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Manifesting Wealth And Abundance Through Sacred Sexuality And Massive Action

Written by: Shesuz Heart, Executive Contributor

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Executive Contributor Shesuz Heart

Manifestation is great, but without action manifestation is not much more than wishful thinking. In this article you’ll get a taste into how manifestation works in favor of your money. You’ll explore why embodying your sacred sexuality as a tool in your success kit could be what you’re missing.

A woman with shades holding a money.

“Anybody can wish for riches, and most people do, but only a few know that a definite plan, plus a burning desire for wealth, are the only dependable means of accumulating wealth.” — Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich

Pursuit of abundance

In the pursuit of wealth and abundance, many individuals turn to various strategies and philosophies to manifest their desires. One such approach combines the power of sacred sexuality with the principle of taking massive action. By integrating these two elements, individuals can tap into their inner potential and create a life of prosperity and fulfillment.

One of the foundational works in the realm of personal development and attracting one's wealth is Napoleon Hill's timeless classic, "Think and Grow Rich." This influential book emphasizes the importance of mindset and belief in achieving success. Hill's teachings highlight the significance of aligning one's thoughts and goals with a burning desire for wealth and conscious thinking.

Faith without works

However, it is crucial to understand that manifesting wealth and abundance goes beyond mere wishful thinking. As the saying goes, "Faith without works is dead." While having a positive mindset and visualizing success are essential, they must be accompanied by action. Manifesting requires taking massive action towards one's goals and dreams.

Sacred sexuality actually works

Sacred sexuality is a powerful tool that can be harnessed to enhance the manifestation process. It involves cultivating a deep connection with one's own sexuality and using it as a source of creative energy. By embracing and embodying this aspect of ourselves, we can tap into a wellspring of vitality and passion that fuels our actions and intentions. Which in turn feeds our abundance and allows new levels of wealth to come more easily.

When engaging in sacred sexuality, individuals are encouraged to approach their sexual experiences with reverence, mindfulness, and intention. This practice allows for a deeper connection with oneself or with one's partner, creating a harmonious flow of energy that can be directed towards manifesting wealth and abundance.

Combining forces for great results

By combining sacred sexuality with the principle of taking massive action, individuals can amplify their manifestation efforts. This means actively pursuing opportunities, stepping out of comfort zones, and persistently working towards their goals. It is through consistent and inspired action that the seeds of manifestation are sown and nurtured.

It is important to note that manifesting wealth and abundance is not a passive process. Furthermore, it requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to overcome challenges. By integrating sacred sexuality and taking action, individuals can revel in their innate power and create a life of abundance.

Bringing prayer in

Here is one simple thing you can do today to begin to cultivate your wealth energetics. This simple action step is to pray. That’s right, pray, ask, thank and connect with the Divine (whatever you call it). When we reach out to something that is both us, and greater than us (Divine) we say I believe in more than what I see. Belief in manifestation is belief in your co-creative responsibility with your life and with Source. Here are a few prayers you can say today. Begin by placing one hand on your sacral (sex) chakra and one hand on your heart and repeat

“Thank you, Universe and guides of the highest truth and compassion. I am ready to feel free. I welcome a newfound faith.” Gabby Bernstein

Read more from the Best Selling Author here.

“Thank you for showing me how good it gets. Thank you for the money coming in. Thank you for the abundance you surround me with, and the openness to receive it.” Shesuz


In conclusion, manifesting wealth and abundance through sacred sexuality and massive action is a holistic approach that combines the power of mindset, intention, and action. By aligning our thoughts, desires, and actions, we can harness the creative energy within us and manifest our dreams. Remember, manifesting is not about simply wishing and doing nothing; it is about taking inspired action towards our goals. So, embrace your sacred sexuality as your superpower to wealth, take massive action, and watch as the Universe conspires to bring you the wealth and abundance you are worthy of.

If you're interested in diving deeper into the principles of manifesting wealth and abundance, I encourage you to explore my online course Attractionist explore here.

There, you'll find a wealth of knowledge and resources to support you on your journey.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Shesuz Heart Brainz Magazine

Shesuz Heart, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Shesuz Heart is a leader in sacred sensuality, tantra, manifestation, and living a spiritually abundant life. A teenage tragedy left her seeking God and her truth after realizing that societal standards had left her feeling depressed and empty. Shesuz then developed strategies that helped heal her body from potentially cancerous cysts, as well as overcome sexual trauma, emotional turmoil, and addiction. Since then, she has led a life guided by Divine Grace, empowering hundreds of people through transformational journeys to embrace their sensuality as a sacred superpower. Leading others to heal from past pains, regenerate their body, thrive in business, all while mending mental health to live a juicy life.

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