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Love Is Never Lost From Within

Karamjeet Kaur, Self-Love Specialist Author, Coach, B.Msc (Metaphysical Science), MBA (HRM), PhD Scholar in Management (Self Love), Pursuing Doctorate Program in Metaphysics Science, Certified HRDF Trainer, Certified MBSR Teacher, Change Consultant, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Global Homeopathic Centre SB and Founder of Self Love Training Academy.

Executive Contributor Karamjeet Kaur

I found my love through loving myself. I believe every single human being on earth is always looking for the love that gives them satisfaction and wholeness within. There is an interpretation of Love for everyone. Yet one belief is almost the same for everyone: we are bound to lose love somehow along the way. Losing love in any sense in our lives has the black dot that we all fear.

a person with curly red hair and glasses, making a heart shape with their hands in front of a reflective surface,

Losing love is the biggest fear that we face in our lives. This belief system makes the fear outside of us larger than our power. We have been accepting it as normal to allow the pain of losing love to become a curse. I am here to give you insight into the fact that by loving ourselves, we become aware that we are not born to believe that love is bound to be lost in our lives.

In reality, we are losing jobs, losing someone, losing money, and losing anything, which is a fact we go through throughout our lives. Honestly, we can't avoid this fact much. Yet, we can educate ourselves to be more accepting of these facts or truths so we can easily deal with their aftermath. I wish I could say that there is nothing in life we can lose as we have love. The truth is we live in a constant state of energy of change. The change we go through is meant to give us different experiences through awareness of emotions that we relate to that attachment. Now, how can we relate to believing that Love is never a loss to us?

Teaching and experiencing continuous self-love have given me more strength to deal with the 'losses' I face, so I can better understand my own emotions and thoughts. For example, losing a loved one is the most painful experience. We all feel pain and sadness over time, though each of us experiences it differently. Some can overcome it, and some can't at all depend on an inner understanding of accepting the truth. Going further to talk about losing a loved one or facing death is our biggest fear to face and go through. It is an unavoidable fact, yet it is truth that we have to walk through. This truth causes us to live in fear of survival rather than accepting the process of life."

As we practice the right tools of loving ourselves, we are open to much wisdom in us to understand the process of life so that we can learn to accept it freely.

Over the years, I have seen questions about why losing someone or something can be too much as one of the greatest traumas that we face. 46 years of finding true love and the last 20 years of experience in the truth of self-love have made me aware that I am the Love energy all the time. The love we embody is always about feeling love for ourselves. This love energy that we embody is an intangible force that we sometimes feel, and at other times cannot. As we face those sad and painful moments, the love we hold helps us appreciate love transforming into another dimension of existence of truth. The appreciation of love gives us the strength to accept the change that we fear most.

Yet the change we know about is the emotions and thoughts we have, and still, Love remains as it is.

To understand this change we face; we must practice the Love we are and believe it is never lost from within. Why is Love never lost from within? It is because, daily, by every second, births happen around us and in the world. Birth is a formation of truth, love of its existence coming to life and creating joy, love, and much. The Babies that are born are surrounded by much love all the time because it is pure love. I am sure everyone can relate to this fact. We come together to create new life, give it the support and love of another human being, and then it goes to another transformation as he or she has to experience true love. When we feel it within, we experience that knowingness of true love we are

If love is always lost then I can assure you we would not experience many births every moment across the world. This fact can make us realise that we love ourselves from the moment we know Loving ourselves is the way to know our truth which is Love. It is attached to the fact that Love is never Lost from within. We are born as Love; we experience much through love, and in time, we go in Love. This article is about how we can learn to accept that love is beautiful and that the hard fact of truth is that love is us within. This will lead us to less pain, easy acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding, as well as an appreciation of life and love as one.

We can never be lost in a long time unless we believe that is the truth. As we practice Love ourselves, we become true to our truth of Love. We open ourselves to more healing within love, we practice more of love, giving it to more gratitude and much more positivity. Life gives more in that truth as well. Let's learn more of our truth through loving ourselves so we create a better positive lifestyle which benefits all of us.

The more we embrace that Love is Never Lost from Within, the more love becomes a source of truth, strengthening our sense of self. Loving ourselves truly is our greatest journey in living our lives.

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Karamjeet Kaur, Self Love Specialist Author, Coach & Entrepreneur

Karamjeet Kaur, Self-Love Specialist Author, Coach, B.Msc (Metaphysical Science), MBA (HRM), PhD Scholar in Management (Self Love), Pursuing Doctorate Program in Metaphysics Science, Certified HRDF Trainer, Certified MBSR Teacher, Change Consultant, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of Global Homeopathic Centre SB and Founder of Self Love Training Academy. Karamjeet is a survivor of sexual abuses and suicide attempts. Karamjeet has been transforming herself and people around her with Self Love work last 20 years. Karamjeet has written 7 books on self-love and self-help. She has now produce courses on Executive Degree on Self Love Empowerment and Empowering Abundance Mindset.

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