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Like Attracts Like — 4 Tips to Magnetize Your True Desires

Written by: Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Ever heard the old saying, like attracts like? As with all age-old wisdom, there’s more than just a grain of truth in it.

In short, the current situation you find yourself in is the outward manifestation and echo of your inner beliefs and thoughts being reflected back at you. It’s what I like to term, mirrors and magnets.

So, if you’re wondering why business is suddenly tough, or you’re working with difficult and hard to please clients, I invite you to look deeper at yourself and the current (hidden) beliefs you may be holding. It’s these that could be causing the issues and it’s these that need to be released for you to move into a space where you’re able to attract more of what you truly want with more ease.

For those who may be skeptical, did you know that the Law of Attraction has its base in Quantum Physics? There is nothing “fluffy” about this science. It is built around four irrefutable facts:

a. Everything is energy

b. Everything has a vibration

c. Like energies attract like energies

d. Your thoughts and feelings create your vibrations

To put it simply, it means that if you’re worried about the state of your business, a relationship, or feeling as though work is hard, or that your ability to attract new clients has faltered, you’re functioning in a vibration of anxiety. Subconsciously, this worry is where your focus is. It’s the energy you’re giving out to the universe. This means that it’s also the energy you’re attracting back to you.

The key to changing this situation is to re-calibrate your mindset and turbocharge your vibrational set-point so that you increase your capacity to receive more of your desires and dreams. In order to do this, it’s important to fully understand the concept of mirrors and magnets and how you can use it to your advantage.

To start, here are four pieces of advice for you to ponder, which can help you, wherever you are on your wealth and business journey, start to attract bigger and better things:

1. Clearly, and carefully, identify your intention

Words are very important here. For instance, you might say to yourself, “I need to work with more clients.” Can you notice where your attention is? It is on your needs i.e. lack of enough clients . Subconsciously you are focusing on this and so attracting more of the very thing you wish to be free from! You need to re-frame how you think and how you see things so that you do not focus on your lack of something!

Instead, why not try this: “I have the capacity to contribute to more clients and make a bigger impact.” In this instance, the focus is on making a bigger difference and working with more clients. Can you feel the instant upbeat change in your energy when you refresh your thinking?

2. The why behind the desire

Once you’ve clarified your intention, it’s important to feel into the WHY behind the desire. Injecting this WHY with strong emotion makes your thoughts even more magnetic, taking your attraction set-point a few notches higher. For instance, “I have decided to earn multi six figures easily because it gives me the financial freedom to buy the house of my dreams, donate more to charity and have loads of fun,” is far more magnetic than saying, “I want to be rich.”

The statement of your intent has a real injection of the WHY; the true emotions behind your desire. You need to really feel how amazing it is to be living in your dream home, enjoying yourself, whilst helping those in need at the same time. Let the feelings of this belief fill you up.

Remember, it’s all mirrors and magnets. If you dream it and believe it….it is yours!

3. Manage the delay, and clear all beliefs that no longer serve you

Once you’ve established your intention and felt into the emotion behind the desire, so it resonates fully, then it’s time to check if you have any opposing beliefs to receiving. If you do, clear them. This is vital. If your desire for a more successful business and a multi-six to seven-figure income is aligned with all the beliefs you hold inside, it’s not a problem.

However, if you’re subconsciously holding any negative beliefs such as, “rich people are bad people” or “rich people are always unhappy,” you’ll create resistance around your dreams for a multi six to seven-figure business, as whilst you want to manifest the wealth you don’t want to be unhappy or be seen to be bad.

Remember, The Law of Attraction is always working.

Many clients have come to me because they’ve found themselves in just this sort of situation: that despite their best efforts to align to their intentions, their situation has not improved and they are frustrated. Using Energy Kinesiology – discussed HERE – which involves using your body as a kinesiology dousing rod, we’re able to flush out all the limiting beliefs they never knew they had!

This could be anything: from traumas from previous business experiences that created hidden limiting beliefs impacting growth now - to- listening to their parents talking about there never being enough money, or that life is a struggle, or that money doesn’t equal happiness. You’d be amazed at some of the pesky hidden thoughts that we unearth, especially when it comes to money and success.

These sneaky beliefs are acting like a magnet – attracting the very things you want to be rid of. The trick is to identify each limiting thought your monkey mind has hidden away and then clear it using Energy Kinesiology. Only then can you truly start to be in alignment with your desires.

4. Be Unattached to the Outcome

Now here is the last, often forgotten, tip you need to remember.

Be unattached to the outcome, desire it and let it go. Where people can trip themselves up, is by being attached to the when and how it happens, which pushes the outcome away.

Desperately wanting something is attracting the wrong vibration.

Desperately being the keyword here…. because, like attracts like. If you’re detached and operating in the spirit of curiosity, then you’re far more likely to receive the conclusion you most desire. Let me explain.

Imagine going to a new business meeting. You’ve prepared well and are positive. What you need to remember is that you cannot control the outcome. So the invitation is to let go of the outcome “has'' to come from this meeting. The outcome is coming, you will receive it. All you have to do is focus on your desire, and the simple intention that everything will go well and whatever happens, the universe has your back. You’re far more likely to magnetize what you truly want if you work from a place of openness, gratitude, appreciation and learning. And it may just be that the desired outcome or better is coming, but it’s not from that meeting.

Putting these tips into practice is a great place to start on your journey to attracting your dreams and desires…. from whatever vibrational space your money and business currently inhabit.

But remember, these are only the tip of the iceberg. If you’d like to know more about developing an alignment with prosperity and becoming a magnet for wealth, then why not find out more on my FREE Align to Wealth Masterclass….We’re going to spend 10 days together in a private forum where I coach you via 5 powerful masterclasses on how to align to wealth so that you create a breakthrough in your income. It could be your next step on the way to achieving the next level of the financial success of your dreams.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Louisa Havers, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Louisa Havers is an internationally renowned Master Transformational Coach, Master Manifesting teacher, Master Akashic Records teacher (Soul Journeys® Method), and business mentor. She enables high achievers and coaches to unlock their superpowers, turbo-charge soul-aligned magnetism, and "lift the ceiling" in both their lives and businesses. It’s a journey Louisa knows works as she’s personally undertaken it. Years spent leading change in the highly pressurized and stressful social services sector led to shingles and chronic fatigue, compelling her to break free from the corporate matrix of overwork. It was the first step to creating her own life of freedom and dream business income. Louisa enables clients across the globe to activate quantum leaps to success in their journey to fulfillment, self-love, and a six / seven-figure income. Daring to live your life’s purpose is genuinely possible under Louisa’s loving, powerful and insightful guidance.

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