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Letting go of Self-Limiting Beliefs

Written by: Carla Keibler, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you ever wanted something in your life but never seem to see any evidence of it? You wish your life would be different but keep running in that same hamster wheel day after day? Have you ever taken the time to ask the question, why?

Most people live in limitations or self-limiting beliefs that can stop you in your tracks even before taking the first step. You may think you are not good enough, undeserving of good things in your life, scarcity of finite resources, overwhelmed, feel unheard, and unloved.

Honestly, it can be exhausting carrying all those burdens on your shoulders to see any movement in your life.

We go through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. It shows up in our choices of relationships, career opportunities, scarcity or abundance, confident or low self-esteem, and so many other ways.

Taking the time to really seek the real answers, removing limitations of limiting beliefs, can free you to grow toward the goals you want to see happen in your life.

I spent many years living in self-limiting beliefs. I was painfully shy for many years. Afraid to say anything contributing to conversations. I just accepted that was just who I was even though inside I was bursting to speak freely, I just kept quiet.

I had let someone else words of frustration alter my life for many years. But not anymore. I am now an impacting speaker and transformation coach strategist, teaching and guiding others to challenge and break away from limitations, holding them back from the life they want. To speak up and give their passion and purpose a voice.

We have made choices, detours, and mistakes in our life, but that is all behind you. Learn from it, grow, adjust and get on the road to your authentic purpose. A life of beauty, fulfillment, freedom, and purpose.

If you want to be transformed – see a change in your life – you have to live life intentionally. If you want to become the person you have the potential to be, to live a life you love, you must believe you can.

The majority of the people don’t lead their life – they just accept their life which takes them down the path to unfulfillment, passiveness, and regrets at the end of their life. Saying “I wish I did” instead of “I’m glad I did.”

When those things of your past try to pop up their ugly head, remind them who you are – you are more than enough -be persistent and determined to have a “no matter what” mentality in looking forward and keep running toward the life- the goals- that has been planted in your heart even before you took your first breath here on this earth.

I believe that whatever has happened in your life, the setbacks, the misfortunate, undeserving, and unexpected things - that you can still choose to make it into something that is of value and beautiful.

Don’t let your past predetermine your future. No amount of guilt or shame can change the past, and no amount of worry, fear, or anxiety can change the future.

Every aspect of your life, personal or professional, is impacted by the way you see yourself. Let your value show with a clear lens. To know you are unique, wonderful, and powerful.

The only limits that you have in your life are the limits that you allow. If you accept them as truth, then you will live like that. Don’t live your life by limiting beliefs and self-sabotage your future. This kind of life may seem too good to be true, but it is definitely possible and a life worth living. It is worth the process of dismantling any self-limiting beliefs that hold you, prisoner.

If you live your life on autopilot, you will get the life you don’t want—live life with intentions. You will get the life you love.

To give your passion and purpose a voice of positivity, hope, freedom, and love that every single person on this planet desires to have in their life.

You can allow yourself to stay in stuck mode, self-limiting beliefs, and carry the weight on your own shoulders. Or you can choose to live a life intentionally that will take you from limiting beliefs to unlocking your potential within you. It will launch you into greater things of a life well-lived.

When you want a change and gain insight into your internal world, your way of thinking, self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your authentic self, then your external world will reflect that change.

Your thoughts, your habits, your choices you make today become your reality for tomorrow. Create the greatness that you were put on this earth to do, be, and become. Each one of us is here for a purpose, so sparkle and shine your amazing self to the world.

I believe in you! Take steps of growth every day toward an extraordinary life of limitless beauty.

Take the mute off of your voice - just know that you can speak up and reflect your value, your thoughts, contributing and adding value to the world around you.

If your voice seems to be on mute, your self-worth, your identity, then check out what is going on in your internal world, what program is replaying in your thought life and affecting areas of your life.

There is a fine line between the life you have and the life you want, and the difference is often just a matter of how you think and what you believe. If you confront, identify, and change your beliefs, you’ll clear the way for growth, fulfillment, and freedom.

Today, take actions! Take a look at your life and the beliefs that led you there. The goals, desires, dreams that you envision for your life are you pursuing them? Or, are you allowing limiting beliefs to alter your life that is more than likely not true but has adapted them as truth and holding you back from greater things ahead?

Become unstoppable! Become authentic in your purpose and goals!

For more info, follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or visit my website!


Carla Keibler, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Carla Keibler is a leader in mindset awareness and revealing self-limiting beliefs. She also specializes in helping women discover their unique passion and purpose.

After struggling for many years in these areas, the pain she went through birthed a passion that has helped many women unveil their power and beauty within.

She is the Queen Visionary of Broken into Greatness and the President of Greatness Publishing. She is a dynamic speaker and a highly respected coach.

Her mission: to help women transform by converting their aspirations into their realities.

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