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Love Letter To Self

Written by: Silvana Avram, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The simple gift you must give yourself to be truly happy

We all need to be reminded, at times, that we are worthy of love, that we are unique and special, that our contribution matters.

In our relentless pursuit of achievements and success, we forget to take the time, to check in on how we are feeling, to be gentle and kind to ourselves.

I often ask my coaching clients and students to write a letter to themselves. It is a powerful way to connect to your essence. To say things that only you can say.

Today I have decided to write a letter to myself – to each one of us - to the beautiful human being in me, in you.

Read this letter as often as you need to.

Make it yours.

Make it your love letter to you.

Dear me, (fill in with your name)

It’s been a while since I told you that I loved you.

Today I am writing to express my infinite gratitude.

Please know that I truly appreciate you.

I appreciate who you are.

I appreciate everything you do.

Being human is not easy. There is no manual for being. There are no instructions for living on Planet Earth.

And it can get overwhelming.

I know that at times you feel lost, scared, and confused.

I know that there are days when you see yourself as inadequate, unworthy.

But please believe me – nothing could be further from the truth.

It is in your moments of doubt that you are most impressive.

It is when you are scared that you show real courage.

It is in those moments of vulnerability that you reveal your true beauty.

Please do not worry - you cannot fail at being.

You can only get better: better at being you, better at being human, better at understanding and accepting your humanity.

I know that you are trying hard.

I know that you are doing your best.

Let me give you a hug.

Let me tell you: “Thank You!”

It is time you heard this from me.


I love you deeply and unconditionally.

To me, you are the most beautiful human being there is.

You are the human being I know most intimately.

I was there every time you cried. I was there when you were laughing.

I am here now, as you are reading this.

I am with you when you are dreaming, when you aim higher, when you are pushing boundaries.

I am with you when you look at the stars and feel at one with the mystery.

I marvel at the brilliance of your mind.

I am touched by the purity of your heart.

I admire you so much!

There is no limit to my appreciation.

Every day you continue to surprise me.

I am spellbound by the wonder of who you are.

I am so grateful for being you.

Thank you.

Thank you…

For waking up every morning.

For embracing every day with such sincerity.

For your hard work, and for your sense of duty.

For doing all those things that you don’t like doing.

For accepting to take responsibility.

For continuing the journey. Even when the going gets tough. Even when you don’t know why.

Thank you for overcoming your weaknesses, for conquering your fears. Thank you for your honesty.

Thank you for trying your hardest, for being the best you can be.

Thank you for learning something new every day, for allowing yourself to grow. For rising again when you fall, for the resilience you are showing.

Thank you for your wisdom and for your patience.

For choosing to trust life and keep going.

Thank you for finding security in insecurity, meaning in the meaningless.

Thank you for dreaming the impossible. For constantly transforming reality.

Thank you for always searching for truth and beauty.

Thank you for your warm heart and generosity.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for being you.

I commend you and respect you.

I’m so in awe with you!

With everything you are. With everything you want to be.

I want you to know that you are beautiful.

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve to know that life loves you.

Life loves you when you are scared and lonely, when you are silly and forgetful, when you are in pain and when you are cheerful.

Life loves you. Life loves you because you are life.

I love you.

For every beat of your heart. For every breath. For every thought. For every word. For every gesture. For every hesitation. For every choice. For all those mistakes and for all those victories. For every frown. For every smile. For the tears and the laughter. For everything that makes you, you.

I love you.

I am proud to be you.

Unique. Exquisite. Unrepeatable. The most miraculous and wonderful expression of life.

I love you.

Listen to me.

I will repeat what I have already said:

You are loved and you deserve to be happy.

I know you might think that I’m exaggerating.

But it is important that you hear this.

You are unique and courageous. Being is an act of courage and only you can be you.

You are abundant and resourceful – you always find a way.

You are intelligent – you are learning every day.

You are kind and sensitive – you will always be a child at heart!

You are creative and powerful. You are the lead character in your life’s story – you create your reality.

You are precious and valuable – you give meaning and purpose to your life.

You are a thing of beauty. You are lovable and loved.

I love you. Life loves you. The entire universe loves you – just because you are.

You. A unique, abundant, intelligent, sensitive, creative, precious, and beyond beautiful, expression of life.

Remind yourself that being you is a wonderful contribution to life and that no matter what you do, life loves you.

Life never judges and never compares. It welcomes every contribution lovingly.

You can always be better; you can always be more.

But for life, you will always be you.

Open your heart to this unconditional love.

Drop all your doubts.

Leave behind all that pain coming from comparisons and judgments, from shoulds and what-ifs.

Allow yourself to simply enjoy being.

Give yourself the gift of love.

Love yourself. Just for being you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I love you.

Silvana Avram

PS: Here is to you, to your spectacular journey!

Use this letter as a daily reminder of who you are – of the joy of being you, of the miracle of to be.

To go deeper into reconnecting with yourself… read “Being You and Loving You – The Ultimate Guide To Fulfilment” – a book I wrote for all of us. Thank you for being you.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Silvana Avram, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Silvana Avram is a successful, Inspirational Life Coach, philosopher, author, teacher, and founder of Life Coaching with Silvana - whose mission is to empower us to embrace our uniqueness, fall in love with life, fulfill our potential and create a beautiful legacy.

Fascinated from a young age by the mystery of life and our place in the universe, Silvana has been on a quest to find her own answers to the big existential questions facing humanity. Now an acclaimed Coach and Author, she draws on her extensive study of Philosophy, Psychology, Meditation, Holistic Healing, and Spirituality to create a uniquely inspirational and empowering style of Coaching - also reflected in her Book “Being You and Loving You” in which she guides us through an unforgettable, transformative journey of self-discovery and self-love.

Convinced that we can overcome the prevalent paradigms of fear and division, Silvana has recently focussed her attention on developing a radically innovative approach, outlined in her upcoming book, “Living in Eternity” – and which has earned her an unexpected nickname: “Miss Eternity”! She argues passionately that, rather than chasing goal after goal and living for tomorrow, we should, instead, live every day, every moment, with the joy, awe, and serenity we experience when we see our lives from the perspective of Eternity. When we choose to live in Eternity, everything falls into place, everything we do takes on a different meaning, and we become aware that, as humanity, we are, in fact, constantly creating our common legacy.

Silvana’s ambition: to inspire us to write a better story for ourselves – and for humanity – in Eternity!

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