Jill Yeiter is a Wellness Coach with a Bachelor's in Lifestyle management and two decades of experience helping others improve their health. She has expertise in Workplace Wellness, Pilates, Intuitive Eating, and more. She currently runs an online business, Heal With Jill, and offers a variety of free resources in addition to her paid coaching services.

Jill Yeiter, Heal With Jill
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah, and now live in Wellington, New Zealand with my husband Sheamus, son Atticus, and cat Lilith. I enjoy spending time in nature, creating, and doing a wide variety of movements. My interest in all things wellness began at university and has become a lifelong commitment to my own self-care as well as advocating for others.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
My business name is Heal With Jill. In general, I help clients become more intentional and flexible in how they look after themselves, which requires the resignation of all-or-nothing approaches to well-being. Specifically, I can help a client improve their relationship with food and their body via the work I do as a healthy weight/intuitive eating coach. I can also help a client become more skilled at incorporating and implementing movement into their life, drawing on my experience as a Pilates Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Rehab Coach. The details of how I go about helping an individual are unique to each client. Still, a few common themes include identifying core values, developing a personal definition of success, and creating sustainable habits.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
I know it’s not popular or recommended to not have a niche, but I truly am open to helping anyone who has the desire to improve their health. This is not to say that I don’t vary my marketing to keep things interesting, for example, in the past I have targeted specific groups such as Postnatal Mums interested in gentle recovery, Seniors interested in safe fitness, Human Resource departments interested in offering holistic wellness workshops, and Potential Dieters wanting to ditch the scale and improve their relationship with food and their body. I have a wide variety of wellness skills and experience so I can go broad or deep, depending on the needs of the group or individual.
What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business?
At present, I don’t view myself and my business as being separate. I would love to achieve financial independence, to grow and nurture a steady flow of clients where there is a reciprocal exchange of energy, and to have my course, Heal Your Food Story, become part of a greater community such as Mindvalley or Chopra so it can help more people.
Who or what is your work inspired by?
My work is inspired by anything or anyone who can take complex ideas and simplify them. One specific example of this inspiration is the work of Eric Franklin, of the Franklin Method. He can take someone from a state of stress in their body to a state of ease quite quickly by using dynamic imagery, basic anatomical education, and allowing time to play and practice. These concepts can then be applied to any movement form. In my movement work with clients, I implement similar measures to help clients find more flow and quality of movement.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
Generally speaking this past year has been satisfying as it has brought more opportunities of contribution including a guest interview on A Quest for Well-Being Podcast with Valeria Teles, an interview in VERVE Magazine, the writing contributions I’ve made in BRAINZ Magazine, the recognition of being on the BRAINZ 500 Global, and the opportunity to facilitate my in-person worksite wellness workshops, GROW Simple Wellness.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
If I had one wish it would be to universally make work settings happier, healthier places for everyone. So much time is spent at work and if it’s an overall physically and psychologically unhealthy place it takes a massive toll on your health. The world would be such a better place if everyone came home at the end of the day feeling seen and valued.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I don’t know that it’s the result of any one thing, but rather a series of moments leading up to the present moment. These moments included leaving traditional employment, an international move, parenthood, and the need for a creative and professional outlet that was flexible and enjoyable.
Is there one main idea you would like readers to learn from you regarding their well-being?
Looking after yourself is a lifelong journey requiring patience, compassion, and deep inward listening. Everyday is different, whether it’s your body, your mood, your environment, and every day requires showing up for yourself and asking “How can I be of support?”