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Listening And Hearing With Heart And Mind To Create Peer Support Networks In Education

Written by: Christina Henderson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Christina Henderson

One of the six values The Canadian Association of School System Administrators has adopted is Well-Being. They are committed to promoting the psychological, cognitive, social, and physical functioning and capabilities students need to live a happy and fulfilling life* (OECD definition) and support initiatives and partnerships that promote the well-being of school system leaders.

Teacher and students inside the classroom.

Peer Support Networks are one initiative that can be implemented organically and is a strength-based way to promote the well-being of the whole educational community. Let’s explore what a Peer Support Network is and the benefits of creating Peer Support Networks in educational settings.

Peer support refers to walking alongside someone with a shared lived experience. It involves valuing experience as expertise and being supported in a way that doesn’t take away a person’s power, dignity, or safety but honors their strengths and innate gifts. Therefore, a Peer Support Network is an amalgamation of people with similar experiences uniting to create a community of support without judgment that fosters belonging. Developing a Peer Support Network means creating brave and safe spaces for youth and adults in the building to show up in vulnerability and be heard and understood.

One challenge school and school system leaders face is staying meaningfully connected to all students, staff, and parents. The solution begins with listening and hearing with heart and mind.

Repeatedly, educational research identifies relationships and social connectedness as critical factors in thriving academic communities. The idea of Peer Support Networks directly connects to reimagining school leadership because they are authentically created by linking to lived experiences. They support establishing a positive school culture where everyone feels heard, understood, and belonging. This, in turn, connects to teacher, leader, parent, and student wellness. School leaders don’t have to “administer” anything to create these networks; they must listen, learn and lead.

Another point to consider, seventy percent of persons with a mental illness see their symptoms begin before age 18. There is a growing awareness that adolescents are more likely to reach out to peers than adults for support for mental health concerns. Developing Peer Support Networks with youth for youth in educational settings focuses on connection, belonging, inclusion, and diversity to foster positive mental health. Peer Support Networks, in this case, foster student agency and empower students to have a voice.

Through shared stories, Peer Support Networks build connections, validate uniqueness, and promote well-being in self and others. Peer Support Networks are about relating emotionally. Expressing what matters and focusing on what’s strong. These networks change the narrative to asking, “What happened to you?” instead of “What’s wrong with you?” They help participants gain insight, deepen self-awareness, remove barriers, and help educators re-think a situation, turning problems into opportunities

Please contact me here if you want to learn more and receive my one-pager on steps to creating Peer Support Networks in your setting.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Christina Henderson Brainz Magazine

Christina Henderson, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Christina is a leader in Peer Support coaching and facilitation. As the mom of 27-year-old sons who both have special needs and an educator for the past 18 years, Christina brings her lived experience and story to everything she does. She walks the talk and offers an authentic, purposeful experience to whomever she works with, whether it be parents, youth, educators, or corporate staff.

Christina is the owner of Peerspectives Consulting and Facilitation, a certified Peer Support Worker, and a certified Flourishing Educator, Wellness, and Relationship Coach. Christina moved into peer support and coaching as an extension of her passion for connecting people with the resources they need to thrive. Her mission is to help people focus on the strong, not the wrong.

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