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Letting Go

Written by: Amy Morgan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


One of the hardest things we have to learn in life is how to let go. Letting go is a practice to support our acceptance of reality. We all have a vision of what we thought our life would or should be like or what we thought we wanted. We limit ourselves and get in our way of achieving new things by not letting go and living in the past.

Letting go is all about seeing the reality that is right in front of you and learning how to accept any situation, taking personal responsibility, and learning to begin again.

Holding on is an instinct, but it prevents us from hitting our true potential because we are focused on the past and the things we don’t have currently. Holding on fulfills our needs for safety and security. Safety & security are part of the basic needs of all humans that drive all of our behaviors.

Fortunately, there is a process to learn to let go to really embrace and thrive in your current situation.

Start with recognizing that you are living in the past. What you want to be true isn’t. You need to learn to live in the present moment, and focusing on what you don’t have keeps you in a lack mindset. You are in wishful thinking instead of reality. When you can live in the present, of exactly what is true, you can look at all you do have in abundance. You can change your thoughts to gratitude, which will immediately put you into a more positive mindset.

Next, focus on what is important to you. Choose your future you, the goals and desires that you want now. Be clear and specific and recognize that holding on will not create the environment you need to go forward and choose to want new things.

Next, stop blaming. Take full responsibility for your actions. We are only in control of ourselves. We always get to learn from past mistakes and choose better for ourselves going forward.

Learn to master your emotions. When you can pinpoint the exact emotion, feel it and release it, you begin to feel better. Holding on will take a toll on your physical and emotional health, and it needs to be released.

Always choose you. Choose your future, choose your wants and new choices. When you choose, it is not selfish. It is truly self-preservation for your own sanity and builds up your own self-worth that you deserve to have exactly what you want. You can learn to appreciate yourself.

When you can fully accept exactly what is and see situations for their current reality, you can rewrite your story. Tell yourself why you can get exactly what you want in a new relationship, a new career, and begin taking action steps towards the new desires.

By doing these steps, you will begin to feel better without the resistance of thinking the situation could have been anything different. You can then move forward with new goals and new expectations.


Amy Morgan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Amy Morgan is a Transformational Empowerment Coach who helps successful women let go of their past, break free of limiting beliefs, and align with their future selves so that they can be unstoppable! Amy uses a holistic approach that allows you to remove the obstacles that hold you back and cultivate awareness & habit upgrades permanently. Amy created “The YES YOU CAN” Program that uses Transformational Techniques to provide mindset shifts for her clients to achieve true inner peace, worthiness, and confidence so that their personal and professional dreams become their reality. Yahoo Financial named Amy as Top Coach for 2021. Amy works with both 1-1 private clients and a group coaching program, Yes You Can, using her unique approach so that you can heal, live fully, and transform to achieve all your dreams.



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