Written by: Diane Akkad, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Listening to your doctor is optional, a bold statement but one of truth. If you go into your doctor’s office for a common cold and are told to get rest, drink plenty of water and take some cough medicine, the chances of you doing that are very slim. You have a million things to do that can’t wait and a cold isn’t going to slow you down. So, you do already know that listening to your doctor is optional. Well, the same goes if your doctor tells you that you need to have surgery and there's no other way, except in this case, you listen to them without question because you're afraid of the unknown, so you follow their orders without question. Did you know it's optional in this scenario as well? In most cases, there are many other ways you can heal prior to needing surgery if you haven’t waited too long to get your diagnosis.

In previous years, we had limited resources and the world only knew what our doctors knew, but there have been so many advancements in healing and health that it is nearly impossible for your doctor to be aware and knowledgeable on all the different modalities available in successful healing today. Doctors attend medical school that has a set curriculum. After graduating a doctor has limited time between patients to research new discoveries and advancements in all fields, even if they were permitted to suggest an alternative to the current standard of care. In fact, doctors do not receive much information on nutrition, which is a basic necessity of life. Instead, they are taught which medication can help relieve the symptoms for various ailments.
An example of a different path is found here.
Diagnosis vs Prognosis
Depending on what your diagnosis is, there are a multitude of ways you can heal your body naturally if you choose to do so. Heart disease, Lupus, some cancers, Type 2 diabetes and Cervical Dysplasia are some examples out of a long list of diseases that have successfully been reversed, healed, put in remission, or had spontaneous regression occur (which isn’t spontaneous at all). All of these diseases are caused mainly by lifestyle choices. Most doctors will agree if cancer is in your family, it's in your genes, it's hereditary. The truth is that it is only hereditary because you follow the same lifestyle, environment, food choices and patterns that your family does. For example, if a mother drinks and smokes, has an unhealthy lifestyle, sedentary life and eats processed foods, chances are her children will grow up doing the same and get the same diseases she gets from that lifestyle and environment. On the other hand, if you have a mother who smokes and drinks and has an unhealthy lifestyle etc. and the child decides to follow a different path and exercises frequently, enjoys nature, eats unprocessed healthy organic foods, the chances of them getting the same diseases as their parents are very slim. The reason behind this is Epigenetics which shows your genetics can be controlled by your environment, therefore you do have very much control over your body and what diseases you may get. The China Study is an excellent example of your epigenetics playing a major role in disease. The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health is a book by T. Colin Campbell and his son, Thomas M. Campbell II.
The Truth Exposed
Depending on which doctor you visit or choose to listen to will determine your course of treatment. Many family doctors stick to the standard of care that they've been contracted to provide and prescriptions they have listed for each ailment. There are other doctors who realize that this is no longer effective and are now speaking out and urging you to do your own research as there are many other ways to heal, reverse and put into remission many of these lifestyle diseases. Of course, there are many governing bodies and lobbyists who do not want people to learn the truth, thus it is difficult to find a doctor in your area who will agree and advise you to look into other methods.
If you consider the most basic healing method of eating whole foods free from chemicals, it makes sense and will benefit your body, even if you choose to follow the standard of care protocols. There isn’t a conflict unless your doctor has something to lose. Have you noticed a pattern in our current sick care of sick-diagnosis-medication-surgery-more medication…not getting better but only trying to stop the symptoms from persisting? “Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates, the father of medicine. The Okinawans also believed that food is the medicine of life. Muslims believe “There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment” which is on the earth as food. The Chinese culture uses food as medicine as well as the Indigenous cultures and Ayurveda from India.
Treatment Plans
There are so many holistic, integrative treatment plans available to us and they all consist of nature’s basics of whole food, sun, clean body inside and out, clean water, fresh air and movement with nature. Many variations but all the same principles. Choose the path that you feel most aligned with.
An example can be found here.
A treatment plan example of an alternative, holistic or integrative method for cervical dysplasia (the first sign of damaged cells that can progress to cancerous cells if left untreated) would be to clean up your food and drink by investing in a quality water filter and choosing organic foods where possible, take time out of your busy life to sit and breath in the moment, reflect on how you feel and what you can do to feel better in your life, work on any emotional turmoil, create peace in your mind, get out in nature, bring your vitamin and mineral levels up to optimal levels. Get a monthly massage to move your lymphatic system. Try Acupuncture or Bowen therapy. Add movement into your day, take immune boosting herbs, tinctures and supplements, maybe try escharotics (Cervical escharotic treatments are a non-surgical treatment alternative to loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), cryotherapy, conization and laser ablation for individuals who have been diagnosed with cervical dysplasia, which is a pre-cancerous condition of the cervix.) as it has been shown to ignite healing. Visualization is a powerful tool to get your body to initiate healing as well. Tell yourself you are healing and visualize it while you imagine the feeling of what it would be like to heal.
If it can only bring benefit, wouldn’t you want to try everything possible to heal and possibly save your life? Any alternative treatment can be used to compliment your doctors’ orders if that’s what you choose, but let it be your choice. For example, high dose vitamin C has been shown to help chemotherapy, antibiotics and vaccinations work better if you chose to go that way, but the vitamin C also protects the body from the associated harmful effects of these treatments as well. Always seek medical advice and second opinions from your doctor as well as alternative treatments such as naturopaths and health coaches to gain as much knowledge as you can before making your decision to be sure you are comfortable with it and have been made aware of all possibilities available to you.
As your mind believes everything you think, say and feel. Tell yourself you’re healed!
Limited Beliefs – Infinite Belief
Get back to basics whether you believe in God, spirit, higher power, science or nothing. Your body is built on and needs vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, carbohydrates, sun, air and movement to function and can heal itself as we have all seen when we get cuts and scrapes, or broken bones. If given the right tools, every part of our body can heal. It is possible! Dr. Joe Dispenza was in an accident and injured his spine. He visualized each vertebrae healing and reconstructed his spine in his mind. He would do this constantly while lying in the hospital day after day until his spine began to heal itself. He said the moment it clicked, was when he could feel the feeling he’d have once it healed. Your beliefs are so very powerful and can be used for self-sabotage or self-care.
My favorite quotes:
Let thy food be thy medicine – Hippocrates.
Health care is self-care – Jane Esselstyn.
Eat like you give a damn – Herbivore Clothing.

Diane Akkad, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Diane Akkad, is an innovator in the field of coaching as she has forged a different path based on her own experience trying to navigate the medical system after being diagnosed with Cervical Dysplasia. Diane wasn't comfortable with the standard of care offered (surgery), so she went to work researching everything written on Dysplasia and charted her own healing path. One year later she had completely reversed and healed her Cervical Dysplasia. As part of her healing, Akkad enrolled in some Integrative Health programs leading to her new found passion. Diane is the owner of Integrative Mental Health & Wellness where she helps others navigate the medical system and their new diagnosis to healing THEIR way.
Heal Documentary
When The Body Says No- Book by Dr Gabor Mate