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Make Your Grass Greener – Because Your Life Will Only Be As Good As You Make It

Written by: Aura E. Martinez, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


It is so tempting, at times, to believe that what we see on social media is true & that perhaps others know the key to a great life, except for us. Especially when we perceive rough patches in our life, we may sit & wonder what’s wrong with me that life isn’t as fun & exciting as it used to be?!

Man with beard at the living room at home smiling with hands on chest with closed eyes.

If you find yourself in this situation now where you’re questioning yourself a lot, wondering what’s wrong with you or your life, or you’re looking at other people’s lives and wishing yours were more like theirs, it’s time for you to make your grass greener.

The truth is your life will only be as good as you make it to be. I know that it may be better or easier “if only the right person would show up,” “if only this opportunity would show up,” or “if only I lived in x place,” etc. However, this line of thinking & feeling will only disempower you.

It disempowers you because you end up relying on something outside of you to feel better. Replying on anything outside of you for your happiness only creates crutches. I don’t know about you, but crutches can be quite uncomfortable in the literal sense. So it is metaphorically. This is because what happens when whatever it is that you rely on for your happiness isn’t there? You can’t move forward then?

Anything outside of you is not where your real power is. It will always be within you. And with this, I would like to go over what are some of the things you can do to make your grass greener.

1. Consider your happiness.

What I mean by this is to look within you & figure out your definition of happiness. For this, give yourself some quiet time. Write down what comes up for you when you think of happiness.

What makes you truly happy?

What lights you up?

What makes you feel alive?

As you write down the answers to these questions, think of what you can do today to get you closer to what you define as happiness.

2. Cut out the dullness.

Take an inventory of your life & think of what sucks the life out of you. Make a list and see what you can do differently to cut out whatever doesn’t light you up inside.

If what bores you are things that at the moment you are unable to change, i.e. a job, then ask yourself how you can change your perspective of your job. Think of all that your current job provides to you besides a paycheck that you can be grateful for. The point of this is to change the state within you when it comes to this part of you and your life.

3. Implement gratitude first thing in the morning & throughout the day.

I know this is something that gets said over & over again and it’s for a good reason. That’s because it’s impossible to be sad, angry, depressed, or worried when you are in a state of gratitude.

When you are in a state of gratitude, your focus is on all the good you have working for you. If you’ve been so used to focusing on all the things that go wrong in your life, then give yourself the time to make gratitude into a habit.

What can you feel gratitude for right this moment?

What is working in your life?

How can you express gratitude for the people you have in your life?

How can you express gratitude for the things you have in your life?

Remember that gratitude is not just a feeling, it’s a lifestyle. So, consider how can you think, feel, act and do in gratitude every day.

4. Lean into your curiosity.

Your curiosity is one of the keys to your most passionate life. What you are curious about provides you with clues as to what your next step is, what would make your life most interesting, the direction of your happiness, who you really are, etc.

As kids, we were curious all the time, which made life so interesting. If you have been ignoring what you are curious about, it’s time that you start leaning into your curiosity. I can promise you that this will make your life more fun.

5. Mind your business.

That’s right! I will highly encourage you to mind your business if for whatever reason you feel highly triggered by how other people are living their life. Stop looking at what others are doing and start living your life instead.

I will add this though, as you do this, investigate why this triggers you so much. I can bet that the reason why you feel so triggered is that a big part of you wishes it was you living that kind of life. In that case, ask yourself the following:

What about how they live their life triggers you?

What aspect of their life do you admire?

Why is it that you admire this? (This will reveal what some of your values are)

If there is anything about their lifestyle that you would like to implement in your life as well, what would it be?

How can you add your own flavor to that kind of lifestyle that you admire?

The whole point of you asking yourself these questions is for you to understand where the trigger is coming from, own your trigger, learn from it and grow from it. After you have done all this, then you can move on to minding your business and tending to your grass.

If you crave a fabulous life, one that you are so in love with, you must cultivate that kind of lifestyle. No one else can do this for you and that’s a good thing because that means you have all the power. It is your job, your responsibility & duty to cultivate the kind of life that has you feeling excited to wake up every day.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Aura E. Martinez, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Aura E. Martinez is a Self-Discovery and Empowerment Coach helping women gain total clarity in their purpose so that they can wake up to a daily life of fulfillment and certainty. As a person who has traveled the world as a Flight Attendant, the opportunity has helped her learn and see so much and she discovered the most fabulous place for us all to see that is truly the key to greater well-being and she shared that with others worldwide.

She is also the founder of Live to the Max™/Viva al máximo™, author of the book Creating a Lifetime of Wellness: Start Having the Life You Deserve and the journal Creating a Lifetime of Wellness Journal: Your Personal Coach to the Different Areas of Your Life. The book has been seen in Spirituality & Health magazine, Psychology Today, and Natural Awakenings NYC edition magazine.

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