is already yours, you will experience it with whomever you wish to experience it. So try it out! Step into your own power, decide who you are, and what kind of love you want to experience! You’ll find that others cannot help but deliver on your thoughts and assumptions!
Watch my video on why 'your specific person already loves you!': Click here.
Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more insights: Talsi Tarot.
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Talsi, Tarot Reader and Psychic Spiritual Coach
Talsi is a world renowned tarot reader and psychic spiritual coach. She was born with her intuitive gifts, but spent her early career working as a lawyer in the corporate and entertainment spaces. Her spiritual awakening came later in life – when she was guided “home” to her true passion and calling. She now uses her gifts to empower others to defy the status quo! Talsi guides her clients back to a place of self love and compassion. She helps them face their fears, embody their truth, and reclaim their power in their personal, romantic and professional lives.