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Leveraging Universe For Success & Happiness In 4 Easy Steps Plus 3 Important Caveats To Keep In Mind

Written by: Jacqueline Rhule, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


I want to start by explaining how nurturing, supportive and life-giving this wonderful universe is.

It supports everything.

It sustains life.

It quite simply, IS.

This universe really does have everything rigged in your favour. Your natural propensity to succeed, to be happy, to live your best life, is already set up.

In the words of my favourite metaphysical teacher, Abraham Hicks, “when you ask it is given”.

Don’t you think it’s amazing how this huge ball of dirt moves around this big burning star, giving us night and day and everything in between? You couldn’t possibly organise that yourself could you.

Be thankful that this benevolent force knows exactly what to do and does it even whilst you sleep.

Whatever angle you think from regarding the creation of the universe, I think we can all agree, it’s pretty damn amazing!


Tapping into it from the spiritual perspective, we can do more than “exist” in it, we can leverage it to create success and happiness in our lives, with more fun and faster.

This is something everyone would like – agreed?

Especially when creating or growing a new/existing business BUT you want to still have a life!

I want to start you off with 4 Easy Steps that you can take – right now - to leverage the Universe. You can do it with the prowess of your favourite superheroine/hero… and it doesn’t cost a penny.

Towards the end of this article, I will also give you 3 important caveats to these steps.

1. Get detailed and write down how you’d like your life to look.

This can be soooo much fun!

Unlike James Bond - 007, you are giving yourself a “Licence to THRILL.”

Think Aladdin, Genie, Lamp – only you get way more than 3 wishes.

Some questions to ask yourself to get your juices flowing when writing:

Where do you live?

What’s your lifestyle?

What’s your family set up?

What’s your relationship status?

What do you do in your free time?

What’s your dream business?

What’s your desired income?

What’s on your Bucket List?

Set the scene for this exercise.

Pick a date when you have free time, in a quiet and private setting, comfortable physically and your mind is clear.

Get yourself a lovely notebook, a fancy pen and set an intention that you will have the time of your life, creating your ideal life. No holds barred. Fully in your power.

Then write your life into being. No filter and dream as big as you can, as whatever you write is private, between you and the universe.

For this to be truly expansive and effective, you will have to lose that human tendency to want to make it “realistic” AND resist the urge to include other people’s thoughts, and opinions, into the mix.

They haven’t ever walked in your exact shoes so they would never truly understand your desires.

2. Think about who you would need to be to achieve your life and biz goals.

How would you ideally want to show up in the world?

Would you be strong, knowledgeable, confident, surefooted, loving, caring, happy, lucky, strong in the knowledge that everything you touch turns to gold?

Would you believe in yourself and your vision EVEN IF you cannot see anything materialising in the physical first?

Think about it, write it down, describing in as much detail as you can.

Imagine walking through life as that person – pretty cool right?

Embody the thoughts, feelings and attitude of the person you expect to become. The more you embody who you really want to be, the more you will become that person, even whilst nothing much may have changed in the physical world around you - yet.

We live in a universe based on attraction, so when you are living from your ideal persona, fully, then your outer world just has to respond to you as that person - eventually.

3. Kick back and visualise your dream life.

Set aside, daily, 5 mins, to visualise aspects of what you’ve written, engaging all the emotions.

Whenever you have more time and are particularly in a happy and relaxed mood, it’s quite delicious to spend x15 mins visualising your desired outcomes.

When you do this regularly, thereby building momentum, more of your existence will be spent believing and acting from who you intend to be.

As time goes by, you will start to have your visualisations flashing back in your mind like a “showreel”. This is so magical and I love it when it happens to me. You’ll be going about your daily activities and get a beautiful rush of thoughts, feelings and images of your ideal life, playing for you.

When that happens, don’t force it, just let it play out for your pleasure, however fleeting it may be, at first. It’s a gift from the universe telling you you’re right on track.

The key is to stay relaxed and not cling to it. Let it come and go.

4. What states of being do you want to achieve for yourself, consistently?

Happy, peaceful, loving, enthusiastic, curious, kind, joyful, funny, etc.?

The above are all high-frequency states of being.

It’s so important to think about because you can have the physical stuff, the people, the businesses, the locations but you need to feel aligned in your soul, operating from those states of being more of the time. After all, the reason you want the stuff is because you believe they will give you those states of being.

Once you’ve done the above exercises, you will witness the universe, in its magical motion. You’ll be inspired to take all sorts of actions and you won’t feel drained of energy and enthusiasm doing so.

In the meantime, the universe is lining up the perfect people that you want to speak to and the perfect opportunities that you had been seeking.

Just think, you couldn’t possibly have sifted through every single opportunity and approached every single person on the planet, in the hope of them/it being just what you were looking for.

Keeping your focus allows the universe to lock into your frequency and respond with people, situations and things that match it.

This is how it works on your behalf to meet your requests when you leverage it, doing your bit and keeping yourself happy, regardless.

Even if you don’t consider yourself spiritual or believe in a higher power, I’m sure you can see how you can enhance your chances of success and happiness, faster, by simply doing the 4 steps I talked about. You’ve primed your brain to be alert to anything that matches your visions and because what you’ve dreamt of thrills you so much, you cannot wait to take action.

x3 Caveats to Leveraging the Universe

It is fantastic doing the above 4 steps, however, I strongly suggest you take on board the x3 caveats following:

I. You have to take any inspired actions that you can, now. The universe is continually dropping ideas into your mind. It’s up to you to follow them.

II. Don’t hold to your life unfolding precisely as you’ve dreamt it. The universe has the aerial view and knows every single thing you said you wanted. A lot of stuff you’ve forgotten you even said you wanted. It will better slot things together and guide you towards the fulfilment of your desires, even grander than you could’ve ever managed.

III. Visualise then let go. Release any attachment. It helps you stay present in the now and stops you from building up resistance because you don’t see your desires instantly manifest before you. There’s a buffer of time. Embrace it.

So, my question to you is, doesn’t it make sense to leverage this amazing universe for more happiness and success, in a faster timescale, without the grind?

You can find Jacqueline on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or visit her website!


Jacqueline Rhule, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jacqueline Rhule is a Business Coach (Business Coaching With Heart & Soul) who helps entrepreneurs to grow their businesses with much more ease and flow and turn their passion to prosperity faster. She also coaches you in the other areas of your life to ensure an optimum work-life balance, all within the realms of personal growth, spirituality, and the law of attraction. She believes that most of the work lies in improving the mindset and clearing any negative thought patterns that are holding you back. When coupled with practical business steps and advice, an unstoppable momentum to success and greatly enhanced overall happiness levels can be achieved. Email her at

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