Written by: LeeNor Dikel, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Throughout history, when people didn’t understand something, they immediately discounted it as false, especially if this went along with the belief of the masses.

Think about it. If the few hadn’t cracked the code, most of us would still think the world is flat, all planets orbit around the earth, and that men are the better sex. Haha.
But seriously – all jokes aside. Many really incredible phenomena that were eventually proven to be true were originally considered a load of bull until the majority eventually adopted the belief.
What’s my point?
Well – I believe that, in a way, we’re going through a Renaissance of our own. With magic, manifestation, the law of attraction, subconscious reprogramming, energy healing, and people all over the world crafting their dream lives from “nothing.”
Do I believe in this stuff? Well, hell yes! Because I’ve seen it. And I’ve done it.
And today, I’m here to tell you how you can do it, too, even if you’ve been a little skeptical or hesitant to try.
Today we’re going to focus on manifestation. First of all – what is it?
Well – in complex terms, manifestation is a practice that allows one to harness the infinite power of the universe to attract whatever she could want through the process of visualizing and imagining that it is already hers.
Let’s break it down further. When you manifest, you utilize a combination of imagination and trust – you need to first get really clear on what you want and then, more importantly, have faith that it can actually be yours.
The practice of manifestation originates in the belief that the universe is infinite and that everything you could want already exists but that you’ll only receive it (quickly at least) if you actually ask.
When I’m with my clients, I like them to imagine the practice of manifestation as if it’s a restaurant.
When you walk into a restaurant, it’s like sitting down to manifest; the first step. Then, you get comfortable, settle down, check out the menu. It’s the first deep breaths you take to get into a meditative state.
Once you’re there, you could either ask your waiter to bring you “food” (quite vague) or give him a specific order. (I don’t recommend the former). In manifestation, it’s like this – you could ask for a house and a business, or you describe in detail what you want this house to look like and what your business will involve, and how successful you want to be. Much better. In the same way, you wouldn’t want to put in an order with the waiter for “food” because he could bring you just about anything. You don’t have to be vague when you ask the universe for something either. In fact, you want to be as specific as you can get.
And finally, you want to feel it. Once you get your food, you could shove it down and not even really taste what you’re eating, or you could really savor every bite. No matter what your eating preference is, in manifestation, you definitely want to savor. The more you immerse yourself in your visualization of what you want to manifest and feel gratitude for it as if you actually have it, the faster and easier you will manifest.
And that’s how you manifest. However, if you try and try and nothing seems to work, you may have a block or two. This could be an energetic block, a misalignment, a subconscious belief, or something else. Some people also have different manifestation styles according to their VAK (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic perceptions). Therefore it’s important to dive deep and discover your particular manifestation style and your blocks to help you manifest as quickly and easily as possible.
For the next three people who reach out, I am offering a free manifestation consultation to help you discover your manifestation type and any blockages that may have been holding you back—text “MANIFEST” to 813-345-4167 or direct message @LIFEWITHLEENOR on Instagram to save your spot.

LeeNor Dikel, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
LeeNor Dikel is a 1 international best-selling author, accredited empowerment coach, host, and speaker. Her latest book, The Game-Changer Workbook, is a 150 page intensive for women looking to upgrade their lifestyle and go after their dreams. She is the founder of From Striving To Thriving In 90 Days, a program and course that helps individuals worldwide take their life into their own hands and to the next level. In her practice, she leads ambitious women to overcome subconscious blockages, alleviate stress, and shift into the best version of themselves. She draws upon her expertise in neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, and mindfulness, as well as her own extensive experience in guiding her clients to move from "stuck" to empowered in every aspect of life. LeeNor works with clients to discover their purpose, break free from doubt, inaction, and insecurity, and go after their goals without fear and hesitation holding them back. Utilizing her 3-Step Strategy For Success, she helps her clients conquer these limiting beliefs, embody self-love, and develop a game-plan that works to cultivate the lifestyle, business, and relationships that bring them joy and allow them to thrive. Her mission is to empower women worldwide to overcome their limitations and live a life of abundance and success.