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Learning to Trust — Life and Business with More Ease, Joy, and Flow

Written by: Katie Johns, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


So often, clients come to me because they are not getting a particular result in their life or business. They feel stuck, unfulfilled, and not sure what direction to go in. Old feelings of unworthiness and not-enoughness creep to the surface and transpire as procrastination, comparisonitis, and disconnection.

So one of the very first things I start working with clients on is trust and stepping into your own personal power because of it. Fully owning your self-worth and trusting you are perfect just as you are.

It is incredible how much energy we waste on second-guessing ourselves, wondering if we made the right decision, if people like us, debating if a new product/service/offer is good enough, or if we said the right or wrong thing.

Imagine how liberating it would be if we simply decided that we always make the right decisions and the Universe is always conspiring in our favor?

That’s learning to trust.

Trusting the Universe has your back, trusting you will always be shown the right way, trusting you know enough, that you are enough, that your message needs to be heard, just as it is.

Trusting that the right answers are always shown, that you always make the right decisions and the right opportunities always appear. Because when you start acting (Being) from this kind of energy, things really start to shift, you start to shift, because for once, you are fully backing yourself, rather than just berating yourself.

Imagine what life would be like if you:

  • Connected to your next-level self and trusted what she/he showed you.

  • Trusted that it is safe to be all of you, the real you, just as you are.

  • Believed you could create a successful business by being all of you.

  • Made a conscious effort to turn away from fear, doubt, and shoulds

  • Stopped following someone else's rulebook and started making your own.

  • Start backing yourself every single day.

That’s trust, and that is true power.

This is about you creating your perfectly aligned life/business because it’s come from a place of connection to your soul, not from something external to you (a societal expectation or what somebody else is doing in your field).

It’s what I call a Soul Goal, and it comes from deep within you and might look completely different from the type of desires your ego wants you to have.

And this can be hard. We live in a society that looks for external validation, that tells us how success looks and feels, we are bombarded with notions of how life should be, benchmarks that tell us when we have made it, so much, so we start to believe it ourselves. We start looking for ways to attain ‘success’ to feel whole/good enough/fixed. We buy things. We follow the methods. But still, we don’t feel what we had hoped or get the results we were promised, and the cycle of ‘not enoughness’ continues.

We have to break the cycle in order to become truly free. We have to listen to our soul.

And often, those soul desires are buried deep under limiting beliefs, subconscious blocks, and our own saboteurs. It can sometimes be hard to even find them on our own, to know what is ours and what is someone else's, and that’s why getting help with this process is so invaluable. Someone to help you unpeel the layers, deconstruct the stories, support and guide you as you uncover the lies we tell ourselves in order to keep yourself safe.

And all of this is a practice.

Even though I have been living my life and running my business like this for years now [and coaching others to do the same], I can still slip. The old paradigm dies hard…

But the more you embrace a life of trust, knowing that the Universe has your back, believing in yourself, uncovering the BS you are telling yourself, and moving through it, the more evidence you will acquire and the easier it becomes. So just keep checking moment by moment and ask yourself what you need, connecting in with your higher self. Trusting.

Trusting the universe

Trusting the process (and giving yourself permission)

Trusting you ultimately know the way

Trusting you will take aligned actions consistently

Trusting you will follow soul, even when it makes no sense at all

Trusting love over fear

Trusting yourself

Over and over and over.

If you are struggling to trust, try these two exercises:

1. How can you learn to trust more? It really helps our brain to look for evidence, the times when we have been supported, situations have occurred in our favor, help or money has appeared, even if not the way we had planned it.

Write a list of everything you can think of, big and small, to really lock in how the Universe does have your back, it is safe for you to trust, and that life always works out in your favor (even if it doesn’t feel that way at the time). This helps build trust and gratitude and is something I often do to anchor myself back in when things feel a bit crazy and totally out of my control (everything is!).

2. What activities could you incorporate into your life on a daily basis to start connecting with your inner wisdom? For example, walking in nature/meditation/journaling?

I do my best not to let the outside world in until at least 10 am every day, 11 am if possible. I make sure I don’t look at my phone during this time, no texts, social media, or emails. For me walking in nature and journaling are the best ways to connect. During these moments of ‘space,’ I always get my best downloads, whether that be new content and ways to market my business, ideas for new programs, or client projects I am working on. It also sets the tone for the rest of the day. I am calmer, more inspired, and generally nicer to be around! It is a completely different energy to starting the day from the usual outside-in approach, straight into emails and hustle. I always set an intention for that ‘connecting in’ time, so I might ask myself a question for the walk or my journal ‘what do I need to know today?’ For example, ‘What is the most aligned action for me to take today?’ or ‘What do my soulmate clients need to hear today?’ and so forth.

And if you need some help, it’s what I do, and I would love to help you. Life is so much more magical on the side of trust, and I can gently support you to get there.


Katie Johns, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Katie Johns is a Soul-Led Business, Marketing & Inner Guidance Mentor who works with Conscious Change Makers, helping them to run and market their business from the soul through her particular method of soul + energy + action. Katie knows that the traditional, old paradigm ways of marketing and running a business can leave soul-led entrepreneurs feeling disconnected, burnt out, and unhappy. However, she believes that your business is an energetic extension of you, so if you are not in alignment with certain areas, you are not going to create the impact and legacy you desire.

Katie empowers soul-led entrepreneurs to start doing business their way, connecting them back to their purpose, passion, and personal power, ready to take inspired, aligned action in the direction of their dreams. Doing business and marketing that feels good and does good.

Katie is a monthly contributor at Brainz and Soulacy magazine, and she is regularly asked to guest speak on podcasts about her subject.

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