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Manifest More With Meditation

Written by: Carmelle Riley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


As we head rapidly into 2022 – collective action is the big theme for a re-connecting world. And with the benefic manifesting planet Jupiter in home sign Pisces till May 2021 - we all get to share in the collective benefits of expansion, good fortune and manifesting positively!

Connection is ‘Reality’

Whether it is your family, your tribe, your business, school, workplace, church or your sporting associations, connections with others are just part of the fabric of our ‘reality’.

Yet connection is only Connection, if you understand the relationship between you and You, and the non-physical collective. This means knowing that you matter, and you also give power to the collective.

You learn the most about connection from being still and listening within. Meditating without an agenda, guidance or direction.

The more you surrender or relinquish an over-reliance on the physical, with a deeper perspective of the larger creating non-physical collective energy that creates the physical, the more you connect to the power of the collective...

The 99% collective non-physical

You navigate the intersection between the 99% non-physical, and the material, in-form 1% matter that is formed and given sense (excuse the pun) by our senses. You navigate best with relaxation, relaxing your focus inwards - which is why smart people meditate. This is flow!

You, me, we: everything is largely invisible non-matter – every trillion of the cells in your body has less than 1% matter (nuclei, cell sac) and the rest is subatomic particles that are composed of nothing or 99.99999% invisible space. This invisible space inside the tiny quarks and the gluons is the collective. This is the wave-like void that you command with your thoughts and your feelings.

Your focus is then combined with the experience of everything else (99%), in a neverending continuous vibrant conversation, which takes shape as those things you narrowly focus on (1%) and make ‘real’ as your own life experience.

Really, it's not that deep. In fact, if you consider the invisible it’s really cool – this rich tapestry of nothing-ness that we are created from, are part of, and advance every moment!

The Law of Connection

There are 12 laws of the Universe. The law that governs the endless co-creative exchange is the Law of Connection, or as some call it “the Law of Divine Oneness”.

Personally, I prefer to call the Universal force that silently directs all physical experience: the Law of Connection. Yes, we are part of the Oneness, and it is Divine. There are even some other cool names – All that Is, the 99%, the Void, Te Kore, the Field of Intelligence, Pure Consciousness, Source, GOD.

Yet – it is our individual coming-to-know, our insight, our awareness, our appreciation, and yes our CELEBRATION, that our own unique little 1% experience, within the massive infinite field of vibrational energetic soup, is the ‘magic’ that shifts the dial. With the law of connection we come to know that our 50,000 or so felt-thoughts per day, really do matter!

Seekers come to this knowing sooner or later. Humans are just a little part, of the Universe, the matter in our cells is just a little part, of the whole cell, actually all physical matter is just a little part of the Universal whole, and yet our contribution to the collective is very big and it is also important, especially right now – in this moment.

All beings get to shape energy and expand the Universe. Even a shallow unconscious breath is the light or life force that sustains the growth of a flower, three days from now. Just you being alive and breathing expands the Universe, as does every exchange between everything in the Universe with every other thing. It is cool to know we are just a little part, and also we are constantly influencing the Collective.

Awareness changes the way you think about your thoughts and your feelings and your choice of focus. You become more cognisant of the one-whole-divinity and the awesome paradox that is life. There can even be thriving in your living!

Find your connection

Finding your connection to the bigger, more creative core of you (within you and around you) is easy.

Right now – close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Breath in the Earth, Breathe out the Universe. Set your intention to connect (and maybe give and receive love). Find your Universal core of be-ing-ness, the part of you which you can’t see, hear, touch, taste, or smell but you know exists because you can feel it’s there.

Allow your non-physical 99% Imagineering Eternal Soul to expand. Feel your heart space – allow it to expand, feel your heart space in your back. Feel your heart energy, expand, fill up the room. Allow yourself to meet your intention by meditating on your breath, on your connection. Really lean into the experience without worrying about what thoughts enter your mind. Whatever perception, sensations, visions, knowing, allowing, is uniquely yours.

Find your collective.

The more you are still, quiet, and connecting with the You within you, the easier it is to find your Source for infinite co-creation, and other co-creators. This is the true collective and it exists whether you know it, or not! And, when you actively work with it – boom – you step into flow!

The low point of disconnection

Despite all this ‘collective’ insight, 2021 has really challenged me. In May, I decided to overhaul my life and launch a digital business. With a rapidly growing global e-learning industry, there never was a better time to go collective and digital!

My desire is clear – I’m a passionate digital entrepreneur wanting to move beyond 1:1 coaching to working with collectives of clients who want to manifest their dreams through healing, energy work, self-hypnosis and meditation (https://

Usually, I’m a great manifestor and good fortune attractor – but for most of 2021, I have really struggled with the Universe. I became so focused on my own little vision and more than a little bit OCD in my ‘perceived’ solo struggle.

My daily vibe was stress, overwhelm, anxiety. Most days I felt useless and hopeless; obsessed on the “how” and the “do” – the many integrations, funnels, scary digital marketing, content automation. The more I got stuck into everything, the more tense, uptight I became, and despitefully knowing this, my contracted uptight vibration attracted more reasons for frustration, anxiety and overwhelm.

In early December 2021, I was ready to quit. I admitted failure: 7 months of earning just $1400 and investing thousands, with no results. I definitely had hit the lowest point of my ‘be-ing’ a digital entrepreneur.

Despite my pain, I kept up with taking stillness in my day. And, I changed my usual goal-orientated self-hypnosis, to working with a new fluid style of upright meditating (not lying, not leaning back, not leaning forward – hands palm up). This really allows more surrender and less conscious direction.

It took a few weeks but finally, the Universe offered a co-creator. Enter Robyn Zaval and Only the Inspired –

Robyn’s vision is to empower clients seeking coaching (whether they need support with health, wealth or relationships) to intentionally create a life that inspires them.

With Only the Inspired, she joins coaches with clients to achieve the biggest impact possible. enables clients to access an international unlimited coaching platform for a reasonable monthly membership fee.

I joined Only the Inspired in mid-December 2021, and I’m totally inspired to be part of a fast-growing international collective that pools expertise and lowers the barriers for client access and impact.

In that very same week, the Universe presented a bunch of new inspiring alliances and new business opportunities manifested. As this happened, I started to relax, to surrender and remember my original vision.

People are the life-juice of my business and being part of a collective is one of the best ways to be reminded of what it is to connect, to serve and be part of an expanding consciousness that expands the Universe.

I am super grateful for my stillness practice, and for the Universe working through Robyn to remind me of the Law of Connection.

Alone we are the 1%, together we are the 99% unlimited!

If you would like to know more about Only the Inspired – reach out to Robyn at, or email me at

Happy nearly 2022! Celebrate the Collective Power Expressed through You!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more info!


Carmelle Riley, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Carmelle Riley (New Zealand) is a pioneer of modern hypnosis and quantum energy transformation who loves to inspire others to build a consistent positive vibration. She is also an Astrologer, and author and the founder of Manifestors Unite. Manifestors seek her wisdom, ancestral knowledge, hypnosis and quantum energy programs because they want to heal limiting beliefs, and up level. She teaches all of the Universal laws (not just the law of attraction), so people feel how easy it is to focus their inner landscape, and from this 'feeling good' place, they quickly emerge into Super Manife-STARs Carmelle works with groups all over the world. Her passion is help others to rise above deep unconscious trauma using their Hearts and Minds. Her signature Aroha Love Bomb technique, shifts energy at the sub-atomic level, so people instantly step into their infinite power. They heal and transform, and use Universal energy for magic – to heal their families and communities, or to create deep Earth and Galactic connections.

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