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Living In Alignment With Innate Purpose – An Exclusive Interview With Jayne Sanders

Jayne Sanders is a Transformational Coach for business leaders. She is the creator of The Executive Success Blueprint and performs neuroscientific assessments that enable better performance by aligning people with their authenticity, innate purpose and talents, and blind spots to take action on. Jayne also helps resolving barriers that naturally occur within leadership teams. She has been featured in FORBES magazine for the accuracy and depth of her work. Sanders combines neuro-assessment with coaching to help business owners, leaders, and their teams discover their authenticity, innate purpose and gifts for greater success. As a result, they become more effective leaders and role models, which generates higher employee engagement, morale, productivity, and retention.

Jayne Sanders, Creator of the Executive Success Blueprint

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

As the creator of The Executive Success Blueprint, I have an MBA, corporate background, and after three prior careers, I’m now a Transformational Coach for Business Leaders. I have three coaching certifications and decades of experience coaching and consulting with corporations and their managers. I’m featured in a FORBES article about my neuroscientific work, and using that assessment tool as the foundation for my coaching, I help leaders, business owners, and teams increase their self-awareness, authenticity, and emotional intelligence to achieve the results and success they desire at work and at home.

I have been speaking, consulting, and facilitating professionally for over 30 years, to numerous Fortune 1000 companies and related associations including US Steel, Mass Mutual, Prudential, Toyota, Choice Hotels, ASAE, Million Dollar Round Table, SHRM, and many more.

So that’s the professional side of me! I was raised in southern Illinois with six siblings but have lived in New York City, southern Missouri, Los Angeles, and now Denver. I fell madly in love with horses over 25 years ago and have owned at least one horse since 2003. When not working, hiking, baking, enjoying coffee with friends, or reading, I can be found out on the trail, currently with my pretty red quarter horse Scarlett. And I eat dark chocolate every day, can’t stay out of it! What is your business name, who are your clients, and how do you help them?

I actually have two businesses, they target different clients but provide similar services customized by the goals and desires of each person.

Executive Authenticity targets business leaders, helping them become more self-aware and authentic role models so they can increase team engagement and retention, and achieve their own personal and professional goals, including deeper joy and fulfillment.

Purpose Whisperer targets individuals in any walk of life who feel stuck, lost, bored, off-track, and looking for their innate purpose, ideal work, personal development, or answers to their confusion and specific action to take.

How does your work differ from other coaches?

My work is very different! First of all, the neuroscientific assessment tool I use is unique and so accurate that FORBES wrote about it. The lines in your hands mimic the neural pathways in your brain. It’s called Scientific Hand Analysis and is not palm-reading, there are no predictions involved. Your hands reveal your innate purpose, special talents, and blind spots to take action on. I am as highly certified as possible in this work, and I have reached Master status with several thousand clients in twelve countries.

Secondly, I’m a Transformational Coach, meaning I help people 360, both personally and professionally, using three varied coaching certifications and decades of experience coaching and consulting in the corporate world. Who inspires you to be the best that you can be? My clients inspire me every day! So many of them are deeply committed to diving into self-introspection and making positive changes in their lives. With coaching, somewhere around half of the benefits and results are dependent on the client’s commitment to doing the work and being open to and desiring change. That inspires me every day, it’s not so easy to make change! But it’s not so hard either. If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?

It’s not the industry itself I would change, I would want to change the perception of my assessment tool and change more people and executives to be more open-minded, progressive thinkers. Some people insist in their minds that Scientific Hand Analysis is woo-woo or weird. It’s certainly different, that’s for sure! But it is science, extremely accurate, and life-changing when you take action on the information.

I’ve worked with entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers, lawyers, financial executives, CEOs – you name it, in twelve countries, and not one person has asked for a refund for the analysis. Those who started the process with skepticism (by the way I certainly did, so I get it!) were believers after one hour with me. I love that, because it means they will own the information and work with it to change their lives and make them even better!

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

During a challenging period when my corporate work no longer fulfilled me, my parents died just three months apart. Their passing made me realize how fast life goes by, and compelled me to wonder if I was making a big enough difference in the world. Was I really helping people as deeply and as best as I could?

Was I being authentic to my calling, gifts and skills? I wanted to make sure I was on track with my innate purpose, my reason for being here.

BUT – I didn’t know what that purpose or calling was! I never felt completely on target with my career, as successful at it was. Something was always missing. Oh I tried! I worked with a career coach, I read all the ‘right’ books, did all the exercises, etc. None of those worked for me. I felt intuitively that the world was and is transforming, and I didn’t want to be left behind.

After my parents died, my mother unexpectedly, for months I conducted a focused search for more meaning and fulfillment through discovering and living my life purpose. I desired complete authenticity and was not going to stop until I figured it out.

Finally, during an online search I ran across a headline for a teleseminar that read, “Discover your innate life purpose!” I couldn’t click on that link fast enough! The first words I saw were ‘hand analysis,’ and I was so disappointed. Like so many people, I immediately thought of palm-reading and as fun and helpful as that modality might be, I knew it wouldn’t help me.

Then I saw the word ‘scientific’ which helped me put aside my anal MBA skepticism and listen to the teleseminar. It really intrigued and interested me, and I wanted to know my innate purpose so badly! So I got a Scientific Hand Analysis done and WOW it blew my mind! The information from my hands explained so many patterns in my life, why I like this but didn’t like that, why this worked but that didn’t, and so much more. I resonated with it all, even aspects I had never thought of before. And I knew if I took action on the information and blind spots, I would find my way.

Clarity soon increased, doors opened, and new connections were made. Within a few months I realized that if I felt so inspired and lit up before I even knew what I wanted to do with the information, I wanted to help people feel like THAT. I began studying the work, started doing analyses after my first certification, and continued studying it for five years. The rest, as they say, is history! I am living in alignment with my innate purpose and I love my work, my life, my joy and fulfillment!

Follow me on Facebook, Linkedin and visit my website for more info.

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