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Love To Write? Here’s Why Now Is The Perfect Time

Danielle Raine is a holistic creativity expert and mindset coach for creatives and entrepreneurs. She has been studying the creative process since an epiphany at Art School in 1993 that revealed how to access the flow state.

Executive Contributor Danielle Raine

In a world with AI and more content than could be consumed in a dozen lifetimes, it may seem as though there’s little need or even room for more writers and written works. Yet, the modern world holds a wealth of opportunities for those of us who love to write, and there has never been a better time to respond to that calling. Here’s why.


a laptop on brown wooden table

Why now is such a great time to be a writer

For any writer, at any point in history, the present moment has always been the ideal time to write. Yet, for those of us considering a writing life in the 21st century, there are some compelling reasons why this particular era is such an inspiring time to be a writer.


No barriers to entry

In times past, aspiring writers were at the mercy of the established publishers and gatekeepers. Now, anyone with a social media account or blog platform can become published in seconds. If you have something to share with the world, there are countless channels freely available for you to publish your work.


Traditional publishing is still alive and well, yet self-publishing is also flourishing in the new paradigm where writers of all stripes have access to a vast range of publishing options.

While there may be pros and cons to the various formats of the new hybrid paradigm, one thing is clear: there’s no longer a barrier to entry for any writer who is committed to getting their work in front of their readers.


It may take time, determination, resilience, and grit, but anyone who feels called to publish their writing and connect with their readers has more possibilities than ever before.


“You don’t have to wait to be anointed by someone. You can choose yourself.” – Denise Duffield Thomas


Content has value

In this Age of Information, content has become a highly valuable resource. While there are many different types of content, such as audio, visual, multimedia, etc., one of the most ancient forms is also one of the most enduringly popular: writing.


Written content has become a hot commodity, with the power to build empires and pave the way to commercial success. Modern businesses are waking up to the idea of connection with their customers through blog posts, social media, or email marketing, which is the future of commerce.


This shift towards written connections opens up a world of opportunities for many kinds of writers. Content creators, bloggers, journalists, magazine publishers, social media editors, and copywriters are all roles that are thriving in the new digital economy.


Gone are the days when the only way to hit the jackpot as a writer was to become a bestselling author. Skilled nonfiction writers emulating the glamour of fiction-writing and novelist ideals are now in high demand, with many successful writers living their dream careers, enjoying their ideal writing life, and being paid well as they do.


“There are people who need what you are sharing.” – Gabby Bernstein


Copywriting = currency

According to the hugely successful champion of creative entrepreneurs, Marie Forleo, copywriting is the key skill that enabled her to build her 7-figure empire. Copywriting is just one writing genre, but in the modern world, it’s the one that can most easily translate into financial and professional success.


The advertisers of old were aware of the power of skillful copywriting, but in the 21st century, the secret is out; being able to write well and master advanced writing techniques is one of the best ways to translate a passion for writing into money in the bank.


Whether you feel drawn to the possibilities of SEO and digital marketing, or you simply want to craft compelling copy for the back cover of your next book, a gift and passion for writing gives you a potentially lucrative edge in the modern world.


“Great copy is more than an essential skill, it’s your superpower to get people to pay attention to your message.” – Marie Forleo


Email, texts & tech: Non-stop writing practice

The modern world runs on written communications. Think of all the texts and emails that fly through the ether every second of every day. These words make things happen, connecting people from all corners of the globe. From the most mundane text to the most heartfelt email, words make a difference.


For many, these simple acts may be just a means to an end, but for those of us who love to write, they’re an opportunity to hone our craft and elevate an everyday experience.

Because all writing is writing practice, all written communication is a chance to play with the raw materials that writers feel so called to explore. It’s an opportunity to express ourselves, to hone our unique voices, to master brevity, or to write our hearts out.

When we start to see everyday written communications as a chance to perfect our craft and spend time with our favourite medium, it’s easy to see how the modern world is both a playground and a training field for writers of all levels.


“Writers who write are at peace with themselves.” – Julia Cameron

The internet: A global writing room

There’s no doubt that the arrival of the internet has been a mixed blessing for modern society. Yet, despite the downsides, it has opened up possibilities for writers in numerous wonderful ways.


From the ease of research to inspirational mentors to connecting with like-minded peers, having access to a wealth of information and other humans can make for a much more productive and happy writing life.


Beyond the creative process of writing, the internet allows us to build platforms and connect with audiences on our own terms in a way that was unimaginable just a few decades ago. For those writers who feel the solitary nature of our craft, the global writing room offers connection opportunities and access to inspiring communities of fellow scribes and readers the world over.


The renaissance of reading

Slow Living advocates and wellness experts are discovering what book lovers have known all along – there’s something deeply restorative and soothing about the simple practice of reading.


Whether curling up with a physical book or dipping into apps and ebooks on our favourite devices, time spent reading is good for body, mind and soul. It can serve as a balm for modern living and an escape from the trials of contemporary culture. And the world is full of devoted readers, hungry for more books, blog posts, and articles to inspire and delight them.


This ever-increasing audience craves more reading materials, and they have a particularly insatiable appetite for new works and new voices. This vast demand requires a supply of writers, which is why there will always be room for those willing to add their unique gifts and passions to the global library.


“Your gift makes room for you.” Proverbs

Human creativity vs. AI

With the rise and increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence, there have been concerns that human writers may become redundant. While it’s true that some of the information-gathering tasks may be done much more quickly using AI, another narrative is emerging.

We’re already seeing a movement away from bot-created content, with human readers craving the intangible essence and innovation that only comes from human creativity. This makes the work of living writers more valuable, especially as gifted, inspired, or flow writing is the most difficult to replicate by machines.


Automated content crawlers lack the spark of human genius. So those who feel called to share their own genius sparks through their writing offer a calibre of content that is naturally elevated from AI-produced writing and readers can not only feel it, they enjoy and value it, perhaps more than ever. Additionally, the leaps of creativity that cannot be generated by machines help to give humans the edge when it comes to innovation and novelty.


“We can and will succeed. Humans are endlessly resourceful, optimistic and adaptable.” – Stephen Hawking


Creativity for humanity

Think of how the right song on the radio can transform your mood in an instant or how a feel-good movie can make everything seem alright again. The arts perform a vital service for humanity, bringing comfort and solace to a modern world that greatly needs these remedies.


Writing is, and has always been, one of the most potent and influential artistic mediums. Words can work magic in the hearts and minds of those who receive them. Despite all the advances of modern culture, this simple truth remains: words can uplift and inspire.


The uplifting power of written works is as relevant and necessary as at any other time in history. Humanity needs writers, especially those who can restore weary spirits and recharge the stores of positive energy on the planet.


This is creativity for humanity. Because the words you’re yet to write, the words you’re wondering whether to share they can serve a purpose far beyond the results you’ll ever see or expect. It may be that someone somewhere needs the words that only you can bring to the world.


“Words can heal, connect, uplift, inspire. How will you use yours?” – Beth Kempton


Writing is therapeutic

One last compelling reason to follow an urge to write is that it’s good for you! Any form of enjoyable creative expression can be therapeutic, but experts are revealing how the simple art and practice of writing deliver a unique range of healing benefits.


While this aspect is not specific to the modern era, it has never been more relevant. With global epidemics of anxiety and depression, the need for therapeutic modalities is increasing. A writing practice can serve as an emotional release, a fulfilling expression of self, and a route to mental calm.

This is partly why I’m so passionate about helping writers answer their creative calling because the benefits to body, mind, and soul are significant. These ripple effects are not only a blessing to the writer but also a gift to the world. Healthier, happier humans make for a more positive impact on the collective, and embracing a love of writing can be a route to that vision.


“To steady myself, I wrote, and I wrote, and I wrote.” – Therese Ann Fowler


Your time to write

As I write this, in 2024, there’s much that could distract us from our creative passions, many voices that would suggest that now isn’t a great time to pursue our writing dreams. But I wholly believe that if you are called to write, life is better when you do. That calling, that urge, is not a mistake – it has a purpose. And the only way to find out where that beckoning will lead is to follow it.


The beloved and prolific author Margaret Atwood cites that if you wait for the perfect time to write, you’ll never write. It’s true that there will always be other demands on our time and attention. Yet, even though the modern era may not be perfect, there have never been more opportunities for writers. And there has never been a better time to write than right now.


So, I hope these ideas encourage you to start or keep writing so that you can harness the many blessings of the present and write your way to a happier future for us all.


If you could use some tools for more flow and success in your writing life, help yourself to the collection of virtual gifts in my Writers Corner.

Danielle Raine

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Danielle Raine, Holistic Creativity Coach

Danielle Raine is a holistic creativity expert and mindset coach for creatives and entrepreneurs.

She has been studying the creative process since an epiphany at Art School in 1993 that revealed how to access the flow state.

For three decades, she's been working and experimenting in the creative fields of design, blogging, publishing, marketing, tech, and entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on the nature of inspiration and flow productivity.

Her specialty is a wellness-based, feel-good approach to creative fulfillment and success, along with an enduring theme of enjoying the journey as much as possible.

Through her coaching, courses, books, and blogs, her mission is to share the simple, practical tools that create rapid shifts and inspiring results so that her clients, students, and readers can do more of the work they love to do and bring their most exciting creative visions to life.



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