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Making Changes In Your Life Or Career – 3 Action Steps To Get Unstuck

Written by: Georgia O'Keefe, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Georgia O'Keefe

Recently on my podcast, Making the Grade, we interviewed an educator who equated one struggle of modern day classroom teachers to being on a treadmill.

Woman resting and using smart phone.

What did he mean exactly? As a former teacher myself I can attest to the fact that there are many moments of feeling like you are doing it all, but never enough. Running on a treadmill is hard work – and though there are many benefits to engaging in this form of exercise, we can’t help but note that it’s different from running or walking outside because no matter how long you do it for, you’re going to end up in the same physical location as when you started.

There are so many (often unrealistic) expectations of the modern day teacher, meeting every student’s needs being one. In a classroom of close to 25 students (possibly many more if you are a specialist teacher or an upper grades teacher) it can often feel like running on a treadmill – you’re putting in the hard work, you’re making a difference of course, but are you really making the kind of progress you want to make? You can feel stagnant, stuck in place, like you’re running on a treadmill and never getting yourself, or your students, where you want to be.

Not a teacher? I think this “treadmill effect” can apply to any one of us in today’s world. There is so much expected of us at any given time, so many milestones we’re “supposed” to reach, a timeline we feel like we should be following, that it can be so challenging to pause and ask ourselves “what do I actually want?”

The truth is – while it’s so easy to get stuck and overwhelmed in today’s world, we actually live in a time when it is very possible to try new things, switch things up, and chase new dreams… if we’re open to making space for them that is.

But, how?!

Well, here are some words of wisdom from three incredible educators we’ve interviewed on the podcast that can help you get off the treadmill and take one baby step toward something that feels right to you, regardless of what you’re “supposed” to be doing…

1. “You know, as we've been talking about kind of this ‘owning your life and your experience,’ I think this is so easy to feel powerless. It's so easy to feel like you don't have a choice and that you're stuck. And I think that, you know, honor that and then sort of move forward: What does it look like for you to take one step towards being in control of your situation, being in control of your life, you know?” – Kelly Driscoll, Kelly Lynn Coaching, Episode 14

Action step: Identify one specific aspect of your life that you want to change or improve. Make sure this goal is realistic and achievable in the short term. For example, if you want to improve your health, you could set a goal to take a 20-minute walk every day. Setting a clear and attainable goal provides you with a starting point and a sense of direction, making it easier to take that initial step towards change. It also helps in tracking your progress and staying motivated as you see yourself making tangible improvements in your life. Remember, taking small steps can lead to significant long-term changes.

2. “What is it that really drives you? Why did you go down this path in the first place, and what parts of the day are the most joyful, and what parts of the day are the most straining? Take the time to reflect on that.” Amar Kumar, Ceo of Kaipod Learning, Episode 18

Action step: Start a journal where you record your daily experiences, activities, and moments that bring you joy, fulfillment, or a sense of purpose. Write down not only the big moments but also the small, seemingly insignificant ones that made you happy. Include how you felt and why. After a few weeks or months, review your journal to identify patterns and themes. This will help you understand what consistently brings you joy and what aspects of your life you want to change. It's a practical way to gain clarity about your values, desires, and what matters most to you, which can guide you in making positive changes in your life.

3. “There’s only one you, nobody else can be you. And we need you, whoever's here in this, your skillset, we need you. There's only one. You don't try to wish you were somebody else, because there's only one you. Take care of you.” – Matt, Curriculum Designer, Episode 6

Action step: Take time to reflect on your interests, passions, strengths, and experiences. Create a list of skills you enjoy using and excel in. Consider seeking feedback from trusted friends, mentors, or colleagues to gain an external perspective on your strengths and abilities. How can you use this information to recognize your worth, and how you can use your strengths to build a life you love.

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Georgia O'Keefe Brainz Magazine

Georgia O'Keefe, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

I am a former educator who left the field to follow my intuition and my curiosities and start my own creative design business, and I am currently traveling the US full time in my home on wheels. I help teachers and small business owners make space for what lights them up in life, and feel empowered to share their journey through beautiful content and website stories.

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