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Live Life By Design Not By Default

Written by: Oriel Ross McKinney, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Many times, we have a defensive posture. We react as inconveniences and problems arise. Not only does this bad habit abuse and challenge our time, but worse is we cannot react at our highest level because we're not directing the conversations.

Here are my personal suggestions to orchestrate living your life by design and not by default.

1. Sell yourself. This means not only putting yourself in the right spaces but also surrounding yourself with champions and sponsors who will recommend you, mention your name for consideration, and create progressive environments. There is a method of selling yourself.

Establish yourself as a curator of solutions. Confidently present your ideas and track your

success. You can sell yourself easily when there is a history of wins. And know, wins don't

have to be grandiose; in many situations, they are implementing ripples of change and creating headway.

2. Strategize your sales targets. Exceeding your sales targets doesn't occur by happenstance.

Be intentional about the methods used to achieve sales goals. When reverse engineered, this

type of planning dictates when you should take specific actions to attain success. Hope is

essential, but it is not a sales strategy. Connecting with a certain number of leads, providing

information, and answering questions are what carry you to the finish line on your timeframe.

You drive your results.

3. Create long-term goals. It is always interesting when clients are goal setting. They tend to be annual goals. Sometimes what you achieve in a year is foundational, and your rocket moment exists because of that hard work. Do not let the social media highlights create unrealistic expectations. I advocate for short- and long-term goals. Where will you be in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years? Continue to revise and achieve.

4. Build in personal and creative time. Absorb elements of peace and moments of calm. A

healthy cadence includes respite and rejuvenation. This is a part of a mental health check. If

you don't reset your body and brain, they will reset for you. Moments to exhale are just as

important as your most productive hours.

5. Put your resume away. In other words, do not be boring. So many of us have practiced our

elevator pitch to the point where we spew it out ferociously without even noticing the bodies we takedown in the process. Breathe. Pause. Listen. Connect with people. Find something in

common. Ask questions. Design a life where you are relatable. Where you know how to

appreciate the value in every encounter. Where you appreciate the connection more than the

picture that will serve as your next post.

You have the absolute authority to steer your life's direction. Appreciate your worth and know it is your time for your voice to be heard and for the world to see your talent. I thank you personally for your contributions.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Oriel Ross McKinney, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oriel Ross McKinney is a renowned Business Strategist, Author, and Speaker. Known as The Small Biz Engine®, her experience includes a successful 20-year tenure in Business Strategy and Development, Finance, Non-Profit Management, and Entrepreneurship.

As the mastermind behind several success stories, brands, and businesses, she methodically assesses her projects and delivers profit-driven strategies again and again. As a producer and co-host of the Many Hands Podcast, Oriel hones in on business & socially conscious topics while unveiling success in a brilliant way. For those looking to transition from corporate workplaces to entrepreneurship, read her anchor chapter in the anthology, Soaring Beyond the 9 to 5, or tap into one of her signature F.U.E.L.® Academy courses.

On a personal level, Oriel's biggest challenge and gift are being a mom to two children who were born prematurely. In her spare time, she supports preemie babies and their families in any way she can. Her motto is “You’re your greatest asset; invest in yourself.”



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