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‘Letting Go’ And ‘Letting In’ – The Secret To Success, Fulfilment, & Happiness

Written by: Leah Bernath, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you ever reached a point in life where you feel stuck, blocked, or encounter major resistance in your path to success or happiness? You consistently put forth massive efforts, pushing harder towards your goals, yet your desired outcome remains unattainable. You experience a litany of struggles yet cannot identify why you keep encountering these roadblocks in your journey. You find yourself questioning what you are doing wrong or may even convince yourself the Universe is out to get you. Whether you are challenged in career growth, financial abundance, or personal relationships these barriers that present themselves are powerful indicators that your energy is misaligned. “Letting go” and “letting in” is the secret to success, fulfillment, and happiness.


‘Letting go’ is “to stop holding or gripping (something or someone),” {Merriam-Webster}. When you feel resistance in your path toward what you desire, it is likely an indication you are grasping too tightly to the wheel of control. Letting go is the art of releasing all outcomes, expectations, and preconceived notions – past, present, and future, surrounding whatever you deeply desire. For example, you may have spent months overperforming at work, putting in extensive overtime to compete for a promotion, only to find out a younger colleague accepted the coveted VP role. Though this is highly disappointing news, you can avoid spiraling into despair when you learn to master ‘letting go’ of control.

So, what does ‘letting go’ look like? It could be as simple as releasing the thought that your worthiness is determined by this title (i.e., a limiting belief), or the assumption that this promotion is your earned right as you have dedicated many years with this company (i.e., an expectation). You can also let go of the feeling that overtime and personal burnout is the only path to getting the promotion (i.e., controlling the process). You can reduce feelings of resentment, disappointment, and pain when you eliminate the need for a specific outcome or expectation. Should you still aspire for achievement and have goals? Absolutely! Put forth regular energy and effort towards your desires, but do not stand in your own way, creating resistance through rigidity in method, thoughts, process, or outcomes.

When you can learn to ‘let go’ of control surrounding whatever you crave, you will feel lighter and happier. You find yourself enjoying the journey more, celebrating your daily efforts along the way. You find greater fulfillment and peace. And you will begin to align your energy in a way that ATTRACTS more of what you desire as you are no longer generating resistance in your path. When you genuinely release the need to control the journey and/or end game, you INVITE and ALLOW creative ideas and innovations to flourish. This is where the magic of ‘letting in’ occurs.


‘Letting in’ is “the art of allowing information or participation to flow” {Merriam-Webster}. When you are open and energetically aligned with the Universe, you attract greater abundance. Often known as the “Law of Attraction,” this principle is the concept that you can cultivate or manifest anything you profoundly desire. The mindset of ‘letting in’ requires being emotionally and mentally available to new thoughts, opportunities, experiences, people, situations, etc. When you are in the space of allowing, you send an invitation to the Universe to PROVIDE. You embrace each day despite what has not yet manifested into your reality as you trust that it's already enroute to you.

So, let’s say, for example, you dream of getting married and starting a family though you find yourself still single in your late thirties. You spent years on dating apps, enduring countless hours on miserable dates with no success. You consciously decide you will no longer dwell on dating or attempt to control the process of “finding the one.” Congrats! You have now earned a degree in ‘letting go.’ Instead, you enjoy each day and the new experiences that you are attracting (i.e., ‘letting in’). You direct your energy and focus inward, all the while trusting that there are limitless ideal partners just waiting to find you. You feel much more confident, secure, content, and joyful in each day. You say yes to new opportunities and people that you meet, only when aligned with what you desire. Before you know it you find yourself chatting with a cute guy in line at the local coffee shop. You have your first date and after months of seeing each other, realize you finally found your forever person. You are amazed and in awe your dream is coming true. When you are open to new experiences, opportunities, people, and ideas you are calling-in what you desire – inviting the Universe to “bring it.” An remember when you master ‘letting go’ and ‘letting in’ the Universe ALWAYS delivers!

Follow me on Instagram and visit my website for more info!


Leah Bernath, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Leah Bernath, Leader/CEO of Your Best Self, LLC, is a leading mindset coach, helping her clients thrive amidst difficult life transitions, master self-love, and design and live the life of their dreams. As a multidisciplinary expert in health and fitness and interior design, Leah's passionate about helping others feel and function optimally. As single mother of two, a mental health advocate who has overcome anxiety and depression, and a woman who's endured many life changes, her mission is to help others master their mindset, break through roadblocks to fulfillment, and embrace their best self. Her Mission: Find Your Fabulous.

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